Untapped city

Untapped city

I have been searching craigslist ads and was surpeised what i found. I was state hopping and came across Wisconsin and Colorado. I went all th eway to the back as ive been told when looking for properties. Motivated sellers I did find but that is not the news I want to report. I was looking at La Crosse Wisconsin, Appleton, Eu Clair and found houses priced below market value. I also found properties in Colorado Springs and Pueblo the same way. If your looking for properties try those cities. Wisconsin has a low cost of living so you will find the deals. But avoid cities like Milwaukee, Madison, Nothern Wisconsin to big of a tourist trade so property will be diffcult to find. So will motivated sellers be hard to find.



Hi keep up the good work, you can find motivated sellers in any market, keep moving forward and dont stop and dont get discouraged and dont look back,Jim



motivated sellers

Remember this motivate sellers come from changes in there lives, it can come at any time and in any market and it comes from a lot of different situations, death, divorce, change in jobs and the list goes on and on, Jim




thanks for the encouragement jim I will keeping on locating and will find the perfect deal. my goal is to get my dream property and buy it for cash and live there.

good stuff

thanks yes good info on those areas for deals & as Dean always says we dont find cheap deals we create the deal with our offer but yes keep going & good job finding those areas. There are areas that are perhaps a little bit easier than other areas but it does come down to the offers we make & if they are low enough. keep going.



Go faster do more! GFDM!

Thanks Tony

I am moving forward I am contacting more realators this morning in those areas to get the properties my buyers are looking for.