Started with Zero($0) of my money
My Two Main Reason For Starting This Journal
1. To Be Accountable
2. To Take MORE ACTION!!!
My end buyer who was acting like she was gonna buy my first property at PA which I had under contract for the past two weeks backed out last week. wednesday. ***The seller lives in miami***
Purchase Price- $5k plus 2,000 (assignment fee)
Rehab- $5K
MArket Value- $44k
I didnt put any EMD and I had 10 days inspection which ended yesterday 08/18/2013
THIS IS HOW IT WENT: When I got her from my craigslist ad I never screened her properly as a cash buyer (I was still a newbie LOL) She told me she got POF and I told her I need to see it and she was like she is going to bring it at contract signing.
Her inspection day was last wednesday 08/14/2013 @2pm and my attorney told me that she sent two of her partner who will be doing the inspection for her (In my mind I was like What a hell is she trying to do). I knew something wasnt right so I emailed my end buyer and told her the following
1. all inspection has to be done before contract signing,
2. Contract is not assignable
3. Non-refundable down payment is to be paid at contract signing
After I emailed her 30 mins before inspection appointment time (1:30pm). She told her partners who were suppose to inspect the property to tell my attorney to cancel the appointment and also told my attorney that they dont buy properties around that area.
I learnt a lesson after that happened to always screen my cash buyers at the first initial contact.
So basically, tomorrow 08/19/2013 is my last day. The seller called me today to see if i was still buying it and I told him that my general contractor will be inspecting it tomorrow and I will give him a final decision at 5pm tomorrow. If I dont find a potential buyer by 5pm tomorrow 08/19/2013 I will cancel the contract.
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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--made an offer on another wholesaler buy and hold deal and sent it my buyer. This is a buyer who told me he wants buy and hold and looking to buy and flip. He told me there's not enough room for him to make profit.
When another wholesaler has a property under contract and you make an offer and get it under contract, add your fee and offer to your buyer, this is called a "daisy chain". Not usually a good situation to get into because, as you found, it puts the deal out of range numberwise.
Try this instead. Contact the other wholesaler and ask him/her if you bring a buyer would they be willing to do a 50/50 split with you on the fee he/she will be making. If he agrees get it in writing. Then if it brings your numbers down enough to be in range for your buyer, go back to him (buyer) and tell him you renegotiated a better price on the property and would he like to reevaluate the deal?
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
I appreciate your advice. This property was a 3/1 in a great neighborhood which has like around 5% appreciation rate. This wholesaler also wholesale other wholesalers deal. Her plan was to do an assignment of contract (I guess she has like a purchase contract with another wholesaler and then he wants to assign her own contract) she was asking for $84,000 FMV was around $120k and she was willing to accept $79k after negotiating back and forth.
When you say "When another wholesaler has a property under contract and you make an offer and get it under contract, add your fee and offer to your buyer, this is called a "daisy chain". You mean like The contract which I should use should be a purchase contract then I will now assign it to my buyer am I correct?
Also your second alternative which you suggested me to do when you said "Contact the other wholesaler and ask him/her if you bring a buyer would they be willing to do a 50/50 split. If he agrees get it in writing." Assume the wholesaler agrees on 50/50 can you please tell me what type of contract am I suppose to use in order for us to put it into writing?
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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What I am saying is DON'T get involved in a daisy chain.
The key is you want to have control of your deals. In a daisy chain, you have NO control!If you are not working directly with the original wholesaler who has it under contract, the chances increase greatly that the deal will fall through. This should not be considered as a choice or an alternative.
What you are referring to above as the "second alternative" IS NOT a second alternative. It is probably the ONLY choice that I would recommend. Of course, in this case, someone else is already between the two of you and you should NOT bypass your connection. In my opinion, I say pass.
Plus, is this EVEN a deal? Are there absolutely no repairs on this property? If there are, then the deal she is offering you is NOT a deal according to the formula. Because you still have to put your fee on that $79K.
I know you are anxious to make your first deal but don't get so anxious that you force a "deal" that is not really a deal and could actually prove to be a minefield.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Very well put I concur. I stay away from those.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Thanks and what you are saying makes complete sense to me. I had to pass on that property to save my time and energy.
