How exactly is this done? Is it as easy as finding a motivated seller and negotiate taking over their payments? Then I suppose owner finance the property to a buyer..
Just a little confused...Scared
And what are good signs to look for these type of properties?
"This is only the beginning"
It can be done, I did it. I have a partner and we use his credit score for things until I can build up my D&B company credit score.
Thanks but I was reffering to using the original owners credit, and mortgage.
"This is only the beginning"
Not everybody would seem willing to be used for their credit, but you never know unless you ask.
But to answer your question what I think you're asking is can you do Lease Options? The answer is yes, as long as the seller agrees and trusts you and/or has faith in you. Have I done a deal like this yet? No, but I'm so tempted to b/c of my current situation. I still have that drive in me to keep reading Deans books, watching the success videos, and coming to the website. I've gotten a lot of the questions I have had and still have answered, and different ideas that've come to me from others, and that's the beauty of it. You know you have a 2nd family who is there for you, who has been there and who will still be there at the end of the day, whether you are a newbie or if you're a top guru. It's all about people helping people no matter what they've been through or their experience, and I love it. I like to think sometimes that life is short, and what better of a person can you be to help another in their time of need.
Just remember, the only thing stopping you from success, is you. (I think Dean says this a lot). Sometimes we fear others and what they may or may not say - We fear the unknown & We fear we may get our dreams crushed. For that, we all need to get rid of the naysayers in our lives or get rid of all the negativity around us. When you wake up in the mornings, look in the mirror & tell yourself you are a real estate investor and that you can do anything you put your mind to. If you do this everyday, you'll start believing you CAN do it, and you will. I know it's kinda like the "fake it 'til you make it" thing, but in this case, it should work for you. Now, we just need to follow the advice of others including the great advice we give ourselves, and get rid of the "What if's" to replace them with an "I can" attitude. (also quoted from Dean) I hope this helps you.
You took the words right out of my mouth. Well said we're gonna go far in this business, Just keep your head up no matter what comes your way and don't give up!
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do.
See Where The Journey Never Ends At:
Chase Brooks
Thanks ya'll that will get my lazy self going again
"This is only the beginning"
Don't say lazy......maybe more like just got off course but only you know what needs to be done. You will do great things man just stick to it and remember it's not how fast you get there but what you learn along the way and are going in the right direction!
Good luck with everything!
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do.
See Where The Journey Never Ends At:
Chase Brooks