I want to establish some credit so I want to get a credit card but I know nothing about them. Does anyone know of any good ones and which terms I should be familiar with ????
No Grind No Shine
I want to establish some credit so I want to get a credit card but I know nothing about them. Does anyone know of any good ones and which terms I should be familiar with ????
No Grind No Shine
Discover is always a great place to start. They gave me my first personal credit card at 18 and were also the 1st to give me my business credit card. The key is, if you don't have credit, they will probably reject you. Whatever reasons they give you in the letter, write a letter back addressing all their concerns AND write your business visions and about what your business is doing, the direction its going, and what you are doing to be successful.
Oh, if you have your business set up, make sure to get a DUNS # first.
If you are getting a personal credit card, same one, start with Discover card, write a letter if they deny you and why they should grant you credit. You're not going to get any 0% credit offers until you build some business (or personal) credit. Good luck!
Ok, thanks !
No Grind No Shine
that was very helpful and smart.i should of thought of that 10 years ago