I bought the books: Achievement #1
Registering with Deans success academy on Wed March 17th: short term goal
ok now a lil about me because this is the first entry to my blog / success journal
My name is Stephen Bowman, I'm 29 years old and I'm ready for a change... I just received my book about a week ago and I'm trying to get the book read... I'm pretty restless so me finishing yet alone picking up a book is a huge accomplishment in its self.. Can't say that I'm getting it read fast but I'm still reading it and that's all that counts... I pick it up like 2 or 3 times a day and read for about an hr each time... I even thing that my semi-skeptical g/f is impressed that I have read that much so far... kudo's to me... lol I will be joining Deans success academy on Wed.. psyched about that... To give a little insight on that, I'm paying the installment plan.. lol but still a start... I'm currently unemployed and am on unemployment. My g/f just recently got a job and is putting in as much time as possible... last week she had like 24 hrs overtime... so at this point I'm a stay at home dad caring for 4 beautiful children, two hers two mine... which is a full time job in its self... I have always (at least a long time) wanted to get into real estate. I even took a class at the Realtor Association to become a REA but knew that I didn't really want to be a REA, but a REI. My credit is shat to say the least and when I lay in bed there that night, feeling sorry for my self and my kids Dean says here you go Stephen... like buying into MS stock I was ready... This is my true chance to become what I want to be... Now I'm sorry that this is all so long for all that read it, but its my personality to get it all out here and since this is my journal everyone i guess should know who I am, not just my name...
back to being who I want to be; I want to be a Father!!! REI is just the true honest to god tool that it takes to become that!! but not only can it give me that, i know that i will enjoy it once the ball starts rolling for me!! and once I have mastered my art (to an extent, cause i know there is always more to learn) I am gonna rocket into outer space!!! I have always told myself that I am destined for more!! thats the main reason I don't keep jobs so well... although it hurt me in the long run... but with this program I can find myself a Full (part time) job until i can retire from that job... I have huge goals, and yes people i'm going to list them right here. That way I can come back and read this on a regular basis because its me putting it in writing!!!
Short term goals: finish the books asap, register with DGSA on wed, FOLLOW THE SYSTEM, buy a home for my family, and close a min. of 8 deals in the next year.. I don't know if I shooting to high cause to me that seems reasonable..
Long term goals: when the kids graduate senor high Aprox 2020 - 2026 I would like to have the equity and hard cash to A: send my kids to any college they want to (hopefully I can get them involved in REI before they grad. hehehe) B: be able to travel where ever when ever and buy property while I am there...
I would also like to be making a min. of 500000k net a year. with a min of 2 million in equity.
well that's what I could come up with at this point. I'm sure that i will add more as I go along but feel these are good ones to start off with... Well I think that I am going to do some reading while I can yet today the three girls are at school for another 2 hrs and it sounds like lil man is playing good in his room (for now lol) gotta get it in when I can... I'll talk to you all later
this is Stephen Signing off, Over lol
take care all
Its not about hiding from the storm, its about learning to dance in the rain!!
i believe in you !! do not let ANYTHING get in the way of your goals !! take a step EVERY day towards your goals and you WILL accomplish them IF you have the DESIRE to make it happen.by the sounds you are a GREAT father already.do it for them and do it for yourself!! this dg family is behind YOU!!
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CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
I appreciate it and i know i'm not a perfect dad in any way. i want to be the best i can... i know this is that path... motivation is the hardest at times... but like Dean says the only thing standing in my way is me... and as long as i do what needs to be done and keep my head up and chat with you all (my REI family) i know i can do it too..
Its not about hiding from the storm, its about learning to dance in the rain!!
I am glad you made that decision in purchasing thebooks. I am a disable/retired veteran and this is all I can do right now, this all I want todo for th rest of my life. I have not close on a deal yet, but I have done everything Dean tell us to do on the books. Sometimes you're going to get discorage and overwhelme. But stay focus. I have worked in putting my buyer list all this time, but now I am concentrating on finding sellers. Today I got my first call from a seller that resulted from one of my signs so I have an appointment next week to come and look the property, and if is the deal that God has for me, it will.
