Learning a lot from the EDGE 2012. Thanks to Dean and DG team for the live recording. Such a blessing for those of us can't make it there! THANK YOU!
What has hit me most is what Dean has said earlier:
Replace anybody who can't take you to your next leve!
RE agent, someone in your power team. However, if you recognize you or your own mindset is holding you back from growing faster. Then CHANGE is a must! Don't let yourself hold back from growing! change your mindset! it only take a second of shift our mind!
(I'm talking to myself out loud!)
Wish we all be successful!!
Never Give Up!!!
Three speakers, and I've taken about 8 pages of notes so far! I'll have to let it all settle and see what floats to the top, I think.
LOVE what Andrea had to say about finding a Partner to help keep you on track! It DOES make the road easier, when there's someone to share it with!
What have I learned so far:
Confidence is the #1 primer for continued success. Mindset and knowledge make taking action easier.
I know that it has been out there already.. but locking in a property and putting up bandit signs all over "3/2 house area, desperate need to sell fast" to grab buyers was an "aha" moment for me.
Using a photo copy of your earnest checks and putting a stipulation on the agreement that "earnest money to be paid after satisfactory inspection" will buy you more time to use your cash buyer to put all earnest monies down for you.
*rehab costs
Low (carpet, cleaning, etc) $10-$15 per sq ft
Med (low needs, and re-placing vanities etc) 16-20/sqft
High (roof repair, larger jobs -excluding major foundational repairs, serious plumbing and electrical)
Offer = {(Fair Market Value)(.65)}-(commission + Repairs)
It's lunch on day one.. and that is what has stood out for me. Hope this helps anyone
-Chris and Kether Sprague
“I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.” -Honest Abe Lincoln
Want off market sellers to call you? I think writing letters to vacant home owners is a great marketing avenue. I have vacant homes in every state! With the owners address! I want to partner with other wholesellers. If you are interested, please PM me! -- This is how I got my first deal, and I will give you leads and help you build your/our team! if you don't have them already.
It totally make sense. I was never able to make it to the gym and let the membership be wasted. Recently I found a work out partner and have been there on daily basis.
Imagine if we all work with someone who has the similar mindset, being there to support and encourage each other, our road to success would be lot more earlier and fun.
I'm willing to partner up with someone if anyone outthere looking for partner to hold each other accountable.
Never Give Up!!!
My favorite tip so far is 'Network with everyone any time!' You never know where an opportunity might come from! Awesome event. And of course Dean's advice to protect your confidence!
There are too many ideas to list. One of the ones i like most is to help other investors make money, per Dean's realtiy show.
We can do our own little reality show in Tulsa without the cameras! We can help our new investors lock up deals easily; now we have an easy way to show them how to get rid of it fast! Post bandit signs and craigslist: motivated seller, 3bd/2bth, must sell TODAY!! We are ready to pay it forward faster than the speed we are going pre-Edge 2012!!!
Thanks, Dean!
Tom and Jeri
Tom and Jeri
Can you explain the meaning of the reality show? I am curious about this. Thanks.
I also agree that a partner helps you in many ways, you can double the effort, keep one another accountable, and what one doesn't know the other quite possibly does. Tammy
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Wow what excitement... Tremendous amounts of information...Its like a power punch in the face... Great to finally meet all these people who are just so motivating. Definitely coming back next year and my goal is to quit my job by THE EDGE 2013....I feel I can go back and call for rent signs to grow my buyers list... I will also check on the public RE public transaction notices.. Great great advice about hiring interns in other states...Definitely all good stuff I can use... Starting immediately... well worth it..
The excitement is so amazing here. But, when I'm at this event, I have nothing stopping me from being ME, being myself and letting the real me show through... and be happy about it. The atmosphere of the EDGE event really allows me to shine as the person I am; everyone with like minds and no naysayers in site. I want to make this my every day reality, and never let the excitement die. Something Dean talked about and I'll post on it later ... very impactful. I'm so tired, I will post tomorrow.
I came here seeking many answers to what is holding me back. And after today I have some of the answers I needed to go to the next level. The most valuable thing I have learned so far is that I need to place everything on the back burning and focus on my goal. That I should not worrying about the business and focus on making money. Because if I need money I can just make more.