I felt like it was a deal but I don't think it is at the same time. well after we negotiated back and forth we agreed on $79 and I had to put my fee($7,000) on top and presented it to my buyer for $86k....The wholesaler told me no repairs needed and I know I still have to do my due diligence and the pics she sent looks like ok to me.
I would be lying if I say I'm not anxious. I am for real and like you said I'm not going to be anxious to force a deal happen when its not really a deal...
Thanks for the advice and good luck in your investing this week
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Thanks for weighing in. I appreciate that.
All the best in your investing
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Knowledge I gained
1) Visited daily and jotted down some great tips which I added to my REI business.
2) Watched Dean weekly wisdom (5 mins of is what I learnt not to focus on the wall and focus on an open space. In otherwords, I'm not going to focus on my problems but instead focus on ways to achieve my goals.
--I contacted 5 FSBO(off my ghost ad on CL)
Made an offer to FSBO 1 (1 out of 4): House here in MIA been vacant since noov. 2013. Mortgage balance $70k FMV is 86k. seller asking for $110k. Here is what I told him I'm an investor and I work with several partners. I made know that his in competition with lots of foreclosures and the market is slow right now. I offered for what he own which he didn't accept. In conclusion, I told, I have a great option and I'm happy for you, If your option doesn't work out maybe you can call em back. well I know there is not enough equity in this property but i can as well flip it to another buy and hold investor.
--I contacted another seller off Cl who claimed she got 4 homes. Reason for selling: whats to buy another house in NY. I haven't done my number on this to if it is a deal or not.
--I contacted another 8 FSBO (from website)
****seller 1: Asking price :$499k owner occupied. motivation key:wants to downgrade, needs some minor repairs. I have done my numbers yet on this one. she didn't want to give me her email (well hear ears are going to chew my offer when I finish work on my #'s) I told seller let me check back with my partners and i will get back to her in the next couple of days.
****Seller 2: listed for sale and for rent. Checked miami public record and it looks free and clear. when i called her she had some family time and we arranged a phone appointment today 9am which i forgot to call her back. I will call her before the end of today
*****Seller 3: called seller andd left a voicemail. will call back again by the end of today.
****Seller 4: House was listed as for sale and also for rent. Called the seller and it kept on ringing and it didn't go to voicemail. oh well I will call back by the end of today.
****Seller 5: Called and left a voice mail...checked the public record and seller has a different mailing address..House is vacant because it was listed for sale and for rent..looks free and clear via the public record.
*****seller 6: called seller. 2/2 condo..Seller wasn't motivated because he refused to disclose his mortgage. no repairs. Reason for selling: whats to buy a new house (lol lets wish goodluck lol just kidding) I'm not going to waste my time to put an offer on this one.
******Seller 7: 2/2 townhouse listed as for rent and for sale. AP: $300k. sellers looks motivated. The house has been vacant since October 2013 and seller lives in NY. house is free and clear. if I pay cash and close quickly: she said $275k. Seller is a Realtor. I haven't done my numbers on this one yet but will work on this by the end of today.
*****Seller 8: call and left a voice mail. Then seller texted me and was like I accepted an offer and I was like if your opinion doesn't work out please contact so we can discuss on the terms and condition you would consider selling your house.
--Added two agents on my team.
--Renewed my 60 ghost ads for both sellers and buyers on CL twice last week. You know you are in a competition when people flag your CL ads. I'm not worried about that. I love competition and I dont think the they are ready for me yet lol. I got at least 12 of my ad flagged. I'm defintely going to post at least 50 more ghost ads by the end of tonight from mmy both CL account which I have. lol lets see who gets tired of flagging lol.
---Bought 3 bandit signs for sellers "CASH FOR YOU HOUSE CALL NOW XXX-XXX-XXXX)
----Contacted and met up with a seller in person luckily. On my way back from removing my signs after morning rush hours. I saw a store which says tax filing, corporations filing, etc. I walked in there and i asked the receptionist how much do they charge to open an LLC, he referred me to his boss who is an old man. So the old man requested me to come to his office s I did. Then he stared pitching me lol trying to sell me to buy to get the LLC for $380. Suddenly he peeped my bandit sign which I was holding on my hand (CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE CALL NOW) and ask me if i buy houses I said YES I'm an investor and I work with several partners. we are looking to buy more properties to add to our portfolio. He wants to sell his house 2/2 townhouse which is living in.Reason for selling: due to health issues, he is tired of working up and down the stairs in his townhouse so he want a condo which is on the first floor so doesn't have to worry about the stairs or the elevator. 72 year old man. Asking for $160k and he awe $12k. I called him the other day to see when I can come take a look at it and he was like after dec 31st. i haven't made an offer yet.
