i'm in a target area, but relitively new to me as far as marketing.
my question is, is it smart to put bandits out with different messages on both sides?
i'm in a target area that's long distance for me at this time, but my local area for the future.
i have an internet phone # for this area and have put "we buy houses" on one side, but i'm here this weekend because of an ira investment meeting looking for buyers. i have awesome deals with a local realtor w/o the money to close. sooo..... should i put something on the other side for buyers/investors or should i put out my bandits the same on both sides?
keep moving forward, rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
It makes them too hard to read when the sun shines on them.
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
i always write on both sides of them( it keeps beggers from taking ur sign and writing on the other side lol).
on the other hand i'm trying to help people while helping myself.
i usually write the same thing on both sides, but i'm trying to maximize my exposure by trying to add other options.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
normally your signs are place in a location where people are viewing 1 side while driving by. I agree, you want to discourage people from taking them and using the other side. The issue really is the material that you are using. If it is thin posterboard where writing will show through then you need to just write on the 1 side. If that is not a problem then take advantage of both sides and it would reduce people taking them for personal use. Use your best judgement. The important thing is that you have them out and hopefully are seeing great success!
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
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thanks for the visit and the advise. i ended up putting the same thing on both sides. sometimes on rural roads you can put a sign where it can be seen from both sides of the road. you're right though, the most important thing is to get them out there.
keep moving forward, rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
This depends on what is happening with your traffic. Traffic is who you are marketing to. If you can attacked both directions of traffic than both sides works. If not then one side will work.
What you need to look at is the amount of time you take or the costs that is given to each sign. Do you get a good response with less time and less money?
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
i don't know if i get more response with less time. i use a large sharpie as far as the cost it's minimal. i started out with wooden grade stakes foam board and tar paper nails. i now have yellow coroplast signs. total cost including shipping was roughly 2 bucks per. i haven't gotten a better response however, but they last and the other ones were no good for rain and wind so they'll get a better overall response. thanks for your input.
keep moving forward, rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
Nathan for sure use Yellow signs with black magnum sharpies they work out great and catch your eye right away
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