Since I have seen numerous members asking on posts, how do I put a picture in my profile ? The question not being answered I thought it was time to find out as I didn't know myself.
Did some searches, calls & questioning. The following is what I found to work on the Microsoft operating system provided you haven't modified it. I did this on the XP version. Below are the steps/procedures.
1st: Copy, copy & paste or print these instructions. (If you know steps 2 &3 proceed to step 4.) Leave & search for your picture.
2nd: Choose a suitable picture. Check the size of the picture. It needs to be less than 85 pixels by 85 pixels and under 50 kBs in file size.
3rd: You will need to have the picture either in the section "My Computer" or "My Documents". Download to there if it is found online . IF scanning it on your scanner which is usually built-in to your printer. Set the picture up according to the scanner instructions and push the scan button. Your computer will pick up on the operation and ask you what you want to do with the picture. Choose the file in/for your documents. Label/name a file for it so you can retrieve it. Close out. (remember what you named it & where filed.)
4th: Return to DG to your account. Right below your user name there is a series of tabs. Click on the first edit tab. Scroll about half way down. It'll say "PICTURE". In that box it says "upload picture". To the right of that is says "Browse". Click that. A Window from your computer will appear.
5th: Go to the source of your picture file and open the file. The picture will then upload into your DG account.
6th: If no errors appear go to the bottom of your account and click submit. Check that the picture is correct and you are done!
There are other instructions for special features in the posts below. So please look!
Michael Radtke
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This whole topic stemmed from a few DGer's telling people to diligently complete their profile and picture if they want help. Since I saw that those individuals had their picture or themes other than themselves or nothing it seemed timely to do this forum.
If anybody has a better way I will be more than glad to check it out and edit the instructions. If anybody has the instructions for the Apple or other O.S. system(s) you are more than welcome to add them here, below.
If you use these instructions and/or find them helpful, please post a few words/comments below.
C.Richard has some instructions on resizing below a bit.
Michael Radtke
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I'm sure this will be very helpful to people!
Thanks for taking the time to post the directions.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Thank you for checking it out. Was hoping it would help stop the unfinished answers to questions and not so good replies.
Plus another reason of my own.
Michael Radtke
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Awesome you got it done>
Michael Radtke
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plan-e. Start at step 4. When you get to the point of the box for picture. You will see a check box below saying delete picture . Click it. and proceed with the rest of the instructions.
Michael Radtke
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You and me both! You figure that one out you won't need RE. Patent & copy write it and sell it !!!
Michael Radtke
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just plan-e, I have that problem all the time and it upsets people when I can't find something that I know is here.
e-bunny (Mary)
You changed your picture! Instructions work properly?
Maybe I need to get the instructions on sizing more defined.
Michael Radtke
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Thank you for trying them.
See you back at your place.
Michael Radtke
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You forgot part of the formula/directions they are still here!
Now (AtoB)+(BtoC)= plan-e . We need to put +(CtoD) back in.
Michael Radtke
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Do you really thing M'Dawg is going to help? Hummm. Might distract the owner or give you a starting conversation. A different picture to the whole thing.
Michael Radtke
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It appears ya'all are using the instruction but not stopping to say a few words. I won't bite if you stop and say something.
Michael Radtke
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Thanks for the info on this. It was great talking to you today and I'm looking forward to working together. I'll touch base with you on Monday.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc
So how do I get a regular picture I have, unto the computer.
I am not savvy with that sort of thing. And have some of my horses, and of my dog that I would put up. I do have a fax that does copies, and printing from the computer. A friend told me to scan it, well that was nice, but how do I get that done and unto the computer.
May have to call a friend over to help me with that.
And where do you get all those smiley faces from?
