I have posted on here several times about my hard luck story. I lost both my full-time and part-time job in the last three months. I have been surviving on unemployment and my wife's part-time job. We did file bankruptcy a couple of months ago any my wife and I will divorce sometime next year.
In the meantime, I was hoping to get started on REI assignments a few months back. However, I am a Texas high school football referee, and about six weeks ago I suffered a heart attack on the field. I am in shape and 47 yrs old. No one thought it would be me. haha I am recovering. I really do not want to work for someone else again. I want to do this. I read the books. They are clear. I don't have money to invest in realtor clubs or the Success Academy. It is just knowing what to do first and how to approach people. It's almost like I need someone to personally talk to and ask questions.
I think I understand your comment. I also live in Texas and I am still putting this together piece by piece. I'm mostly looking at assignment and IEE stuff. I have yet to figure our how to get a proper purchase offer form drawn up for Texas. I need to try a REA/realtor soon see if I can get them to print a blank one up for me and see how I can fit in a contingency for assignment of contract deals. Otherwise I believe I am set and just need to understand my next question and that is how to estimate repairs so I don't under offer. I am told I need a contractor yet I am unsure what type. I know that they mean a general contractor if that is the case it shouldn't be so hard. I found everything else I needed in his books.
I don't plan on attempting Deans academy until I get a deal or two under my belt to pay for it. My goal is to start with wholesaling to build up capitol then aim for cash flow to have a more stable flow of income. I am still working on that second part but, figure I have time. I will try to answer any questions I can. I am like super new only been at this for 11 days ^_^.
"I have my mountain in sight. I am climbing to the top and I will kick anyone off that stands in my way or tries to hold me back!" --quot by me.
--quot by me.
"My glass isn't half empty, its overflowing!" --quot by unknown modified by me.
"The sky isn't my limit I can keep going!" --quot by unknown modified by me.
"There are too many square people and I think a little differently if that makes me round hey its better than being flat"
Follow me on my Journal:
If you cant affrord the rei meeting in your area see if there is a smaller group called something like realestate meet ups. This meedt up is generaly only $5.00 as you go to the meetings to neatwork. You can learn alot from them too. The one around here is in a local grocery store. See if someone in your area needs a birddog. IE someone who will pay you to find a house or someone looking for a place that you can pass off to someone on DG.
" Not Having a goal is more feared than not reaching one"
Christa Niven
You have to sacrifice! Sacrifice that $30 and buy that yellow book up in the top right corner! Do what it says! You can do assignments for free!
Click Here To Buy Deans New Book!!! http://www.lanemccaw.bookimentioned.com/b/
Visit my website:http://qchomebuyers.weebly.com/
Visit My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/qchomebuyer
Visit My Linkedin Page: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/the-1-fast-ca-h-home-buyer-in-the-qc/28/b79/...
"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
First off I hope you're recovering well.
You live in the land of free money. TEXAS!!!!
Do you personally know any of the parents of the kids??? I'm more than willing to bet one or more of them is involved in RE.
I've been to enough games to know the 'money crowd', which is where a bunch of the male parents stick together in a crowd and talk and laugh; i'd bet a bunch of them have money to burn and might be willing to invest.
Again, I hope things get better for you.
heart attacks are not necessarily for being out of shape; they can be induced by stress- and by the sound of it, you are pretty stressed out right now.
Before you buy any other investing books, I truly recommend that you get DG's book 'Totally Fulfilled'; you can get it on amazon for less than a dollar-well worth it! It will help you put your mind in the right place so that you can succeed on your rei and life journeys...
wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
I ordered the 30 Days to Cash today. I will try that. Our library stocks Totally Fulfilled and is due back anytime. I updated my Bio, but I don't have a website or anything like that. Not sure what else to update. Since I am a contract worker as a football referee, we don't mingle with the players or parents on or off the field. During a timeout or injury, I might to talk to a player for few seconds about the game. I do want to do the Success Academy in the future. Yes, I was very stressed, just didn't know how stressed. I was a ticking time bomb and didn't know it. The doctor told me if I don't take the six meds I am on, I will die. It's not an option, but I had a stent put in my heart within 3 hrs. I should be in better shape now than I was before.
I feel like I read so much and I get excited. I think, I can do this. However, how do I get started? Or, what are my first three steps? I own two books: Profit From Real Estate and Your Town. My 13 yr old daughter asked me when I am going to stop reading and just do it.
i was planning on joining the academy but not until i get a couple of deals under my belt to pay for it first. I would just stick to assignments and lease options like greg murphay did and try to get a deed to a house and try nto establish a good relationship with a mortgage broker in ur neighborhood. Get business carDs made that say i buy and sell houses. Target the type of motivated seller u want and bring those people out by simple direct advertising like bandit signs and flyers. I would just stick with FSBOS THOUGH FIRST. then advertise for ur buyers mainly just cash investors first cuzz they can close faster if ur doing assignment deals. Go to some auctions in ur area and get comfortable talking to people there. Practice just calling sellers and realtors to. Good luck adam
My thoughts and prayers for you, but I'm sure sympathy is the last thing in your agenda right now, I'm still not a pro in this field but the help I can give you right now is bird dogging if you are interested just PM me.
God Bless
I received the 30 days cash book on Friday. Read what to do the first 5 days and will apply those this week. However, a realtor friend of mine and I attended a one day DG event in Denton last March. I got in contact with him again and said I have an outline. Are you in or out? He is in and told me to let him know what I need him to do. That starts on Monday. I told him my goal is to close my first deal by the end of December.
One foot in front of the other. You will be rockin' in no time.
Dana w/ Crossroads Solutions LLC
I am direct to the VP of a $100 million dollar open-ended debt and equity fund which actively writes checks to fund businesses with an EBITDA of at least $1 million a year. We fund also have access to up to $500,000,000 for the purchase of distressed real estate, specially commercial $7,500,000 and up.
My advise, start with lease option flips. I know in TX you have the 170 day rule, but look online for people doing lease options (rent to own) on craigslist. Contact them & ask them if they will partner (joint venture) with you if you can bring them sellers willing to sell rent to own.
I can show you how to find sellers for them. That should at least get some money coming in while you are working on Dean's book.
Jay von Mohr
Jay von Mohr
Mohr Equity
We Provide High Cash Flow, Turn-Key & Super Discounted Wholesale Properties.
We give all our buyers Mohr Equity - Jay von Mohr & Cathy Geeting.
Update. I have talked to a few people from DG about different marketing approaches. The one thing is for certain from all, do not stray from the plan. I read the first week of the 30 Days to Cash. A friend here advised me what to do, where to go, and how to find the cash buyers....just like the book. Granted, my parents are in their late 70s and realtors. Of course, they say this cannot be done and it paying a 3rd party a commission is illegal. I tried to explain that's not what it is. I sent two letters. One person called me the next day. I was nervous. First time call. After telling the gentleman what my role is as an investor and how I could help or serve him, the conversation flowed for about 20 minutes. He told me he is retired and he has about 20 properties. He doesn't have time to look on his own and gave me his price range. Just like what Dean teaches. I still need to buy a city map, buy some business cards. I went back to my parents to get more information and will mail letters tomorrow. I do have a realtor and we will meet on Monday to discuss strategy.