----Added 3 motivated buyers to my list off CL
In summary
# of sellers I contacted which I can remember: at least 13
# of offers i placed: 1
# of properties under contact: None
Things I need to improve in my REI business: Offers, offers, offers..
Happy holidays
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Knowledge gained!!
Visited and read some interesting Journals and posts which were helpful to me and I had to save some of them.
1) added six buyers off my CL ghost ads
2) Went to home depot yesterday after days of procrastinating and bought plastic wires like 10 of them in a package and they are 48 inches (paid $8 something, not bad). I can't wait to put down out today Saturday but usually I put them out on Friday nights. Also I met this a guy at the home depot was had peeped my nadit sign which I was holing and he told me that they are usually people who come to home depot in the morning standing in front of the store asking people if they would be interested to buy their house. lol i was like wow! and I was like what time do they usually come out he was like 6am. I will definitely go out there again one of these days to see if I can come across of those sellers.
3) bought 2 more bandit sign (so all together I got 5 bandit signs)
4) emailed my buyers and my power team merry Christmas on Christmas day just to follow up with them and refresh my name in their brains lol.
5)Got 2 seller leads off my ghost ad on CL and I from zillow. 2 of them I think are motivated even though I haven't done my numbers yet.
Seller 1: owns a 2/2 condo and will be available jan 1st. he told me the mortgage balance is $162k. We have been keeping in touch with each other and I spoke with him yesterday and he told me he wants $170k to cover his closings cost. Actually he is also open to l/o. I will do my numbers today and if there is a lot of equity I will make him a cash offer, if there's no equity I will now send him my l/o proposal and then assign my contract and get out of the deal quickly.
Seller 2: Got a seller who's name is lupe off my CL ghost ad and he had emailed me his the home address and I requested his contact number and the other day I saw his missed call and he left a voice mail. (I will follow up with him today). He also came me his son number to contact too.
seller 3: from zillow: Looks motivated and I made an appointment with him next week to meet up with me at my school. He got three properties which he would like to sell. I havent yet done my numbers on this one.
6) Got in contact with a seller at a grocery store next to my school. here is the story: I got into the store holding my signs "CA$H FOR HOUSE CALL NOW XXX-XX-XXXX" He peeped at it and was like do you buy houses I said yes I'm an investor and I work with several partners and we are looking at buying more properties to add to our portfolio. So he gave me the address and unit #. He is a motivated seller because he is a tired landlord. the mortgage balance ie around $14k. I asked him how much he was asking for and he was like in the last 5 years ago when he checked his house appraiser for $160k. and I let him know he is in competition with a lot of foreclosures out there. I told talk to his wife and let know how much they want because I don't want to make them a low ball offer. He was ok. I saw him the other day again in the store and ask him how much does he want and he was like he never got the chance to talk to his wife so he wants me to throw some numbers at him and I was like ok I will get back to you after I sit down and talk with my partners. I did my numbers the condo is worth around $135k. I will go to the store to see if I would see him or else I will just call him up after 5 pm (that's when he usually gets off work and also the period he told me to call him). $135k x 0.70= 94,500 - 10k(assignment fee)=84,500. I will start at $80k with my offer and my max would be $84k.
7) Send out 8 offers using my two RE agents. I got one counter offer. My agent will be going out there to take a look at the property for me today and I will offer again tonight.
9) Got a seller lead off my back page ghost ad I had posted like more than 1 month ago. I look this seller name on pubic record and he owns at least 10 properties. He said he will get back to me before next week Monday with the address to give me more info about the properties. If I dont hear back from him by Monday I will call him up.
# of properties under contract: NONE
# of offers: At least 8
1) Follow up with the 8 sellers from last week which I got off (do my numbers and send out my offers)
2) Put out my bandit signs with my plastic wires
3) Repost the rest of my ghost ads and put more 50 ghost ads like said last week which I didnt do.
