And “they” said that I would never do it! That it was just another one of those things that I started, and just never finished. A pie in the sky dream that would never ever, ever come true!! “They” never told me to my face, but you can read the eyes; if you know what I mean….
One night about 6 months ago; my wife came to me in the office asking if I was gonna stay up all night. I told her that if that’s what it takes; then that’s what it takes! That I was determined to finally make this work. That I was going to set/make my Daily Goals/To-Do list diligently, re-writing them each day; over and over again to ensure that I did not get off-track! She bends over and kisses me on the forehead and says, “Baby, you’re my horse; even if you never win a race”. I never let her know…. that did NOTHING but **** ME OFF and lit the fire that’s burning at this very moment!!!!
Of course, I wasn’t mad at her, but at myself for letting things get to that state of disbelief and contentment; of trying gallantly, but….. Honestly; she has been the one Rock that I’ve needed by giving unfaltering love, support and CONSTANT encouragement which actually pushed me to carry on….even when I felt I couldn’t! Believe me; I’ve had my share of disappointments and properties under contract that I could NOT move! The number’s probably at least 6-8, and for various reasons. What I have found is that they were ALL just plainly NOT DEALS!!! Many lessons learned in the process!
Anyway; about this deal…..
This is actually deal #2, but #1 is delayed in closing due to an out of state Seller, etc.
This was a bandit sign lead from a sign that has actually been in place for over 3-4 weeks! A lady called and said she and her husband bought a foreclosure about a 1 ½ years ago. Fixed it up with paint and new carpet, but really didn’t like the area and wanted to move back “home”. They are from a rural community just south of Birmingham.
It is a small 3/2 around 1300SF in one of the hottest Buy & Hold areas in town. Note that I have at least 10 Buyers screaming for properties there!! When questioning her motivation further; I find out that her mother is in the early stages of dementia and she wants to move closer to home. Her initial asking price was $25K, but made it clear that she was serious about being open to less and would not be offended.
Made the appt for the next day and took my new partner; a very experienced “struggling” wholesaler that’s been in the business since ’98….more on that another time. Man, this house was more than Rent/Move-In ready! All it needed was a roof fairly soon and gutters!!! They had done an excellent job fixing it up!
While inspecting the outside, the only other thing we could find “wrong” was the AC unit was fairly old, but still working fine and a fuse box that needed upgrading in the storage room. I asked my partner if he thought that she would accept $18K. He told me to offer $15K and I said “There’s no way she’ll take that; look at the condition of the house; it’s great”! He told me to trust him, so in I went; alone.
I told her the roof and gutters needed replacing, electrical upgrade, and the old vinyl and tile flooring in the kitchen/DR and LR would have to be replaced before we put tenants in. I offered the $15K with a 7-14 day CASH closing so they could be on their way back “home”! She told me that she would discuss with her husband when he got home from work and let me know later that evening.
We took off to go look at a few vacant properties in the area. We had gotten about 3-4 blocks away and my phone rang. It was her saying that she just got off the phone with her husband and they would accept the offer; as long as we would give them 14 days after closing to move! What a feeling!!!....I almost hollered before I got the phone hung up!! lol
Forgot the vacant house hunting and immediately went home to do my email blast!. Decided to market it at $23,900….should be easy to get! Only one issue though; I did not want them to know I was not the end buyer and knew I’d have to try and cut down on the “traffic” with prospective buyers.
I called a guy I’ve been trying to find a Rental for about a year and offered it to him at $22.5K….lesson learned; a bad move! He did his walk-thru the next day and ended up offering $17K. I told him there was no way, as I had a partner, etc. Guess he also, knew there wouldn’t be much competition due to the situation with Sellers still living there! I got him up to $18K and ended up renegotiating with the Sellers at $14K. Closing was this past Friday afternoon (total of 10 days) and total assignment fee was $4K; split 50/50 w/partner.
