Hello DG Family--
As this is my first post, I should start off by giving a small amount of information about myself.
I am currently attending a university in Illinois, soon to be graduating with a 4.0 and double bachelor degrees in Finance and Insurance. I always pictured myself dressed suit and tie, crunching numbers for a large corporation doing investments of a sort or handling assets as finance is really my main interest. I also have been saying for the last 3 years that I eventually want to get into real estate, however I have no money, and money is what you need to get into it..
Well...its barely been a week, and i feel like my entire future has been re-written and i have an entirely different goal and picture for my life (This is NOT a bad thing, it is exciting). This is all because i was introduced to this website, and Dean's book, Profit From Real Estate RIGHT NOW. I give credit to my aunt and uncle because they pointed me in this direction. I bought and read the book in a matter of 2 days, and plan to pick up his other 2 in the next few! It opened my eyes to the fact that money can be made and the strategies he provided have been eating away at me, I am just wanting to get out there and start making offers.
However, i am not going to do that just yet. I am up late tonight (technically extremely early this morning), with lots of ideas swarming around my head on how bad i want to get started, but I am not going to rush it.
I'm starting this journal to document my progress and some of what i will be doing over the next several days, probably weeks preparing myself to get started.
So far.. i have read Dean's PFRERN book, as well as read many peoples journals. I've bookmarked several sites including ones for finding market values on properties, important contracts/helpful scripts for sellers, as well as searched around a few online REI Clubs that were suggested by Dean to aid in finding potential buyers.
Which brings me to my current task at hand..
I am currently searching for potential buyers/investors to find investment properties for to add to my, well, currently non-existent list! (I feel this is most important before i start locking down properties)
So besides that.. my plans for the next few days are to get those two books (Be a Real Estate Millionaire and Your Town, Your Real Estate Profits), read them, and continue gaining knowledge through this website, and other people's experiences.
Keep in mind, i am extremely motivated to do this, and i really don't feel like there has ever been something i feel i am more capable of doing. This just feels right to me already!
--Just a polite warning --(I may not update this frequently until i actually buckle down and start making offers, which is after i find them buyers/investors!)
Where are you from in Illinois?
Click Here To Buy Deans New Book!!! http://www.lanemccaw.bookimentioned.com/b/
Visit my website:http://qchomebuyers.weebly.com/
Visit My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/qchomebuyer
Visit My Linkedin Page: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/the-1-fast-ca-h-home-buyer-in-the-qc/28/b79/...
"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
It sounds like you have developed a real hunger or passion in a very short time. That is a good thing. But don't let that hunger get in the way of the reading and studying you must do to become successful in REI. You hit it on the head when you mentioned that you need to develop a buyers list. This part is key to your future. If you have the time you might want to research local real estate investor clubs, they are everywhere. Here you will network with other investors big and small and it from this point on that your name gets out there. These clubs are priceless as to the info you can learn.
Again, read and study, stay on this site and ask questions. Any question you have has been asked many times and you can find the answers by going to the top left corner, put in your question and hit enter. This will raise all the postings about a particular subject. Much luck to your new life...Jan
I get sort of excited when I hear someone else is, it gives me ideas as to help that person along the way. Everything you are hearing on this website I believe is coming from the heart of these good people. Make sure you check out anybody that says they want to do business with you, scam artists and the like. I just hope you have all kinds of success and would like to give you any suggestions that may help you out. Send me a PM and I will see what I can do. Also, I may have some sources to help you find buyers and sellers if you want to know what they are. Hope to hear from you soon and good luck.
Welcome to the site! This is a goldmine for information and support.
As Jan has said, you want to read, read, read and read some more. We all get so excited and want to just jump in but you also want to sound like you know what you are talking about when you start talking to buyers and sellers or your credibility will be shot.
Another suggestion is you may want to fill in your bio more fully. We have had a few scam artists on here that have been ousted lately and having your bio completed, again contributes to the credibility factor.
Starting your journal is awesome! It helps to make you do things so that you have something to post and people can see you are taking this seriously.
Congratulations for taking this step! And good luck!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
I had worn business suits and high heels for 40 years. Trust me - it gets old. Congratulations on seizing the opportunity to expand your horizons.
I also agree with Karen to complete your profile to enhance your credibility is a good suggestion.
Wishing you the best.
JP. I usually do not comment on an introduction post but I felt different about yours. I was in the same boat as you, graduating college with a double major in Finance and Accounting. I worked for a while for others but set up my public accounting firm about 10 years later. I dabbled in real estate since 1981.
The information I gained for working for others in finance/accounting plus having my own accounting firm made a lot of difference on setting up my initial contact list. I learned early on that you can never network enough. Even in real estate, where everybody talks about properties, it is still about people.
So congrats on your new direction, but with your GPA and your majors, I would certainly encourage you to use your degree to have it pay off for you in the corporate world....at least for a short period of time as to learn how to network with a different kind of investor that you won't find on DG.com.
Lastly, as others have said above me, be skeptical on deals that sound too good to be true. This website is full of new investors with stars in their eyes and there are plenty of people who have decided it is "easy pickins".
Good luck with your future and always feel free to ask questions to the forum or to any individual investor through the PM system.
PS - I didn't have a 4.0 in college, so I am envious of your academic drive.
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