4) write out my long term and short terms for 2014 with pictures of them and attach them in a cardboard paper so each day I wake up in the morning or go to sleep at night, i will be able to focus on my goals and take the actions towards them.
5) put out more offers at least 5 each day and get at least 2 properties under contract each week.
6) Order more business cards for my cash buyers and sellers on
One of my favorite quotes of all time "#1. Keep the big picture in mind. There are always opportunities and possibilities, and thinking too small can negate a lot of them.
#2. Keep your momentum. Without momentum, a lot of great ideas go nowhere.
#3. Look at the solution, not the problem. Learn to focus on what will give results."- Donald Trump
Happy Holidays folks
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Good job keep it up, I like how you are handling things...sounds like you should keep the bandit signs with you wherever you go huh? When I move to LA or at least visit to see if I even like the place lol I will be doing that once or twice a week...I hate carrying things I get aggrevated with the items too quick if Im no where close to my destination have better patience than I do...keep up the good work, you will get your deal soon...
I appreciate your kind words. Yes I made a decision to carry at least one bandit sign with me everywhere I go until when I'm able to buy a bright yellow tee shirt with printed letters in black "WE BUY HOUSES ANY CONDITION XXX-XXX-XXXX" or "CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE XXX-XXX-XXXX" I will have it printed front and back.
I love when people look at me when i carry my bandit sign. At first I kinda felt kinda weird about it but I know that was the spirit of fear trying to manipulate me. I'm proud to say right now I have overcome that spirit of fear and now able to carry my sign everywhere I go comfortably .
Goodluck in your REI journey.
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Knowledge Which I Gained.
1.) I visited
1) I put OUT my 5 bandit signs for sellers yesterday together with my plastic wires. WE BUY HOUSES ANY CONDITION xxx-xx-xxxx
2) I bought 4 more bandits which I be using for my sellers as well in the same location which I posted my other 5 bandit signs (all together I have 9 signs)..
3) I dressed up in my suit and everything and went to the store to meet my seller who i told you guys i met last week. His wife has a 2/2 condo. I made an offer for $80k FMV-135k. He was like he doesn't think his wife would take it. He was asking for $100k. He told me he will talk to his wife this weekend and and I should call him 3pm on monday. (marked it on my phone calendar).
4) spoke with one of my buyers.
5) Got in contact with one of my birddogs
1) Follow up with the 8 sellers from last week which I got off (do my numbers and send out my offers)
2) Put out my 4 new bandit signs with I bought yesterday
3) Repost the rest of my ghost ads and put more 50 ghost ads like said last week which I didn't do.
4) write out my long term and short terms for 2014 with pictures of them and attach them in a cardboard paper so each day I wake up in the morning or go to sleep at night, i will be able to focus on my goals and take the actions towards them.
5) put out more offers at least 5 each day and get at least 2 properties under contract each week.
6) Order more business cards for my cash buyers and sellers on
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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First time I stop by wanted to say Hi.
You are doing great keep up the hard work and you know it will pay off BIG TIME!!!
Keep me up to date would ya on your deal count as they go up just so I know I need to do more..
Doing a good job.
Ever tried ordering a couple of shirts that say We Buy Houses with your # from that commercial that makes company or family reunion t-shirts? I cant think of it from the top of my head but when the commercial comes back on I will let you know. I plan on do so as well...Good luck...
Good job man. Keep taking action and inevitably it will happen. You WILL start doing deals.
*Disclaimer I am not an attorney nor am I offering any professional advice, just some thoughts I am sharing*
Awesome man! Keep up the hard work and the deals will come!
I am a Professional Real Estate Investor! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of the J.O.B. You've come to fight as free men/women... and free men/women you are! What will you do for that freedom?? Will you fight?!! Lets fight for it together!!!!
Hi TC,
Great Planning. Wish you the Best.
You said you are going to put 5 offers a day.
Are these going to put blind offers or you will visit 5 properties each week and then put offers.
With blind offers do you have a system in place to determine the repair/rehab cost.
