I do have the materials,tools, and coaching available to me. but I don't have a power team, nor buyers, no properties. Should I just go ahead and place an ad everywhere that says, "I buy houses any condition any situation"? And just go from there? Remember I have coaches and I have actual materials that will get me thru the proccess half way and then when I get stuck , Ill just call my real estate coach. This would be okay, right? thats taking action too in my eyes. On a side note, Im broke, no IRA, no stocks, no bonds, no retirement, no assests, no properties, nada, nothing and have very bad credit. I just feel so anxious to get somewhere with this real estste biz. What do you think?
You wont get anything done if you dont take action. Go for it there is alot of help here and there are people that will buy in all areas of the country. Place the adds and see what you get. Then take action from there. Someone is bound to help if you ask.
" Not Having a goal is more feared than not reaching one"
Christa Niven
I'm about to do the same as soon as I brush up on
my reading(it's been awhile since I read Dean's books)
but even I think I procrastinated long,long enough.
Action speaks louder than words,besides how else are
we going to get any experience? Good Luck! Silverhound
Silverhound(WHAT BOX?)
but work smart
...nothing will happen.
Best case scenario: everything works, you help some people and you make money.
Worst case scenario: nothing works, you help no one and you don't make money.
Probable scenario: Some things work, some things don't, you help some people but not everyone, you gain a wealth of experience and connections and you make some money over time.
Your decision
Best of luck...
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
Then another step. Consider doing what you know to do, then call your coach and tell he or she the ACTION you took and ask for guidance on your next ACTIION Step!
Hope that helps!
nothing is going to happen unless you take action; you can read and learn forever, but if you don't put out any signs, you won't get any calls, and consequently, nothing will happen.
If you put up your ads, and get a great deal, I'm sure you won't have a problem finding a buyer.
wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
No one else said it so I will.....start building your buyers list and find out who your CASH buyers are and WHAT they are buying. This way you are only contracting on houses that meet the criteria of the people that have your money. Its no good to go out and lock up 4beds 2 baths and 2 beds 1 bath if your buyer or buyers are looking to buy 3/2s.
Also, it is very cheap to search online and find AND join your local REIA and get out and start to network with the people that will be seeing your advertisements. Put a face to the name before they see the name so they know you are a real person and not just another online scam. Eye contact and a handshake go a long way in this biz. Also...don't be afraid of your "competition" ...introduce yourself and you will see who they are working with and what they are doing to be successful in your area. i.e. If you see a wholesaler selling properties in a certain part of town all the time...chances are that you should start looking there for a deal and you will have it sold before you even know you bought or sold it cause your working in a market that already exist.
Good luck to you, and work smarter and not harder. Don't get discouraged and keep on going through all and any initial rejection you may encounter.
This is a numbers game....the more people you talk to the more deals you will find and get closed.
Also, it never hurt to take a potential buyer out to breakfast, its cheap, professional and everybody likes free food!
SKY Real Estate Services, Inc.
"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, But It Does Fall From The SKY!"
You have been given great encouragement and great advice above! I agree with it all and will just add that when I started my favorite formula was KNOWLEDGE + ACTION = RESULTS. You can have knowledge and take no action and of course no results. You can take action without knowledge and those results you dont want! So as said above - act/work SMART. With the books, this site and your coaches you have access to endless knowledge. Use your coaches to help guide you towards the action steps that work best for you. Thats what they are there for. And remember no one gets from 0 to a million overnite! Its the small, steady, daily steps that get us where we want to be
And Bernard is right - no matter what strategy you use in this business - its the BUYERS that make them all work! Start that list!
my story:
I Agree 100%, you must take action, be it bandit signing building a buyer's list, but it all starts with marketing, be it buyers or sellers what ever your marketing is the number one item is what you engage in. Taking action in marketing will get your phone ringing which will bring you deals which you will make offers on which you will close and make money, so taking action is very important, just get out there and get it done, will you hear say no sure, you will have people hang up, you will. But if you stay after it you will find the deal which you seek. Dont give up just take action and get it done. action+knowledge=success..$$$$$$$$$$$$.. John H.
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
www.WeFlipDesMoines.com http://facebook.com/desmoinesinvestmentproperties
use your coaches-- thats what your paying for-call often as needed when you have problems and follow their instructions
you have to take action and do what they tell you to do
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
Thank you all for your impressive advice, info, inspiration, and ideas. Now to take in all of it and take action on the bits and putting the puzzle together (metaphoricly). Here I go! Everyone on here rocks! Thanks again. If anything comes up, Ill let everyone know.
I always prefer that people take some sort of action, regardless of how ready you feel. It doesn't even matter what resources you do or do not have. There are always methods to find or assemble the necessary pieces of a deal. The other thing is, with action, you will encounter scenarios that we can coach you on and walk you through. The biggest problem I have as a coach is when the student doesn't do anything because there isn't as much to coach on. So get out there and take the action. It will be a great learning experience for you, and we will be there every step of the way to answer any questions.