Start by building relationships and the results will come. Overcome your ghosts that can paralyze you.
Good luck and I' see you at the top.
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Prov. 16:3
"I am talented. I am creative. I am greatley favor by God. I am equipped. I am
well able. I will see my dreams come to pass."
Joel Austin
i will def do everything i can to succeed... and like you said its all in gods hands... how true that is... but already feeling better about my future and that means that god is already working with me...
Its not about hiding from the storm, its about learning to dance in the rain!!
i will def do everything i can to succeed... and like you said its all in gods hands... how true that is... but already feeling better about my future and that means that god is already working with me...
Its not about hiding from the storm, its about learning to dance in the rain!!
Congrats for getting Dean's books. His books are packed with a tremendous amount of tips, techniques and strategies. I often reread them to get the tidbits I may have missed the first couple times through. Congratulations for starting your journal it is a great way to keep yourself accountable and share your insight and knowledge with other DG Members. The DG website is packed with information and inspiration. Dean's Success Academy is also a great way to get on the fast track with real estate investing. Make sure you stay persistent and determined each day and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! Good luck with real estate investing! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Stephen, you have what it takes to achieve your goals, but as you know and as Max pointed out, you must stay focused. Your outlined goals will set the stage for your progress in real estate. Your support structure is huge, make use of every bit. Read and re-read, come to the DG site on a daily basis. Research past posts for additional education, and most of all try and network with other DG members on site and in the area where you reside. Success, here Stephen comes. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Welcome to the DG family! I too recently started the academy. I haven't done my first deal yet, but I am encouraged to hear about another stay at home parent with 4 kids doing this! I need to hear about all the success stories I can right now, because there are definitely some down times. Keep at it through the thick and thin and you will succeed. I look forward to reading your progress, and how you do with your goals, which you WILL reach. You've reminded me, I need to go back to my goals and focus on them! I think I will post them publicly!
every body always says how "The lord works in mysterious ways" and most people are like blah blah blah... well its soo true and all it takes is to open your eyes up a lil more and see the miracles around us on a daily basis...
ok to start this entry off i was letting it go a lil reading but wasn't quite as gung ho until literally just 3 min ago i found my first buyer... haven't had the chance to to invest in any marketing material yet.. just registed with a semi local investing site and a guy called me back from that company and the next thing i know... He's saying he is interested in estate that i can get on contract... he gives me his cellular phone # and he's on my list.... awesome... which is why i was saying about the lord working in mysterious ways.... I told the Gentleman that i was just starting out with Deans Success Academy and i wasn't sure what type of investing i was going to take yet. then i told him that i was kinda interested in the lease option investments... he told me that he would def like me to contact him if i get anything tied up... so psyched all ready... two more days until i'm registered into the Success Academy.. Reading the books still isn't going fast, but i have not stopped... its a big task for me!! ttyal
Its not about hiding from the storm, its about learning to dance in the rain!!
March 17th 2010 i was accepted into Deans Success Academy... Super excited in getting together with a coach.. There is a local house for sale and its listed with a real estate agent... is says possible short sale.. its a small fixer upper but i really like it... and thats the prob. i really like it... i figured out that by buying it it would cost me less then the place i'm renting just down a few blocks... I'm not sure if its in pre foreclosure or what.. i'm still learning a lot of the steps... but hopefully with my success team i can waddle my way in there... from what i have heard its been there a while... i may get a good deal on it... the problem is at this point i have no job and very poor credit... i would rather invest and keep this property for the time being but fear i may not be able to pull that off on my first deal with my poor job and credit history... I still believe that anything is possible and this could just be the super kicker that really helps me sky rocket into financial independence. I think that if i could some how get the title to this property to start me out would be awesome because we really could use a boost like that... I hate renting... i would love to be a land lord though... find it fun.. not that i have ever owned my own, but one of my child hood friends father is a Realtor, and had rentals... My friend is also a Realtor, who i'm hoping i can get to help me... If not I'll find another... and another and another... lol anywho i'm gonna get motivated here and do a few things so i'll talk to you later..
Its not about hiding from the storm, its about learning to dance in the rain!!