Wish Everybody a great success in their Real Estate Business
Happy New year!! I appreciate your kinds words. I know that for sure my hard work will definitely pay off big time without any doubt. I can do all the things through Christ who straightens me..
Good luck in your REI journey this year!!
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Happy new year Jevon. Yup ordering some shirts ( bright yellow in color wit black lettering: We BUY HOUSE IN ANY CONDITION) has been one my great ideas which I will definitely accomplish this year. As soon I get my first deal done this month, I will buy a mini van and paint the entire body with a bright yellow color and it will say we buy house house both on the front, back, both sides of the van. I'm so fired up this year. It's my year to shine. I'm so proud of my confidence which I have gained so far in REI which is off the roof.
Best you good luck in your REI journey.. This is our year of financial blessing..
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Happy new year Bennie! I hope you are doing great in your REI. Yup you right..Goals can never be accomplished unless actions is being taken. I have been able to double up my actions steps towards my goals for this year...Its all about being persistence and having the right mindset you know..
Its great to see you again on my journal..We stay in touch
Good luck and this is your year to shine
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Happy New year thom.. I hope all is well with you and your family... Thanks for checkin up on me, it really meant lot. Its great to members on looking after each others back to make everyone succeeds since we all have the same goals in common you know.. THis year is going to be a year for all of us and I can't wait to accomplish my short term and long terms goals. I bet you can't wait to accomplish yours as well:)
Happy investing!
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Good for you, I hope it comes through for you, I am expecting my first deal of 15k by the end of this week or next week after 3 years, my buyers are going over to look at the property tomorrow and if they like it they will give me everything I need including the emd by the end of the day...this can be done...So don't give up and I hope mine go through as well...Also is craigslist Miami malfunctioning on your computer too because when I go to it on my computer it automatically sends me to maps...
Happy new year Bimal...How are you? I hope you are doing wonderful...It feels good to see you again on here. I appreciate your kinds and I wish you the same as well. We are definitely going to succeed this year...I got all short and long terms all written out and I proclaim my goals loud twice a day. Will be posted my goals in my journal soon..
well instead of 5 offer each, I create goals which are attainable so I made at least 5 offers each week
In terms of the seeing the properties which I made to offer..I have never seen any of properties which I have made an offer. Before I make an offer, I always give a great impression to the seller that I already did a drive by around the property neighborhood and I tell them it looks like a nice house in a good neighborhood just what we are looking..Then I go ahead and make an offer.
Since my last post on here, some of the offers which I have made, I requested my agent to go look at it, which he did and took pics and some few clips on the condition of the property. In my head I roughly estimate the repairs needed
for example: minor repairs- $5-10k/sf
moderate repairs: $15 to $20/sf
major repairs $$25, $30 or $35/sf
I hope it helps and good luck in your investing
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Congrats.. I'm so happy for you. I hope everything works out great and your buyer closes on this deal which you have on time.
In regards to your concern about CL. I had the same experience before. All you have to do is this: you see the four tabs below the search box where it says LIST, THUMB, GALLERY, MAP. I think you have it on map instead of LIST. So just click on LIST and you are good to go..
I hope I was able to help.. and I can't wait to share your success story on this deal which you are about to close soon:)
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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I clicked on lists numerous times but it just keeps flashing back to maps on its own errrr lol
Maybe it is from your computer. I would suggest you to visit a public library close by so you can make use of the computer.
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Just popping in to see what the latest is with you.
Glad to see you are still pushing. Of course, I had no doubt that you were!
Best wishes for a fantastic 2014!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
I appreciate you stopping by to show some love and support..
This year is going to be a great year for us!
I'm glad I took your advice in terms of staying in my area to invest. It's definitely paying off gradually for me.
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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Hi TC,
Sorry so being late in getting back to you.
Thanks for responding to my questions. I have made one offer and in the process of filling out the information I am asked.
I became an IE member this year as I think I need more hand holding then anything. Yesterday there was great live chat hosted by Carol Stinston and she spoke about Land Trust. Learnt something new. My first deal will be using the power of Land Trust.
I wish you all the best.
Wish Everybody a great success in their Real Estate Business
--Watched Dean weekly wisdom of 269, 270, 271, 272. ( I learnt a lot from those weekly wisdom which inspired me and motivated me a lot.
