0 down lease options?

0 down lease options?

I was looking through CL and saw someone doing Lease options with no money down for the buyer. He must be raising the monthly fees for this, or something? Has anyone here done a lease option to a buyer without any money upfront from the buyer? I know in some states that a fee is required for an option of a certain %, but wanted to see if anyone here has done a 0 down lease option and how it was handled. Thanks for any responses you can give. Smiling


0 down

I did one to buy a personal use home. (I was the buyer). They set it up with an accelerated separate second payment system to pay the down payment. That way it met the requirements without false advertising. It was so noted and attached on the original agreement. That part had an extreemly high interest rate and they didn't bring it up until part way through the deal! What a shocker. But I wanted the place and sucked it up! This is done or use to be done frequently with any type of new pre-fabs or very desperate motivated sellers and such.