30 Days to Real Estate Cash!

30 Days to Real Estate Cash!

Hi all,

I am just finishing the 1st day of my journey. I just received Dean's new book and I am committed to this very thing. I just finished Chapter I and am doing my homework. Dean said that we don't need a website, but since I have one, here is where I posted My Why Commitment. http://www.vincentnoe.com Thank you Dean, once again, for your efforts and making sure some of us that have fallen a bit behind, are able to get into this awesome game. I will be updating my progress over the next 30 days here and also on my website. I am very excited and have no doubts about the outcome.

Thank you all for your support,



Good luck and stick with it!!



"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee


Congrats on taking the 1st step to your new life.

I suggest you follow this


and read the 'whats new' and forums here


https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools

goodluck!!! so am i

goodluck!!! so am i Smiling


With God's hand, anything is possible.

Congrats Vincent

on taking your first step on your rei journey!
30 days to cash is an awesome book- and if you continue taking action as you read it, I have no doubt that you will succeed!

Keep writing your goals and also your achievements, even the small ones- they all lead to your big goal and will help you feel a sense of accomplishment along the way...

Learning and progressing every day,



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...


Hi Vincent,

Nice website. Your passion comes through there. You are the only one missing from the pictures though! Would love to see your mug there along with all of those other great people in your family! Congratulations on purchasing 30 Days to Real Estate Cash! I have also got that book and it is outstanding. And based on Dean's weekly video I have to say I am planning to follow it to the letter.

Please keep us up to date on your successes and even struggles!

Roger Schafer
Jaguar Investment Group


URL for Journal : http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/43293/...

All things are possible to him who believes! ----- Mark 9:23

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity ------ Albert Einstein

Thank you!

Thank you all who have responded and encouraged me. There is so much to learn, but the beauty is that this is "on the job training" and there is so much help on this site. I am so psyched to realize that this really can be done and that I am actually going to do it. No doubt in my mind. This is a done deal. Now I will just go step by step, day by day, and enjoy the blessings of doing a labor of love.


I am a slow learner, but I continue on.

Here is my latest blog post. I have serious work to do today.



I commend you on taking your first step. You have an awesome attitude.
There is something about you that is sincere. Keep the Faith. We're
on the same journey.


Filling my buyers bucket

With some of the past experiences in my market, I feel that I need to start to fill my buyer's bucket first. Here is my first step. I opened an account at trulia.com and posted this question.

Anyone want to make big money for just sending information?

Then I followed with this.

I will just need some information on cash sales in xxxxx County, xx

When I get a response, I will send this email

Dear agent,

I'm an aggressive real estate investor and I am looking to grow my cash buyer's database. I want to work with you personally so that we can build wealth together. All I need you to do is send me a spreadsheet of all the properties that were sold in the last 90 days for cash. I'll need to know where the property is located and the buyers first and last name if you can get that. Also include the list price and the actual sale price. What I'll do from there is market to these cash buyers explaining that I have ways to find amazing deals that no one else can and that I want to bring them deals on a continuous basis. For every buyer I find on that list that I end up passing a property off to for a profit, I will give you 15% of whatever profit I make. Not a bad deal for just sending me a simple spreadsheet right? Again, I hope to work hand in hand with you so that we can increase our profits and build our wealth together. I look forward to working with you.

In Kind,


I copied and pasted this some time back and put it in my drafts. I'll update on my response.