--Visited each day and read some great journals and post from both Dean great Success Couches and students
--Spoke with one of Dean's great student who lives in Florida and he gave me some gave advice on double closing via selling of LLC.
1) Wrote down my long term and short terms goals with pictures of them. I say them a loud twice each day (when I wake up each morning and before I go to bed each day)..For the past 3-4, I haven't been keeping up with them.
2) Added 3 new agents to my team who sends me listings
- one of them sent me a few potential lease option listings / owner financing (my exit strategy is to assign the contract)
- one other agent sent me listing in a specific area where I requested, that s where my cash buyer wanted. (I'm yet to put on offer on them.
-The other one sent me a couple of potential lease option listing/ owner financing like at least 10 of them..
(All these listings I stated above were sent to me like last week and some last 2 weeks and to be honest I have been procrastinating on reviewing these listings which my agents sent and putting out offers on them).. I don't want to ruin my reputation with these agents. I plan on working on them tonight and put out offer by tomorrow morning.
3) Added 2 birddogs to my team. I will tell you guys on I got them
I was at the library in my school and I saw a guy sitting next to me. I started to be rapport with him and I told him "I'm an investor and I buys houses and if you can refer me to any vacant house I will pay you $1,000 for each property. He told me that that the place he lives, that there is a vacant unit. So he gave me the address and I went to the public record to pull up the property. I noticed it was actually 3 duplexes in a lot owned by the 1 owner. I asked him of his relationship with his landlord and he told me his cool with his landlord. So I told him he should text his landlord and tell him he has a friend who is an investor and he buys houses, and ask him if he has any property he would consider to sell. The seller told my birddog he has a property he would consider to sell but I should contact him via email. my birddog gave me the seller email and I emailed him the next day.
I pulled up the address on the miami public record and he bought this property (townhouses 3/2 no HOA) for $75,000 back in last 2 months or so. the ARV was around around $70k - 80% but the cap rate was good : 21% ROI.....His reason for selling: He ran out of cash for the other property he was rehabbing. I offered $65k and he didn't counter and I asked him whats the least offer he would accept and he said $95,000 (I'm like what a heck in my mind lol he needs to go jump the mountains) I had to pass on that one........The seller is not motivated at all..... I sent my birddog the consultant agreement I found on for $1,000 per property if i buy it.
The next birddog I got was a formal coworker who goes to my school as well.... I sent him a birddog/consultant contract (the same one I sent to my other birddog) after he signed the contract, I made him drive me to visit a property which I made an offer from last two week s We took pics of the property, and video of the neighborhood.
4) Posted at 70 ghost ads on CL targeting FSBO and cash buyers
For instance for the past 2 days I posted : We Buy house! Any Condition! Call Now!! xxx-xxx-xxxx under real estate and apt wanted in my investing. Luckily I got a response for a seller who has a vacant property and is open to lease to own ( my exit strategy is to assign the contract)
5) I placed at least 15 offers (via orally, email, written contract) 2 of them are accepted but not yet signed.
The first offer accepted was this one s ........... The seller is still at Israel and he wanted me to put down $4,500 in escrow before he signs. So I called his attorney here in miami yesterday and I told him that $4,500 shouldn't be a problem and I will put it down after on or before 14 business days of inspection and he was like "thats fair enough " I asked for his email so I can forward him the contract so he can sign it. I'm yet to email him the contract because I wanted to amend the contract to 21 business days of inspection instead of 14 days. This was the property I visited yesterday with my birddog..The house was totally gutted I tell ya. It needs total rehab in terms of a new roof, windows, doors, new kitchen, bath, tree service etc.Estimate repairs off my head should be around $40,000. (I plan on contacting 3 contractors who would go over there to give me an estimate of repair cost. i think this property might have a foundation problem because there is a giant tree right in front of the house and it seems like the roots might have expanded and gotten into the foundation of this property.who knows..
