I have made a commitment to give this 60 days. I have tried several other programs with not results. Never able to get the deal done, never anyone to assign the deals to. I have been told by several people that I can not even do assignments in South Carolina. I have had several people on my buyers list but when you call them they say they are no longer buying or unable to buy. I have even posted on DG for buyers and no replies. Again I will stay focused on the task at hand trying to build my buyers list.
I too, am starting my journey. May I make a suggestion? Don't be so hard on yourself. You are surrounded by naysayers and negative people that don't believe in you. I know, I have them too (which is why I am not telling mine until I can say "Oh, by the way. I just sold a house and made 20K in the deal." I can't wait to hear their reaction then!
Rock on, it will be so worth it in the end!
Below are links that I have compiled for me (and that I also share - I update it if I find something to add in my Journal
"DG Links by DGers to keep handy for sharing (that I personally found helpful, useful or funny!
DG Website Rules - MUST READ so we are all on the same page
By DgAdmin
DG Website FAQs by DGAdmin
How To Blog Or Journal by Cris
What do you advise? by Jack
DG Site Instructions by Mike
80 Ways to find buyers by Jeff
30 Days Quick Cash Formula by Michelle
How To: Stop Being Scared And Start Making $0 Risk Offers by Erik
104 Websites to sell your property: by Sissy
I hope it helps! Stay inspired! Happy Investing!
I tried to post a response with a lot of links. (It got flagged as spam.. maybe it will show up, but if it can't, just click HERE
Those are all DG . com links that I have compiled for me (and that I also share - I update it if I find something to add in my Journal
I hope it helps! Stay inspired! Happy Investing!
Updating this response: (as of 3/31/2012)
I apologize Therin, but I just found the direct link to my entry in my Journal disappear and flagged as spam (because it had a lot of links) - those were the links I referred to above.
Anyway, the Buyer's link is at:
http :// www . deangraziosi . com /real-estate-forums/marketing-buyers-and-sellers/29039/80-ways-find-buyers
(Just remove all the spaces because I'm not sure if this updated post will actually post.)
Never give up, when you give up, then your done. Real Estate is where the real
money is at! you just need a course to follow a road map, if you have a course
to follow do not waiver, never say die and you will reach your port!!!!
Drive on, Drive on,
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'"
Think, say and do what is right; refuse to think, say or do what is wrong.
Thank you Yoda.
Seriously. Here is a quote the late great Vince Lombardi once said and not only do I use it from timt to time but I live by it. I think you should to. "Quiters never win and winners never quit." Good luck and if REI is something you believe deep down in your heat, why let others steal yoir dreams?
Happy investing.
"Winners never quit and quitters never win."-Vince Lombardi
Rick Cooper Investments
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/98042/...
My website: http://rickcooperinvestments.usapropertywholesale.com/
Linkedin profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/rick-cooper/50/538/a7a
Hello! I am starting back and recommited to my REI. And this is the best place to come for motivation and inspiration. I too have not told many people in my family what I am doing. The naysayers can kill your dream faster than anything else. I have committed to following everything in Deans latest book and to not question anything. ANYTHING! I also will post somewhere on this sight on a daily basis. Good luck to everyone out there. Please know that when you post something for someone as a way to inspire and motivate, you just never know who else you are going to touch and push forward in the process.
Thank you!
Knowledge Plus Action Equals Results!
The only secure future I can have is the one that I build for myself!
It may not take off right away but once it starts for you it's like a snowball effect! The first one is the toughest... The rest come quick after that. Keep it up and don't take any crap from the others. Don't be a fan, be a player!
Real estate works...
Pls see my updated post above
I hate to tell you this, but in 60 days it is probably not going to happen!
This is not a quick fix type of proposition. It takes time to build and learn what you are doing. If that is the amount of time that you gave to the other programs, once again, that could be why nothing has worked.
You have to make up your mind that you are going to do it. No matter what. No matter how long it takes. Never say die!
Assignments are legal in every state. People who don't understand a process will usually tell you it is illegal or "it won't work here". Don't listen. Prove them wrong.
I hope you decide to commit because it can change your life, but it is a decision only you can make.
Wishing you the best.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Thanks everybody for the boost. My scars are healing and the black eye is fading. I am back up on the stool and building my buyers bucket list again. If I can add you please let me know.
Dont give up and stay strong. Have you found a REI group in the area yet? By the way you CAN do assignments in South Carolina contact a real estate attoney set up a time to meet and let them know what you are doing and review your contracts.
David is spot on. Remember, Walt Disney was told he lacked imagination and creativity and should pursue other avenues. Many are glad he did not listen. "Failure happens when you quit". Stay with your dream.
I appreciate the post.
Working on getting the deals and buyers. I am finding four plexes less that 75k but unable to.get some funding with a balloon in 5 yrs. Just keep chugging along.