Has anyone ever heard or used of Credit Card Builders to get unsecured credit using your LLC business name? This came to me through the website--Landlord.com. He claims to have $80,000 - $100,000 of 0% interest for 12-18 months on credit cards to get capital and build your credit--with an upfront fee of $2,500.
Does anyone have any thoughts, comments or heard or used these guys?
Havent ever heard of anything like that... I would def research before going through with it. I have had 2 fraud checks come across my desk in the last 2 weeks!! There are a lot of scams out there so be carefull!
Hi all, I’m a new poster to Dean’s forums but long-time follower. I did get signed up with credit card builders a little under four months ago to get funds for my real estate business. I brought my wife on with me (they gave me a deal on 2 credit partners) and between the two of us weve gotten $183k since we signed up. I’ve never had a problem getting credit but I had no idea it was possible for a small business to get business credit to invest with that wouldn’t ruin my personal credit. I havent run into any issues or problems with their service. My wife was very cautious at first but once we saw credit lines coming in the mail we were both convinced. I hope this will help – they are great and definitely not a scam!
Can you put your bio up. Also others you can never know from a single post and again verify on your own. I am also weary of those that have no info on bio or new to the site.
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It may not be true in this case, but in many I've seen and heard of in the past. If you have to pay an up front fee, it's usually a scam. You pay the money and never see anything, or anything of any value.
I know of two people that were scammed in similar offers.
So, buyer beware.
@femailceo - I took a few moments out of my day to update profile. I hope that helps you!
@jbezoski - I very agree! I have been burned in the past, as I know many others have. Its like bad relationships - once you get over it you always more careful in future.
As with anything, most important factor is always do research. Know what youre getting into BEFORE you get into it.
I heard about them too, but I didn't use them because I have some personal credit cards that I use with a 3% fee on amount used with 0% interest for 12 months.
I have been building my business credit for the last couple of years, and have one credit card so far; but it is difficult to get a business line of credit-I already asked at my bank...
If you use the money for more than 5 months then it is definitely worth it (approx $500/month in fees); it will cost you less than a hard money loan!
I suggest you also look around for private money-ask friends and family!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Credit cards can be a great tool to use in real estate investing. They can also become the tool to dig your own grave. You need to use credit cards as a way to quickly get into a deal, but then you MUST be able to get out by either flipping or refinancing in a fairly short time.
The problem with credit cards is they give individuals a false sense of wealth. The interest rates can change on you rapidly. When using a credit card on a deal it is very important to know how you will sell or refinace in order to get out from the credit card debt. If you have this angle covered you will be fine.
Good luck.
Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach
Jesus, are you affiliated with Credit Card Builders in any way?
Thanks Ray
No Ray, I am just a loyal client. Credit Card Builders did me a very good service and I always appreciate good service. I am loyal to my mechanic too, but that does not mean I work for him
They did ask that since I had such a good experience to give them testimonial, and share my story with friends. People are so quick to post bad about companies, but few every post about good.