Thanks for the info
Do you have a scanner or all-in-one printer (printer, scanner copier, fax)? If so, put your picture on the glass and press the scan button until you see the file option (which means, scan to file). Your scanner software will pop up on your computer monitor screen when the scanner starts the scan process. You may get a chance to say where on your computer hard drive you wish to save the pics. If not, Documents/My Pictures should be the default on most PC computers (PC's are just not Apple/Macs).
the cute little faces are a result of using the semi-colon ; or the colon key : in conjunction with the close parenthesis key ) the website converts them to a graphic smiley or winky face. If you type the semi-colon key space bar close parentheses, you will see : ) which shouldn't convert to a graphic.
Dana w/ Crossroads Solutions LLC
I am direct to the VP of a $100 million dollar open-ended debt and equity fund which actively writes checks to fund businesses with an EBITDA of at least $1 million a year. We fund also have access to up to $500,000,000 for the purchase of distressed real estate, specially commercial $7,500,000 and up.
Hi Michael,

Thanks for such a good and helpful addition!
I just had a thought that some folks may still be having a challenge with Resizing.
An addition to your step 2, in the original post could be:
To resize your picture, locate the file and right click to open using Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Adobe, Paint or any available software online or from camera or scanners that you may have.
Once the picture is open, go to the Toolbar ribbon and click “Edit”.
From here you should find some tools for resizing, so pick the best option to get the dimensions to at or below 85 x 85 pixels.
Next save your picture as Picture2.PDF. Now you will see a thumbnail sized view of your image. Next locate the folder where your picture now lives and check the File size to be sure that it’s at or below 50kb. If it’s still too large, you can try saving again as picture3.JPG. Each time you re save, the file will compress a little more! Oh if you completely lose the thing, you can always search the hard drive for the most recent file date or all .JPG by date file, just click on the Start button and find Search… it’s in there somewhere!
Ok, back to my Buyers List… I’m finding great opportunities in the Baltimore region
Best to you Michael, Keep smiling!
Keep Smiling!
Chris L.
Hey!, Wilie, do you think we could turn this into a off the wall journal?
ummm, I don't know. Book doesn't say.
Michael Radtke
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Michael I actually bookmarked this one the other day,need to have a pic that I would put on here.
I hope it is a help to you. I know you can get around very well om computers. It just seemed people couldn't figure this on out. Deans' crew hide it fairly well. It is not to bad once you figure out they set it up for auto upload.
Michael Radtke
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Thanks for the info and will try it tomorrow, also Michael did explain scanning to me, so with both of you, I will try to get something up. Just don't know if I should put my horses, or my dog Boots. Miss them all so much! Boots was my best companion and side kick for 11 yrs, a very smart Retriever/lab Australian shep mix. Even had a country store that I named Boots' country treasures. So a picture of her would mean a lot.
Hope I will have time tomorrow to get it up.
And the smileys'
Hey!, Wilie, do you think we could turn this into a off the wall journal?
ummm, I don't know. Book doesn't say.
What about touching on hidden meaning found in the pic's people choose?
Some have already hinted of an occasion or loved one. Some are avatars and others may be random, who knows?
In my case, "my ship’s come in"... you can't see me though. I'm in the foreground working really hard to get those dock lines free!

Keep Smiling!
Chris L.
Michael R.
Michael Radtke
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Ooops. It says a gnome in the yard is a bad thing unless blessed with the right spirits. Nope don't want to chance one of those pictures.
Michael Radtke
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up time. Had to go deep in the dumpster for this one.
Michael Radtke
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Michael who the elll you talking to, you know your not supposed to smoke that stuff growing in the desert.
Well it gets rough out here you know? So when all I got is that book and whacky cacty juice, one does get to talking to ones self and sometimes answering ones own comments. I must have a bad reputation for biting as few stop by to talk about this real estate and take pictures. There is some nice scenery out here that could be posted.
Michael Radtke
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I see no one has added comments for a long time. I also see many new comers without their profile info or a picture of some sort to depict them. So people I brought this back to help you. To all new peeps, welcome.
Michael Radtke
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