09 Edge Event Videos

09 Edge Event Videos

These videos are awesome. It's no wonder Dean is successful. Successful people make time for things that are important. We can all take a lesson on organization and prioritizing. Not to mention the probate info was outstanding. I would have never known this info had I not watched this video. Thanks Dean for everything.


The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary! Author Unknown

Success is my only option, failures not! Eminem

Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing! Vince Lombardi


I think so too! Boy, I've jumped on those organization techniques and can't wait to see what I've accomplished by next week! Journaling is a wonderful thing, but still doesn't quantify everything accomplished. He is such an inspiration! I've started my organizing list, it is 3 pages long on legal size paper in 6 to 9 boxes a page (and I write small), so I'm hoping to get that down to 1 page and quick!

I'm going to utilize those probate strategies as well, what great info!

Wishing I could get to the 2010 Edge event!

Good luck to you!