Joined: 2009-08-05
Points: 43

Andre Stosur
Chicago, IL
About Me:
I have been a general contractor, a plumber, an electrician, a carpenter, a hvac installer, a satellite dish installer, a body and fender specialist, and a mechanic.
I worked as a building maintenance engineer for a turnkey industrial/commercial developer.
The last 15 years of my existance has allow me to be a custom cabinet/furniture maker. It's fun but the hrs. don't add up with financial rewards.
I'm looking to do some real estate investing and have my piece of the pie. New career title Andre Stosur. Consultant/Investor
I love looking at pretty women! Fast old cars. The wind in my face, cruising on a motorcycle. Collecting rents from my properities.
Welcome and congratulations for being part of the DG website community. The website is packed with great information and inspiration. I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate investing. Each day continue to increase your knowledge with real estate and before long good things will happen. Go for it, you can do it! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe