
All About LKInvestments

Lydell Kjos

Topics I've Participated In

How I turned $500 into $30,000 cbrpower4110 years 19 weeks ago
Great Deal For Someone LKInvestments016 years 34 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Paying $5000.00

I am paying $5000.00 to anyone who can bring me a buyer for my property. No cost to you. I will provide you with the Ad. and pictures. I ask that you advertise on “Respectable” sites only. Classifieds or send it to any of your contacts or other investors.
The property is located in Northern Minnesota. Total 90 acres mostly wooded with over three miles of wide groomed trails, creek, and pond. Excellent hunting. 2200sq. ft. ranch style 4bd 2ba home with many large roundtop windows. 2 car garage, medal hip roof barn with cement floor, electric, and well in barn. I will send you more detailed info. as well as pictures.


Get back with me , Jim