i have somewhat of a problems.
i found a ton of distress property(rehap,fixeruppers etc.)from a realtor and i am nervous and scared that
i can't find a buyer's.
i am new to this and sweating bullets.
please help,
noy from ft.lauderdale,florida.
Hey Noy,
You might want to create a buyer's list first and come to an understanding of what your buyers are looking for specifically. Then, you can go back to your realtor contact and cherry pick the ones you know will be of interest to your buyers. In that way, you will have effectively sold the properties before you actually buy them. It might take a little longer, but if there's really a "ton" of distressed properties, you should still have plenty of properties to choose from by the time your buyer's list is done.
It's okay to be nervous. We are all nervous when we're starting out. Remember, though, that nothing will get accomplished if you do nothing in the face of your nervousness. Don't let fear immobilize you. Let it inform you.
Make a list of ACTION steps and deadlines so that you can set goals to intelligently overcome your fear and gain confidence. A nice buyer's list should be a part of these goals. A nice profit for you and your loved ones surely await you as a reward for your courage. : )
Best of luck.
Your friend,
thanks for replying to my post,
I was looking at craiglist and i found some investor sites, but i don't
know if they are local.maybe i should start with them to get my feet wet.
i am excited and at the same time i am nervous.my heart is pounding.
my goal is to make $50,000 by the end of the year.
i want to start with assign or birddog first.
so i can get some expertise in the field.
i have a team already (real estate lawyer,realtor,morgage broker,).
and also my business partner. both of us are novice, but
we are so excited about this
thanks friend,