C Michelle

All About C Michelle

C Michelle
New York City
Leaning as much as possible about real estate investing

Topics I've Participated In

Buy and Hold ? Yes at least for now. northwest1216 years 1 week ago
How To Find YOUR Great Deal Anitarny316 years 21 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


what the h!#%$!

sully's picture

i hate that stupid friggin' "capcha" crap(in the PM's)

Anyway, the reason i advised that person to finish reading the book FIRST, was because they had a ton of "rookie" questions and were NOT ready to venture out into the "field" yet, at least thats how i felt. You see, i wanted to jump right in as well after only ready a tiny bit of the book, but unless you've had PRIOR REI experience then, usually your NOT ready, i strongly feel in reading the WHOLE book and then some, meaning i may have to read some parts twice to get it, understand? This isn't some game, this is a BUSINESS and theirs a LOT of things at stake when your in a real life situation, you NEED to be PREPARED for when certain situations arise, "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" it may sound cliche', but it couldn't be more TRUE, YOUR HERO, SULLY. Sticking out tongue

question # 2: answer

sully's picture

o.k. Michelle, here's what an LLC is: well first, LLC: stands for Limited Liability Company.

The purpose is basically this: You really need not to worry about an LLC YET, however after you start doing a couple of deals you'll want to probably invest in one, They PROTECT your ASSETS, so if someone sues you, your LLC(company) will NOT be affected, it's also known as your formal business, like ex. MICHELLE INVESTMENTS, LLC(that would be your company name), so in other words, if you start an LLC you'll start doing deals in your business name, which will also only affect the business credit, NOT your personal credit, SULLY.


Hi Guys!
Jeremy, (thebossspringsteenfan) and I (AngelaK) have been talking online and we are sending this message to everyone who joined the DG REI club (Tri State Area Investors NY,NJ,PA,CT) We want this club to actually mean something and not just be a “thing to join”
Please send me a PM, (personal message) … find my DG name on the deangraziozi.com site AngelaK and then click on (send PM) send me a message to me with your email address and in a couple of sentences, tell me your position: eg: I have down payment money, I am approved for a mortgage, I own property already , I have nothing, I have no money, I have no credit, I just bought the book, I am new to real estate investing. There is no right answer there is no wrong answer. We are all here to help each other. We are all interested in the same thing and we can all make money right now. Jeremy and I are trying to figure out everyone’s position and how we can help each other right now. Respond quickly,, we are highly motivated and we plan to accomplish! Jeremy and I are going change the world !!! We are looking for motivated people to come and take this ride with us!

(Send a PM message, It is private between you and me … I plan to make a master list of everyone’s email address and pass the completed list on to everyone else in our group.

Hi Michelle

John A's picture

Just wanted to say hi & welcome you to the DG site Smiling Don't hesitate to ask me anything about REI to help you on your way to success, so ask away & stay in touch on your progress...

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.

Loan from Mr. Hocket

By any chance did this guy get back to you about a loan? Please let me know the outcome if you don't mind.