Real Estate Investor

All About annettebates

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Annette Bates
About Me: 

I am an entreprenuer and always have been. I am an honest, dependable, hard-working person. If someone needs help they know they can call on me. I love helping people. And YES I am very computer illerate.

I am a positive thinking person. I know I can do this and can't wait to get my first deal done. REMEMBER: If it's to be, it's up to me!

reading, listening to music, dancing, learning about everything, camping, making new friends

Topics I've Participated In

Steve and Veronica's Journal steve and veronica4718 years 14 weeks ago
Dean's Finance Center dgadmin2878 years 25 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad dgadmin24018 years 42 weeks ago
30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 46 weeks ago
Removing cigarette smoke HWBob198 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

Retired housewife/Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit


Thanks for your post

Hi, my name is Kevin and I think it is ironic that I signed on today after our BOG session this past weekend in Manhattan Beach CA and saw your message. My partner and I, Craig (brother) are very excited about our future. You live in Michigan and we have actually invested in your State. Now that we are armed with tools and help (mentors) we are headed to Michigan to really invest in property LOL......

This has been so exciting for the both of us. We will be heading back to Michigan the week of June 4, 2012. I would love to talk to you and see what other investor's are doing in the midwest. Let's talk soon.

Kevin Peters

New At This

annettebates's picture

Hi Kevin,
I just read your post to me and I am sorry I didn't read it sooner. I am not even sure how I found this spot. This is like the third time I started a journal and don't know where they are. LOL! Can you tell I am computer savy??? LOL. I am still trying to get my first deal done. How are you doing? I might have a lead on a house. Talk to you later.


Earnest Money

Can You tell me the process of getting a buyer to put earnest money down on a property that I'm trying to assign? I was told to do a promissory note and that I have 2 days before it's do, but when going to the title company how can I explain to the buyer to put money down for something I'm assigning?