My job turned my position into a full time, work from home position starting today. Thats a good thing! But when I was driving out of the parking lot that I have parked in for the past 16 years I started adding up how long I had been there. 16 YEARS! How could that be?! I had dreams, I had plans, I had ideas! How did 16 years go by so fast with me still wanting something different? I drove out of that parking lot mad at myself, disappointed, and upset. I have driven to the job for 16 years, climbed into my cage, and jumped on the wheel(picture a hampter wheel) and ran for 8 hours and then drove home. Another analogy, for 16 years I came out of the barn and had my job dangle that carrot in front of my face without me realizing there was no way for me to ever get the carrot if I stayed. I write this not to keep beating myself up, but to tell all those that have dreams, plans, and ideas, to not give in to what OTHERS say. My parents taught me to go to school, get a job, work until your allowed to retire, and then retire and live off of what they give you. They didn't know any better, but right here is a website with people that KNOW better. Listen to these successful folks. Read these forums, watch the videos and go after your dreams with all your heart.
Thanks for posting this Jack. I know exactly how you feel. I've been working for 5yrs in a place that i know I'm never getting to get what i want in life. I aswell have goals and dreams that one day I hope to accomplish. this is exactly why I'm doing REI!!!(: I went to school for architecture and i realized that a LOT if not all the architects worked waaaaaaay to many hours! I don't want to work every day for the rest of my life!); I want to reach my goals as soon as possible and then make.more goals to accomplish!!!(:
Success to us all!!!!
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"
This is a great post! We can all relate... Unfortunately.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
I agree with you Jack, Robert and Karen!
And thanks for sharing!
Best wishes!
Well put...just imagine where you can be in 16 yrs of REI,but hey we didnt know any better then.
Look at what so many have accomplished in a much shorter time
Alot of ppl need to have a J.O.B so they have someone to tell them what to do each day or they wouldnt do anything
Mike Free tools
Thanks for the wake up call ! I've spent too many years in warehouses and up on roofs. I've always thought to myself... "There's gotta be something better than this"....I was right. There is, right here. I just need a little more education and a lot more courage, lol.
Looks like I've come to the right place !
Hey man, I totally understand, I worked for a company for 9 yrs and hated everyday of it, but didnt have the B---- to leave. But finally I did and started a Cleaning Co, right smack in the middle of this economy (thing) most sane people wouldnt have done that. Even after that, I was very successful at it, but after about 2 yrs I still knew this wasnt what I was suppose to do. So I came across Deans Informercial and never looked back. I of course treated it like a hobby for well over a year, because I knew I had the cleaning co as my back. But about 1 yr ago , I decided this is it, I want to do this full time and I started letting clients go, (meaning not renew a contract ) and I more or less forced myself into it, at that point I had alot of pressure on me , but as of today, things have worked out great, I am NO WHERE NEAR , where I want to be , but its coming.
So look at this as a great opportunity to take advantage of this.
My parents told me the same thing, so we just have to change our mind -set. "Think and Grow Rich " ---- Great book , sure helps. Now keep us posted on everything, things are about to change for you Jack, take care and tell Michelle hello for me .
Best Regards
Curtis Fillers
Thanks for the a newbie I agree this sight is great, I have received some great words of encouragement and reading the posts is's amazing...I am following the steps, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...
I know how you feel.I have done so many things before that I would have done differently. But as you say thats great you can now do this from home, but it has to be hard as you just explained to drive away from a place that you have been at for 16 yrs.
Thanks for posting this Jack and being so upfront with it all. This can now be a great thing now working from home, trust me you are going to love it.
Take care and be sure and tell Michelle hello for me.
Curtis Fillers
I just Started with DG, what you talked about I did to myself for over 30 years. I didnt go to work each day for someone else, I was selfemployed at a job/profession where I had that old employee mentality even working for myself all those years.
I once worked at the same job for 16 years, yes I liked what I did too otherwise I would not of done it that long. Spent many long hours there at any time I was needed, when my phone rang or the boss asked me to stay longer I never said no. Well due to health reasons I had to change, tried to get job retraining in a new job with no luck, wife was not happy with what she was doing, the kids were not happy with their school and no chance of getting a better education so we sold all what we had, packed what we needed the most and I moved my family back to the U.S after spending over 16 yrs in another country.
I continue to strive to make things better for all of us, my daughter graduates this year going to college to take up business management which is what she wants to do and who knows maybe she can help me along the way in my quest to make it as an investor too.
Wow unbelieveable I am doing same thing , well I guess I better do double time because I to have some dreams of my own.
Thanks for the eye opener.
Great post! I agree... Be fearful of regret, not failure.
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