How do you follow replies/subscribe to a forum thread?

How do you follow replies/subscribe to a forum thread?

Hi dgfam,
Sometimes I'm interested in following a forum thread, and I want to be notified if new responses/comments are posted in that thread. Is there a way to set it up for an automated response or do I have to recheck the forum thread for responses every time?

More recently, someone had asked me a question, and I only realized it b/c I stumbled into that forum thread again after a week and a half. If I'd known they'd asked a question, I could have responded more promptly. In any case, a helping hand from you site veterans would be appreciated.


Your friend,


Info is here

in this thread:

It's about 5 comments in or so that your question will be answered.


Mark K. Cool

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you can bookmark any thread by clicking on the lower right hand side of the 1st thread "bookmark this"

when you START a new thread there is a box to check that says 'subscribe' and you will get email notifications. Check to make sure on your profile under edits you have notification selected.

once you post to any thread you can always click on My Account topic on the left hand side and it will bring up your profile. It will have updates/comments for threads you've commented on. On that same page at the tope (right) click on track and will give updates/comments to ANY post you've participated in.

OR click on "What's New" and at the top left click on 'My Recent Posts'


thanks Jen

this will help everyone


Mike Free tools