The second offer accepted was a lease option deal which I have been on for the past 2 weeks or so.. This property needs a little work ( I haven''t inspected the inside of this property to estimate the repairs. My agent got this one for me and he actually visited the property for me and took a couple of pics. here was my offer $900 rent per month (average rent in the area are going for $1,200) + 340 credited towards purchase price- $70,000 (ARV $105k) lease term :3 exit strategy was to assign this deal.. I submitted the following contract to the seller
-Lease with option to purchase contract
- Agreement to lease
-Seller Disclosure
- Lead paint Disclosure
- memorandum of option
- Affidavit of liens
The seller consulted her attorney and the attorney got back to me with this 8-10 page contract lol and the attorney didn't put the rent credit, the 3 years lease (he put for 1 year), and he stated the start of the contract will be feb 1, 2014. I told my agent to give me the listing agent contact info so I can call the the agent let him know whats going on. I call him yesterday and I told him of the following things which were missing and he needs to tell the attorney that they should give me like 2 weeks to set up everything. (by then I will find a tenant buyer for this deal)..The agent sent an email to the seller about my request and hopefully they get back to me by monday next week.
6) I met up with one of my tenant buyers who got via my ghost ad on CL who I would say is a big time joke. The reason why I said so is because, at first he told me he's looking for a house for rent to own and I asked if he would be living there, he was like him and his grand ma. Second time, I noticed some inconsistency in his words such as in terms of the down payment and how soon he can move in (just to see ow motivated he was)..I had to crossed him out of my list)..
7) I added at least 21 buyers which includes both cash buyers and tenant buyers. Most of them was via my ghost ad on CL and a few from my 1 bandit sign remaining (lol the rest of my 9 bandit signs were either stolen or removed by the city) I'm not worried about that, as long as I'm getting leads from my ghost ads on CL, I'm good:)
9) Visited Miami clerk tax sales auction and I saw a property which has an auction date. The final judgement payoff(mortgage back payments attorney fees) was less than $15k. So I did some research on the owner and found her facebook page of her office. She is a zumba trainer/instructor or whatever it is called lol..I called her cell number numerous times and she didn't pick up so I texted her saying" hello my name is so so and so and I'm a real estate investor, I buy houses. I'm contacting you in regards to your property at 123 zillow way st #101, would you you consider selling your house before it goes into auction?" she never replied back to me. On the day of the auction I check back on the website to see if her property was sold and to my surprise she filed for bankruptcy. I called her the next couple of days and she picked up but told me she was going to call me back which she never did. I called her again and she never picked up..
10) I visited Miami clerk website and did some research on properties that are going into upcoming tax deed auctions sales which is coming up next month.
I will keep you guys posted..
Happy investing!
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
Follow me on my road to being a BILLIONAIRE
Go LIKE my official facebook page
Knowledge I gained
--Visited (which has been my bible in my rei business right from day 1)
Actions I did today
I woke this morning around 10 am because I went to bed late last night. One of my birddogs who drove me to visit a property which I stated in my last post had a birthday bash last night. I went to the party to show some love, we had a good time.
From 10am -4pm : I ran into a friend in my school and we chatted. She is from a different county in florida( which is not my investing area). I already told her I'm an investor and I buy properties... I plan on meeting up with her again tonight to let her know if she has any relatives in south Florida , I would be interested in buying any properties which they might consider to sell
-Received 2 missed calls which I'm yet to return back the calls
- I met two girls in my school who were eating their lunch and I approached them and introduced myself to them. I started building rapport with them and I told them I'm investor and I buy houses. if they refer me to any vacant house, I will pay them $1,000. I asked them where they worked and they told me they both work together in an attorney office who handles foreclosures. how cool is that? So I told to like my facebook fan page and I asked for the the attorney office number and I saved it on my phone. I will be calling the attorney office on monday next week hopefully I can get some referral of some pre-foreclosure houses.
-I texted my birddog who I went to visit a property yesterday to send me the rest of the pictures and videos we took at the property yesterday to my email which he did.
4pm - 7pm- Went to the library get out of my comfort zone to make use of the computer to update my journal on
-Checked my emails
- Logged in to my facebook account to update my fan page status
-Search on CL and i found 9 FSBO leads in my investing area and I forwarded the ads to my email. I plan on emailing these sellers tonight and then call them tomorrow morning before I go to church at 11am or when I come back from church after 12pm tomorrow.
- Logged into
7pm - 11:59pm
-I feel asleep and took a little nap while on the computer
-I checked my email and this guy who I suspected he was a scammer had emailed me off my ghost ad for lease option sellers which I posted on CL.
