Hi Everyone, I am going to write in my Journal from here on out.I hate writing but I want to tell everyone who I am and where I came from..I lived in Michigan sense I was 4yrs old.I loved Football (Still Do) I had Eastern Michigan Hand me a full ride from Football if I kept my grades up.They told me this when I was a JR.
Well I messed up in my Senior Year, I lost my ride to collage ended up dropping out cuz I was having a baby needed to make money to support her, got married. I was recruited to play Semi-Pro Footbal,So i played for 4yrs and Then I had the Steelers (Pro Team) Come look at me to play on there Practice Squad.I know You guys Are getting tired of hearing my story..Well I couldnt play with the Steelers cuz I found out Why I wasnt heeling or feeling right..The Doctors Found a Tumor on my Brain Stem..By this time it has been so Long I was really on my death bed it was starting to Parlize me.
But found a doctor to do surgery.On Jan 2004 I had a Brain Surgery.They wasnt able to take it cuz it was wrapped around my Stem,So they just cut it down as mush as they could and took a pieace of my skull out to give it room to grow.The following month I need another surgery cuz My Spinal Fluid got a leak and started leaking on my Brain..It sat there for so long I lost alot of my Memeries and My IQ droped by like 15 points.Now it has effect my heart so Now I wear a pace Maker.They say if my they cant get my Heart under controll that the mucle will give out.Well I dont listen them Im living my life.So on So on..I order Deans Book back in 2008.Well I couldnt do anything cuz I got real sick again.So Now Its 2011 Im Starting to do what I wanted to do back in 2008..Its going very well.I have a big Buyers List right now.I had a Agent but she wasnt Producing quick enough so I found another Agent Last night and there is 2 of them they will work together.Better for me.So right Now I have to Buyers that need something Now,So we are going to get them done now and move on to the others..Sorry to bore you with my story but I wanted to tell everyone who I am where I come from.I will try to keep posting to let evryone know how my deals are going
Thomas Justice..Journal
Posted on: Fri, 08/19/2011 - 15:46
Thomas Justice..Journal
- by conquesttsi89
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I have a 16yr old Little Girl.She is the reason Im still here on earth Im not leaving her.This is the reason Im doing all of this cuz I want her to be taking care of when my time is up
I have been on the phone sense 9am with buyers calling me..I am up to 20
buyers right and they all want more than one property..
I found 5 more buyers today to put me at 20 buyer..Time to put in alot of offers
I wondering if someone could tell me how to add a pic with my name on this site..I cant find anything under profile
I just found out how to add a pic
I just went thru alot of properties to find the right ones for all my Buyers
Time to start sending out offers
I just got my POF,Time to send out alot of offers.Starting monday
Just added 5 more cash buyers on m list this weekend..Sense starting this I have found myself not sleeping at night cuz I think about is Real Estate,
Wow, I just got done watching the Edge 2011. You can get so much out of watching this..I just wish I had the money to go to the 2012 Edge.Not sure when it is but Im still trying to get my first deal done then Maybe I will be there..Plus I wanted to go on the Cruise..My Fingers Are crossed
It seems like you are doing great!
Stay focused and don't forget your main goal (daughter) that is awesome!
Keep it up!
Im re-looking at some properties so I can send alot of offers out today.
When you guys look at my Journal your thinking this guy just write anything on this.So I will tell you that I just write random stuff down I always have it helps me to remember.So sorry If it isnt intresting like some other Journals.
I went to look at 2 properties yesterday,and they were great.Need some work but other than that great area.
So I will be putting in 3 offers today
Welcome to the DG site. Looks like you are off to a strong start. I can read your determination in every line of your posts. You're not a quitter or a whiner, that's for sure. I'm looking forward to reading about your future deals. Just follow Dean's game plan.
Those who kill time murder opportunity.
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers." III John 2
"To get up each morning with the Resolve To Be Happy is to set our own conditions to the events of the day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bad news but Im not done looking. My Agents Title company said i cant get paid unless im a agent plus they dont do Double close.So I have to locate a company myself.Cant keep me down unless Im 6ft under So I have alot of calls to make
Welcome to DG!
You are coming out with a bang! I don't know what you are talking about when you say your journal isn't interesting. You are speaking from your heart and that is always interesting.
Keep up the good work.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Thank you
Hi I was reading your journal and It inspired me. I've read the books and have some pieces in place i have an agent a small buyers list and a title comp I've hit some roadblocks and I shutdown for a week then I jump back on the horse. I'm from Pittsburgh and I've had some medical problems myself I had 2 brain surgeries and rely on many medications to live that spine drain is uncomfortable. I never want to feel sorry for myself because nobody cares if I fail. and most people don't know what its like to not fell normal I'm 29 and I'm so worn out sometimes from doing nothing. My life has been one failure after another but I'm a very honest hard working person and can't get a break. I realize my health isn't perfect and I may not live to be an old man I need to make money so bad right now not just for me but my moms house is falling apart and it kills me. when it rains its coming it top to bottom and she worked two jobs and went to school to raise me and now has to keep me I want to be successful so bad to put a roof on her house and a smile on her face like she does to mine every time I see her. I was wondering if you didn't already have one if you wanted to be accountability partners?? and keep each other going and share info we find 2 heads are better than one we can email each other weekly and keep each other motivated and bounce ideas off each other?. and I don't think to many people understand the drive of a person who has been through so much sometimes I got all the want in the world but don't have the energy to attack and the days i have the energy I overdose on stress thinking to much.
I'll PM my info if youre interested thanks,Sam
I have already found a New Title Company that will do what I need.Thats Great
Offers can still go out today
Wow..For not making my first deal yet,I can see the light on the other side..
I have been on my computer everyday all day and I have such a big Network now..I have some many people wanting me to find properties all over Florida now.With such a Big network all I have to do is find the right Property now and start having my bank account grow.
Well I had My First deal turn into my first 2 deals at once but the first deal
He couldnt come up with the money at closing so I lost that one and Now Im waiting for the second deal I hope that is still going thru...
Also can you guys help me..Im having a brain fart..I cant remember If I need good credit to go after the REO'S
It has been like 3 weeks sense I wrote anything.Above I said I was waiting for a deal to happy.Well sad to say both failed at closing,But I just kept moving forward and kept on Networking..I just found 3 deep pocket buyers,that have buyers themselves also..Right now today I just got a contract for 13 Properties thats right.My first deal could turn into muiltple deals.As soon as I fax the contract back he will have the money in Escrow,Plus Im working on $3 Million Apartment complexs.I am very busy.Im telling myself,If everything goes as planned,,I will have Banked at Lease $70k in my account by the end of December.Im telling myself this Cuz I want to push myself.I will keep everybody up to date with everything.
Its been a Minute sense I have been talking about myself..So here is what is going on.I have a Partner that has 3 tape's in Florida And I have sent them to my buyers.I had a buyer send me a contract for 4 of the properties so waiting for closing on those..I also had a deep pocket buyer find me and was looking at these Tape's..He called me on Friday and asked with we could meet, When he asked me that I said sure why not..But he is from VA..but he said he was coming to Florida on Wed..to look at a bunch of these Properties.He told me he was Looking to buy at lease 10 Properties why he was here in Florida..So we are going to have Lunch or Dinner why he was here..I cant tell you how many People that I have meet and have talked to from LinkedIn..I think LinkedIn is the best way to meet every Type of Person your Looking for.