I know $2K’s not a lot, but to me was the AIR that I needed in the worst way!!!! I’ve been unemployed since early September and living “on the dole” is not something I’ve ever done before! I have to thank God as my ‘Co-Pilot’, as ALL glory must go to Him. There is just NO WAY we would have been able to make it (or this deal) without His grace!!
So, on to the next and it should close the end of next week, if all goes well. I’ll post details when complete. I’ve got a lot of irons in the fire, but I don’t want to jinx anything. If all works out; #3 could be by the end of the month!?!?
Sorry to ramble on, but I couldn’t help myself. I’m so abso’FREAKIN’lutley stoked! My efforts are finally starting to pay-off. Those of you “old timers” that know me; know that I’ve been at this a very long time and I just had to get serious about success and quit drifting in and out!!! I got backed into a corner and knew I had to fight my way out! Give up~~~~~NEVER!!!!!!!!!
A personal big ‘Thank You’ to Michael Mangham, Karen Griffin, Jen Gray, and several others who have listened, advised, mentored, motivated, supported and inspired me to keep PUSHing! know I’ve been a pain in the a__; asking too many questions, making too many calls, or sending too many emails! Your ‘giving back’ efforts are SO much appreciated, and I just can’t thank you enough!!!! How can I NOT pay it forward?!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
Way to go John! Great job and a great story!!
You da man!
Johnny, you are the MAN!! Aman, never give up. CONGRATS!$$
Signing Out,
I have finally made up my mind to take control of my own Mind and Destiny. I am confident with the Faith in My Higher Power, I will Achieve what I Believe., In His Mighty Name, AMEN!
Congrats Johnny! Your story is a true inspiration that the deals can happen. I am in your pre-situation, still lookiing for that first deal. I am half-way there. Reading your story is compelling!
Thanks for sharing, John! You are inspiring lots of people!
Oops....duplicate post
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
Your dedication and work ehtic have paid off and will continue to do so. Before you know it you will have to decide if you will keep your job or not. It is always exciting to see individuals taking control of their own financial lives.
Best of luck in the future.
Yes, lots learned on this deal and the many previous ones that ended up NOT being deals!
Guess you missed it....I don't have to worry about keeping my job; I was terminated from th last one early this past September. I am NOW a full time REI!!!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
Your dedication and work ehtic have paid off and will continue to do so. Before you know it you will have to decide if you will keep your job or not. It is always exciting to see individuals taking control of their own financial lives.
Best of luck in the future.
Yes, lots learned on this deal and the many previous ones that ended up NOT being deals!
Guess you missed it....I don't have to worry about keeping my job; I was terminated from the last one early this past September. I am NOW a full time REI!!! No more W-2's for me!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
"You Are My Inspiration"! You are probably too young to remember that song, but that's the one that came to mind when I read your enthusiastic post. I've been around a while, too, and because of heart attacks etc. etc.(I even had one at one of Deans Seminars here in town) I have still to make my first deal...but I'm hanging in there and know this business is the one I Will succeed day. You made your deal because you were in the right place at the right time because you hadn't given up and ..had done what you needed to do to have that lady call you. I know your wife is so proud of you. Thanks, again, for sharing. Semper Fi!
This has been a LONG, LONG, LONG road to get over the 1st hurdle!! I just finally had to keep telling myself that "same 'ole - same 'ole" don't live here NO MORE!!! Maybe new ones and old ones alike, yet to have broken through, can draw some sort of inspiration from my story and stay determined to NEVER-NEVER-NEVER-NEVER give up on their dreams! "If your DREAM is big enough - the costs don't count!"....
If I can do this, then so can YOU!!! And yes; you can do this 'part-time', but you can't do it 'half-way'! You must be ALL-IN or it just won't work....ask me how I know!!!
@ Jan - Tks and yes, I am feeling good about myself, but definitely back in the trenches DAILY!
@ Ron - I'll take this one...a 1st is a 1st! The "multi-deal" was exciting, but also, exhausting. Will post update on its status soon.
@ VAL, VAL, VAL - Tks Bud....Long time no see. I know I haven't been around much, but been busy WORKIN' IT!
