This topic has been in numerous posts with mention of the effects & affects it seems to have on their RE business.
I know from going through many forums there is AT LEAST one (1)person in every state or US entity that is a member of DG.
**So here is my question & point of this forum.**
Would AT LEAST one of you (if not more) from each state find out if your state is a disclosure or non-disclosure or a buyer beware State in regards to Real Estate & Mortgage / Financing ?
I have an idea that this information WILL in the end HELP YOU as well as the rest.
Please post that information below along with a good but brief explanation of what it means to you in your business in your home state. Also add if you can what you have done to acquire & fill in any missing information to get to your goal(s).
Dean has given us more than the basics plus. He has given us this site to help each other learn and be more efficient. LETS DO THAT! WHY? Because each one of these categories has an effect & affect on YOUR buyers/investors, sellers, bankers of any type, professional RE people, etc. you are trying to work with.
If WE can figure this out so it stops YOU from having to ZIG ZAG so much your efficiency goes up and so should your profits!! I know that Deans' teaching us one end and many of you are helping. BUT no one has covered it from the government end. The regulatory stuff.
Information Example:
____________________(disclosure / non-disclosure / buyer beware)
I found that by doing_____________ I can get the information needed to decide if the property is the right deal.
I found that by doing ________________ I have been able to get buyers/investors & sellers easier.
Michael Radtke
Slide Show:
** This forum is a 3 part answer. One part state fact. 2 parts your input.**
Michael Radtke
Slide Show:
thank you for putting this out there.
I am not sure but I do know that I get seller disclosures when I put a contract on a property here in Missouri and in Kansas. I get them from my realtor. This shows things that are wrong or what has been done to the property to the best of the sellers knowledge. You can time lines on things like the roof, furnance, water heater and so forth. You can also find out if new windows where put in and when. Along with other things like if they treated for termites or had foundation repairs and so much more.
Also when we list a property we have to fill out one too. I know that most REO's don't have them filled out it just states AS IS and everything is Excluded. Buyer beware thingy.
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
That is a good topic. I do believe California is a disclosure state but I am no attorney. Every deal we have done has had some type of disclosure paper work to sign.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
New York is a disclosure state.
So noted. If you find the rest of the info you know what to do with it.
Michael Radtke
Slide Show:
Ok I just found out Kansas is a NON-Disclosure state. Working on Missouri.
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
Makeba that didn't take very long to find out did it?? As busy as you are trying to deal with 2 states, that is something. You did one part of this and others (with a few exceptions) so far haven't.
Do you have an opinion as to which is easier to get your needed info, answers, cooperation from, from the government on down for a finished deal??
Maybe if you get ALL 3 parts of this forum in the others might understand and do it.
Thank you very much very busy lady.
Michael Radtke
Slide Show:
Washington State is a disclosure State. In fact Washington state has some the the most stringent laws when it comes to investing.
Does this make it easier or harder to get the information such as comps, cooperation from the RE industry?
Thank you Debbie.
Michael Radtke
Slide Show:
....poeple . you talked about wanting to know this!
Michael Radtke
Slide Show:
I was sure hoping for a better response to this so as to formulate methods of obtaining information that you get so frustrated about not having access to.
Michael Radtke
Slide Show: