Our RE Agent has contacted us stating she and her broker are wary of Coastal Funding and does not trust them.
They have no past experience with Coastal Funding, but feel uneasy putting in bids with a Coastal Funding POF letter. They are not used to our investor process. This agent has been brilliant working with us, but we think her broker is the one with the problem.
No matter what we say, it does not seem we can change their minds on this.
Any of you have any issues like this with your RE Agent?
How have you solved it, without changing agents?
Rick and Dianna Helm
but have heard people have had problems. My own agent said they don't take those types of POF letters. My question too is why not, if it is backed by money especially in these hard times.
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
I have never had a problem, I have used them and another Co. my Realtor never said anything, and the Banks never had either.I would tell them too send it through, the worse that can happen is they would say no to it.
Good luck
Curtis Fillers
what did you say???
I also have not had any problems with coastal funding being accepted but I do know agents and brokers if they don't understand what is going on in a deal they won't do it and it is hard to explain things to close minded individuals. So, tell them you will submit the offers without them, and the the offers directly to sellers or sellers agent. Once the deal is done you can go back to agent and broker and let them know how deal went.
I'll keep you updated on our progress with Coastal Funding.
From what I read here, there are other investors who use it
with no problems.
It really is the real estate agents who seem apprehensive just
because they don't know.
The answers here on this forum are encouraging.
Dianna Helm
Thank you for your insight and strategy to submit the deal w/o the agent.
What a great idea.
We appreciate it.
Dianna Helm
Thanks Curtis.

The RE Agent did not specify if the Bank had a problem,
I think it was just she and her broker who are edgy about it.
I've gotten great advice here.
Dianna Helm
no matter how wonderful your agent has been; bottom line, they need to be submitting offers for you; if they won't do it, find another broker that will.
Don't change the ways you do things, make them change their ways
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"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Thanks Valerie.
We (my husband and I ) talked to a DG coach last night
and he said that realistically, some agents and brokers
are not going to feel comfortable with what we do.
We're going to have to have a sit-down with her to find
out if this is going to be a real deterrent, and if it is, we'll
have to move on to another broker.
Appreciate your insight. And i think I'll read your journal!
Dianna Helm
guess you just have to keep moving till you find the man (woman) for the job.
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Anyone know of a good company to go with in Georgia, that can provide POF and good legitimate timetables for closing...Double-close transactions.
"Your good is better & your better is blessed!!"
May I ask why the agent doesn't feel comfotable accepting these POF letters. What was the agents review of the document...and the said problem, just curious.
"Your good is better & your better is blessed!!"