3 day workshop?

3 day workshop?

Hi everyone,

has anyone ever attended one of the 3 day workshops? And if so do they really work? my wife and i just payed for it and we are scared but excited just wondering if anyone can give some input. Thank you all for the advice..




No, I haven't gone, I been on here since Oct. of last year and heard (read) nothing but great and powerful stuff about them.

I heard they do a lot, learn a lot-and they have fun doing it.

So hope you and your wife have a great time....


3 day workshop

Michael, I attended the 3 day workshop about 1 1/2 year ago, and it was really good; since then they have changed it a bit, for the better! It now includes a day outside actually looking at properties and learning how to estimate rehab costs.
Be prepared, because the 3 days will be packed with great information, lots of it, and it is taught by some amazing coaches!

Wishing you success,



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...

Hi Michael,

Yes, I have been to 2 different ones with my son and he's wife. We have enjoyed every minute, learned a great a lot and are working on changing our lives through them. hope you can make it! You won't regret it.


Advance training

Yes, they offer you advanced training, but they don't push it. It's all in your hands. They will work with you to make it happen, if you decide to go for it. I also recommend the advanced training. We are in and it rocks!

Live from DG's Boston 3 day RE workshop


Yes, I also paid for and attended the above 3 day RE workshop. It was held in Boston from June 8th - 10 2012. It is a very good basic intro course for RE. You will gain much needed information, and also have the opportunity to purchase additional advanced training.

Were you there at this course?? We probably met if you were there.


Hi walter, I was at the

Hi walter,

I was at the same workshop im not sure if we spoke though. I did find it to be very informative but also overwhelming i wasnt able to understand a lot of it but i did catch on to some. I was wondering if you could answer a question for me? do you know if you need to be a registered business to buy and sell in MA and also is it legal to do assignments in MA from what i remember i believe you are a REA so any advice would be great and i would also like to possibly work with you in the future if you were interested?

Thank you,

3 day workshop

Hi Michael,
I also attended the 3 day work shop. How did you like it? I was speechless most of the time, cause it was like craming for a finals test at school. I am still absorbing it in from May 2012. Good luck fellow carpenter.


Reynolds & Haidee

Live from DG's Boston 3 day RE workshop


I'm from Texas, so I am not 100% sure on MA law; I'm not a lawyer, and I don't play one on tv (so I am not rendering legal advice).

I do not think that you need to be a registered business to buy and sell Real Estate in Mass. An individual can certainly buy and sell a property, as you would be a principal in the transaction if you bought the property and/or sold it in your name.

I also believe assignments are perfectly legal as all you are doing is actually selling a contract; a contract to buy a given piece of Real Estate by a certain date and for a specified amount of money. Contracts (of any sort) are bought and sold every day nationwide. Collection agencies, for example, buy uncollected debt from credit card companies every day. Also some businesses might sell their accounts receivable while banks sell mortgages (notes) all the time (i.e. if you own your home you might have received a notice in the mail that so and so is now going to be accepting your payments from this date forward). Basically the mortgage company where you used to make your mortgage payments just sold your mortgage (note) to another mortgage collector.

And finally, no, I am not a RE Agent. Quite honestly I don't want to be encumbered by the license restrictions and continuing education requirements. I have taken all of the necessary coursework to sit for my Texas Salesperson license (i.e. Real Estate Agent) as I wanted the education aspect of it, but no thanks, I don't want to work for a percentage of a 3% commission.

Great questions; I hope I helped to answer a few of them.


'If it is to be, then it is up to me'. --Anon