What skip tracing services are we using??

What skip tracing services are we using??

I mailed out a bunch of letters to homeowners selling their homes. Out of about 75 letters, 35 of them came back to me Stamped vacant. All these homes are nice homes in pristine condition. One lady I spoke with from a mailing. We spoke twice..great convo and rapport. I pitched her a lease option deal. She is for it, if her home doesnt sell by the time her contract is up with her realtor. She says they will be renting once this house sold and I told her I can find a property for her on a lease option. They want to down size. She said ok. So hopefully I picked up a 2 for 1.

But what I need is a skip tracing service. So I can try and track down some of these owners. With all the letters I got back saying vaacant. What service do you guys use? I called a company locally and they told me it cost $300 per address. Are they crazy? I know it doesnt cost that much. A little help is needed if it can be provided. Thank you in advance.


I got my mind made up.....

www.jussinvestors.com (buyers site)

Tried the county clerk?

We've used the county clerk's office to find out where the tax bill is being mailed to. This has worked for us several times and it's free. It might work on a few of yours.



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT

Thank you

Thank you for the reply. I know of that route. But what can I do for the ones that have taht one address on record?


I got my mind made up.....

www.jussinvestors.com (buyers site)


Hi Justin:
Try using ZABASEARCH.com. Type in the homeowner's name and search. You'll get a fairly complete list of everybody with that name in that state. Find the one at the address you have and click on the link to confirm the current address and it will take you to Intelius and will give you the cities the person has lived in with the most current on top. Do a Whitepages.com search from there. That's the free way. The fastest way would be to subscribe to Intelius and pay for the current info on file.

Hope this helps...

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS


Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni Laughing out loud



I have also used www.spokeo.com. Most of the features are free. I have had success getting a person's e-mail address and current phone number. I also have used the local county's voter's registration website to find out the current address of a person or to simply verify the address I have.

Hope this helps.





Appreciate the responses @ AndyS. Ya advice was dead on.Follow instructions and get what you want.


I got my mind made up.....

www.jussinvestors.com (buyers site)


Glad to be of help.

Good luck and happy hunting Smiling

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS


Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni Laughing out loud

You can also try

your county's GIS site and see what info they provide.

Some counties put all the info in there and it's free while others charge you a monthly/annual subscription rate.

There's usually some digging involved to find the right GIS map too, they're not exactly easy to find.

Good Luck!


Mark K. Cool

Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.

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Skip trace or skip tracing

Skip trace or skip tracing is a process whereby people who have gone missing are located and traced. Many a time people go missing because of bad debts, any kind of crime that they might have committed, mental illness or because of facing abuse at home. They are then located by skip trace techniques and these are largely used by private investigators, police detectives, attorneys and journalist and don't forget the debt collection companies.

skip trace investigation houston tx