@ Dan - I'll get in touch soon friend!!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
thats awesome southside I like you have been up & down in n out dabbling until I got my 1st deal a mo or so ago a bird dog for $1,350 so now I know it's real and working on #2 & #3 & I know absolutely what yiou are saying and thank you to all of you others out there too who helped me. I was even blocked on here (some honest mistake use to be calitony remember me!) well still here I didnt go away & didnt want to people to think I did I was sooo depressed when I got blocked last yr & they told me I couldnt do anything about it but just start another username which I did but was demoralized but soldiered on and now worked up the courage to push through and talk to someone about the injustice of my blocking and now they are going, working, on unblocking me thank God.
And thank God for my success as well He is the One who is helping me, us, I agree w/you Southiside and also know about how people just wink n nod n think I am nut's for saying I am a real estate investor but know I am and I love your signature "winners never quit, & quitters never win" I love that one I use to use that one for years at my job as my signature. Sorry for the long winded message, God bless you all and keep going forward what do yiou have to lose anyway, thanks Dean & co.
Quitting is forever pain is temporary
Awesome Story Johnny, You Rock and I can Feel you Smiling as you write your post Congrats to you too!
Now your "Shinning like a Diamond" weather there is a marker under your pic or not! I can sense it's radiant light just beaming off your post!! 
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
Hello my name is angel, is there someone doing deals in aurora il.
Way to go. Now on to the next. It only gets easier. We are excited for you!
John and Julie Wakefield
JCW Properties, LLC
Great job, John! & thanks for sharing your experience.
It's great to read real life examples because we definitely have the same questions in mind when we're facing the same situation.
~Jeff & Lilian
Congratulations John! I'm so happy for you! Pave the way, set the example, I am here to follow. You give me hope that those of us trying can do it if we don't give in to all the negativity. I know you needed this, I'm almost at that point's glaringly obvious that I have to do this NOW. My situation is not going to change, it's only getting worse, and if I don't work my butt off to finally do a deal I'm sunk. I have to make this happen. I needed this inspiration right now. Thank You! And GREAT job!
To your success!!!
Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!
When opportunity knocks, will you answer?
Way to push through!
Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"
Here is a FREE property analyzer I've found:
It's a great tool to use to help analyze your deals (and did I mention it's FREE)! But, you really should spend the $97 and get the full premium edition! IT'S AWESOME!!
Congratulations. It's always very gratifying to reach a mark. We all know that this is a strategic victory which results from proper education and wise steps that you're making.
Keep it going!
A special thanks for reminding me that,
"Winners never quit".
Hard work and determination pays off!
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one."
Elbert Hubbard Dean's WW the other day, our heroes are who we choose them to be!
You are now on my list of heroes.
so proud of you John... rock on baby....
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Success is yours,keep it up and do it over and over again until you are free. The first step is always the hardest. Not any more, Now it's time to start running.
Dear John, thank you for sharing your success. I am so excited for you and I absolutely loved your post, it made me laugh, smile, cry just reading it. Your wife is your "rock" and your "gift" from God. Continue to do well, and please continue to share your joy! Denise
It was great meeting you for lunch today.
Sorry I didn't answer your text inquiring as to whether I had escaped the storm. I was too busy hanging on to my steering wheel for dear life and dodging fallen trees and orange construction barrels pummeling all over the interstate.
So I guess that is a "No, I was smack dab in it!"
Welcome to Alabama!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
To your success!!!
Glad I could help inspire you! Keep on PUSHing and stay WILL succeed!!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
Can't stop you now! You have had a taste of diamonds and already back for seconds!
Congrats, Bubba!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Yes, you're right! Back again, and again, and again.......Well, you know; "To infinity, and beyond"! lol
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
Thanks everyone! If I'd known I had this many cheering for me; I wouldn't have stayed away so long! lol
WOW!! John and Julie, Donna, Jared....I'm not worthy!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
That is awesome John... Keep it up!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson