This is our first post on the site mainly because every question we've thought of has been answered by the great minds who contribute to this forum, so we thank you all in advance. Me and my partner are reading through 30 days to RE cash, with great results so far. We have two agents who are great and want to see us succeed. We have done our market research, pinpointing where the hot spots are in our city. With that being said, our ghost ads to get cash buyers haven't gone so smoothly. We've posted on numerous classified sites using different ghost ads with no luck. The ads we've been posting are similar to this one:
Handyman Special
Owner Desperate
Call Today
Now, we noticed that some investors in our area are using flyers with their ghost ads or putting pictures of the houses in the ads. We are just wondering, which route so we take make a flyer and post that on the classifed sites or add pictures with my ghost ads, and if we go with the pictures of the homes, where do we get these pictures from?
When I first started trying to fill my "buyers bucket", I posted an ad that read,
" 3bed/2bath in decent area, over 1100sqft. In need of some TLC, with great return on your investment. Asking $65K OBO. Call today. It won't last long!"
You may modify the wording depending on if you are placing the ad on a newspaper, bandit sign, or Craigslist ad. I did not need to add any pictures. Also, another thing that helped was looking at what the average investor deals were selling at in the market. I used for this. Type in your preferences of search criteria- Ex: 2+ bedrooms 1+ bath (Joe Jurek recommends you also look at the 2 bedrooms, they may have potential to become a 3 bdrm, dependent on square footage and home layout, anyway...), type in 1000+ sq. ft, and your price ranges $25,000-300,000, just to get an idea of lowest to highest in descent areas and what investors are buying. This may help you. Good luck. Remember, every step you take gets you another step closer to your goal. Keep it up!
Thank You we didn't think of using Very help information that we will implement ASAP
My opinion is do not use photos in such an ad.
run ad for Investor/handyman specials saying you offer some of the BEST deals in the area.
ATTEND real estate Auctions, not to buy, but to get CASH BUYERS.
Mike Free tools
Great points. My question to your first point is when i attend said real estate auctions, what am i looking for, while i attend? I'm not 100% sure but not everyone who goes to auctions are cash buyers, so am i looking for people who are bidding on every property. Also, when i approach these buyers do i give them my elevator speech along with my business card or is there a specific way to approach these buyers at auctions. My second question is on the ghost ads, i totally agree about being honest (I've put up ads similar to your suggestion), but am i shooting myself in the foot by not using this marketing tool. I just don't want to leave any legitimate strategy off the table that could possibly generate more buyers. The only reason i bring that up is because my realtor said that her company list properties that they recently sold, just to get buyer info so they can sell a similar property. I would like to hear your thoughts.
real investor buyers are used to ghost ads, so they will probably not respond to them; however, if you have a real property under contract, and you put an ad on CL, you will have no problem finding a buyer.
also, you can look for an REI club in your area and attend their meeting where you can exchange business cards with other investors who are buying properties; have your elevator speech ready
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
PPl bidding on properties at auctions are Cash Buyers...may not b their cash, BUT they want deals!
Speak with them b4 and after the auction and let them know you can get them better deals than what theyre getting here. Use investor profile form to gatheer all needed info.
When you network with other REI you can market their deals or past deals to build buyers list and split a fee or profit on deals and also allow them to market your deals in order to get them SOLD Fast!!
NETWORKING.... 10-20 ppl is better than 1
Mike Free tools
I love this website because everyone shares so many great ideas! I agree with all that has been suggested. There are so many ways to make a ghost ad stand out. Think of the investor that is looking for a property - they are looking for something that says "needs work", "TLC" etc but add to that. Create some urgency "divorce", "Moving", "must sell" etc. Your phone will be ringing off the hook!
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125