Obviously, its more productive to be a full time inverstor, rather than part time. I just find it EXTREMELY difficult to do when not getting home from work until 5:00pm+. To make matters worse, its dark by the time i get of work. At least in the summer, it doesnt get dark until 8pm or 9pm and u can do a few things that are investor oriented.
Does anyone have tips on how to juggle a 9 to 5, AND be a part-time investor?
Did anyone make the jump from part time REI to full time REI? How did that work out? Was it a success?
I dont make that much at my job anyway. If jobs werent so hard to come by, Id say screw it and go at REI full force, 24/7.
I have a fulltime job, like many other investors here... you have to be determined and desciplined to make it work, and make sacrifices.
Dean suggested in one of his blogs that you write down everything you do for every hour of the day for two weeks to keep track of where your time goes; you will be amazed by how much time goes to waste!
You can use your lunch hour to do rei; you can give up watching tv- instead read and post here on the DG site. On your way home, drive different routes and look for distressed or empty properties. On your days off, put some time aside to do only rei without distractions. You can get up an hour earlier every day, or go to bed an hour later... it's all up to you...
There are plenty of successful investors here who have gone from part time to fulltime... I'm sure they'll be posting here soon letting you know how they did it!
Wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
won't ask 'how are ya'?
I get up at 5am every day too... I hate it, but I do it so that I can work a flexible schedule 9/80 (9 hours every day, instead of
and have Friday off every other week...
I thought you had a cat!? I have two dogs, and they don't like me leaving them either... wonder what they think?!
congrats?! on quitting your job... at least you can focus on your rei fulltime until you run out of money!
stay cool,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
I would suggest taking a breather. Make sure you are making a fully informed/quality decision and not necessarily an emotional decision. I just (12/16/2011) quit my job. BUT it didn't come overnight and I did plan for it. I needed freedom like I needed air! I worked full time (accountant) a single mother and at one point was training for a Figure Competition (training twice a day to get stage ready), my son was a competitive swimmer and runs track. I NEVER missed a single event (in his sports or school fuctions) nor did he ever miss a meal or day of school. I read anywhere from 2-4 books every month. AND I still put in about 6++ hours into my business EVERY day during the work week and to what I believe was pretty dang close to 48 hours on weekends - lol! I go REI club meetings and joined the local Chamber of Commerce for business networking/opportunity.
WHEN WE WANT SOMETHING BAD ENOUGH.....WE FIGURE OUT THE HOW! It will not come without a price, it will not come without sacrifices. Yes, I did cut the competitions, narrowed training time, cut dating, cut friends, cut TV, cut sleep and pretty much everything else to make it work.
Yes, it does get dark at 5:00 now. Yes I've been out til after midnight putting out signs. By myself looking at properties, had a couple cop friends meet me at some places if I got really scared that well lets just say, If I didnt' have so many buyers for the low end stuff, you wouldn't catch me in there during the day let alone after dark. LOL Practically mainline coffee and any other stimulant drink to down to stay awake. You just figure it all out.
It was when I stopped thinking practice makes perfect, but instead realized practice makes permanent! Meaning the habits we create, what we do, our attitude, EVERYTHING it is a choice, when you want something so bad....you don't have to 'wish' you were motivation from an outside source.....your ONLY 'hope' is that no one slips and falls on the trail of sweat, tears, blood and vomit along the way of what you're going to endure.
Alot to consider, even to point if you do not have strong financials (min 3 yrs) for some reason banks don't like to lend to those without a JOB! lol go figure, not to mention obtaining health coverage, etc. So some admin items to consider. (side note: A LOT of ways to get into a property (cashflow) without a bank loan) depends on your strategy / plans
Yes you CAN do deals (done it!) with zero out of pocket. BUT it will eventually take money for marketing (bandit signs, flyers, postcards, postage for direct mails, door hangers, local newspaper/bulletin board ads, etc.) If you don't have the resources/streams of passive inplace you will have to obvisouly have revenue driving from somewhere. If you're gonna hustle (as I call it - lol BECAUSE it is still earned income) and wholesale you will need a system in place. (Leads / buyers) on a continual flow.
Wasn't any description on your profile, so you may already have this stuff covered. If so, thank you for playing/humoring me while I went off on a tanget. It's just something I am very passionate about.
Doing whatever it takes!
I would definately encourage you to seek out some of Matt Larson's old post. I mean the 'meat'! the good stuff! back during his journey. So many see the 'bells and whistes' but forget the 'bumps, blood and bruises' he (everyone) has to and does go through to get where they are.
Make choices that will draw you closer to the outcome you desire. Up early to grow you (ready/study), check dailing property listings/leads. Pack your lunch and on lunch sit in your car and return calls. OR use that time to sight properties if need be. (just a nugget though - GoogleMaps is good stuff for street views) you don't have to see every lead that calls, get a working deal going and when you do go the property go with the intent to, walk through and lock it up so you only make one trip. lol Use nights for call backs, due diligence, searching for more properties, posting ads, BUILDING YOUR BUYERS LISTS. No kidding I still have: buyers days, lead days, money days, marketing days, etc. LOL
Only you can make the decision that is right for you. I encourage you to pray hard about it. You can do anything that you set your mind to. Go at fiercely and with all your might. Having that burning desire. Having the discipline to work your business. Believe in yourself.
May you have clarity in your decision, may you prosper at each and everything that you put your hand to!
God bless,