The second thing is that I have the knowledge to do this , I need to work on the confidence to sell it!
Dean brought tears to my eye a number of times today and I am thankful.
I am so blessed to be here.
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
This year's EDGE Event is more mind blowing to me than last year's EDGE Event. I've learned from Dean Graziosi that you need to have and keep your confidence STRONG in this business and a lot of making deals has to do with networking and meeting new great people. I have to say I am more active and stepping out of my comfort zone meeting and learning from the DG Family, and everyone here does feel like family too
. Even though I haven't done my first deal yet, I know this year's event has broken my poor mentality and rebuilt it with a new and better one. For the next few weeks I will experience many failures to come, but those will be my stepping plateau to success and lead me to my first deal and on to many more with more learning experiences to come. So Thank You Dean once again for truly caring and wanting us DG Family members to succeed no matter what level we are on and i really mean that from the bottom of my heart and soul .
~ Andrew Smetak
Can't wait to hear about it!
College Station, TX
"Declare that you will prosper despite every difficulty that may come your way. Don't just survive; thrive!"
-Joel Osteen
I'm having a great time connecting with the EDGE attendees even though I was not able to be out there this year. I like the attitudes. Andrew you are so correct that we all run into obstacles but the key is to press through them. I loved Randy Vaughn comment that he knew when his thinking had changed because he was like, let's go out and get some NO's today!! Part of that "snickering inside" that Dean talked about because no matter what others think you have that "quiet confidence" that you believe that you are on the right track to success. Tammy, you are awesome. It's great to see you coming out of your shell! and making a difference and pressing through every obstacle. I look forward to working more with you this year. We are lining up $100K additional in private funds within one week or so that is a great blessing. And I know it is a technique that you have already used in your business so this $100K is no great new thing but it will make a big difference for us. Other People's Money! (OPM)
Keep in touch everyone! Hope we can share more in the coming days, weeks, months and maybe even do some business!
Take care, and everyone have a safe trip back home.
Roger Schafer
Jaguar Investment Group, LLC
Jaguar Investment Group, LLC
Residential/Commercial Real Estate Investment
Property Locators
Investor Team Building
Creative Financing
Private Lenders
For me, experiencing the awesomeness of the Edge, putting faces to the friends I had met through DG and Cash Flow, listening to the fantastic speakers- Dean, Matt, Ali, Andrea, RG, Chad, Joe; learning and confirming what Tammy had taught me and so much more. The unabashed joy I felt watching my mentor, my partner, and my best friend-sister under the skin, Tammy, win the video contest for all the hard work she had done, was one of the grandest moments of my life. Meeting my friends Mirza, Andrew, you are fantastic!, Rina, Jen, Judy, Mike, Tony, Vida, and making so many more, Jay, Julie and John, Bonnie and Bruce, Terry, Pierre, Kelly, and so many more. My life has been changed and electrified since the webinar in August that Dean had, and I will never go back, but will look at where I was and where I am now! Doing 7 Levels Deep, showed me how do do my goals and understand what was my deepest and most important reasons why. Thank you Dean, you rock. Mike and Tony, thank you for all the encouragement and for being who you are and caring, your the best. Oh, and on Saturday night, I found out the offer Tammy and I made was accepted, my first deal, the excitement was monumental! Sorry Dean, I was so excited Tammy didn't get a chance to tell me we had 3 buyers.
And last but in know way the least, thank you Tammy, for kicking me in the behind to regain my confidence and move to a higher level, and sharing so much with me, ( I'm tearing up) and letting me be a part of your Family!
Thank you for spending such an amazing weekend with us! We had a great time!!!!
Tips for Networking and Partnerships...
1. Get Business Cards
2. Develop your Elevator Speech:
"I'm a Real Estate Investor - I buy properties at a discount and sell properties at a discount. If you know anyone looking to buy or sell I'd love the referral"
3. Tell anyone and everyone you're an investor.
4. Make at least one new connection each week - if you are not, you're not putting yourself out there enough
5. Bring Something to the Table - if you want to team up...evaluate what your skills are and how they could help someone else.
6. Hold Someone else accountable...by you following up with someone else they'll have to check in with you too.
Best of Luck to you all. Cannot wait to hear your latest success stories!
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.