Here is a full the full story: I had posted a ghost ad on CL "MANAGER SEEKING FOR 2 BED/2 BATH + We are looking for a long term lease and we would like to purchase the property in 3 years. 2 beds/ 2 bath + town house or single family around Dania, Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale. We are open to other areas. We can afford to pay anything less than $2,000 for rent (it depends on the property and location) and we can move in immediately.Please EMAIL ME"
so this scammer who appeared to be frank lawson emailed "I'm looking for a QUIET, CLEAN, SAFE TENANT..Financially responsible, respectful, and overall easygoing tenant who is looking for a nice and comfortable place to call home after a long day of work.Location and how many bedroom? We just needed a responsible and well behaved person to rent out our house to and I hope you will take very good care of
the house?"
I replied "Hello, Thanks for emailing me. We are looking for a long term lease at least 3 years with also we would like to purchase your property. Have you considered selling your property? I would like you to send me the address of your property?
Thanks for time xxxxxxxxx(my first name) xxx-xxx-xxxx(my google voice)"
The scammer replied back "I appreciate your quick reply i want you to know that that email is not showing here it is still anonymous so kindly send me your email
address ASAP.Thanks"
I replied back "Hello Frank sorry about that,My email is xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks xxxxxxx(my full name) xxx-xxx-xxxx(my cell #) xxx-xxx-xxxx(my google voice)
the scammer replied "Thank you for the interest in my house. The house is still available for rent; the house was completely renovated easy access to Public
Transportation. The Bedrooms are equipped with everything you need for
your stay. I will love to have showed you round the house and the inside, but am
sorry i am presently out on a missionary trip.I have been posted to
the West Africa by the United State Christian Organization for
(Worldwide Missionary Outreach). We are now in West Africa for the
Missionary work and so all you can do is drive by the home anytime. i
wanted to sell it before and later changed my mind to rent it out for
investment purposes since i might still come back some time 5 years or
more to come. So we have ordered them to stop all advertisement about
the home for sale and that will be effective asap. So i wouldn't want
that to bother you at all I could not find an honest agent to hand
over the place before leaving so i and my wife decided to post the
property online. Here is our rental application form that you will
have to fill if you are still interested in this house..I also want
you to let me have trust in you as i always stand on my word.
Monthly Rent: $1000
Security Deposit Is $900
Total move in cost:$1900
House address: 1228 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, FL 33019
Bedrooms:2 beds and Bathrooms:2 baths
Utilities are included in the rent.
Minimum rental: 1 month
Maximum rental: 4 years or more
Available NowSecured front and rear entry in historic Church House
Victorian building! Laundry Room and additional storage available in
basement. Emerald Hills spacious home clean, updated kitchen & bath,
tile floors in common living areas, laminent in bedrooms, large
florida room overlooking open in-ground pool/spa/patio. Monthly rental
price includes pool and lawn maintenance. Within walking distance to
house of worship close to beach, hospital, major highways and public
transportation. Parking for RV or boat on side of home. This home is a
true delight!
FIRST NAME:__________?
MIDDLE NAME:__________?
LAST NAME:__________?
KIDS_____ (YES/NO), HOW MANY:________?
PRESENT ADDRESS: _____________________
CITY: _______________
ZIP CODE: ____________
WHEN DID YOU WANT TO PAY:___________________?
NAME OF PET: _____________?
KIND OF PETS: _____________?
DO YOU SMOKE: ______________ ?
DO YOU DRINK: ______________?
Looking forward to hearing from you with all this details so that i
can have it in my file in case of issuing the receipt for you and
contacting you…Await your urgent reply so that we can discuss on how
to get the document and the keys to you,please we are giving you all
this based on trust and again i will want you to stick to your
words,you know that we have not seen yet and only putting everything
into Gods hands,so please do not let us down in this our property and
God bless you more as you do this…The house is available for rent at
the moment so you are free to move in as soon as you wish to my
number..(+23481-3940-6530).Call me for more information and
arrangements on how to get the keys and other necessary documents
delivered to you...The house will be available for rent for a period
of 4 years so you have a choice of deciding how long you intend
staying there…
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
Follow me on my road to being a BILLIONAIRE
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