I just had my first meeting with my first cash investors...

I just had my first meeting with my first cash investors...

...and it went great!

They were incredibly friendly, honest people with integrity who understood that I was just starting out and that everybody has to start somewhere. I was nervous about meeting them because I have not done a deal, but I was confident and knowledgeable thanks to Dean's books and the people on this forum. The investors said they also started out by wholesaling and were not put off by the fact that I am new at it. They want to buy as many properties as I can provide for them (as long as it's a good deal, of course) and I can't wait to start making this happen! Now I just have to find my first seller!

I am SO EXCITED about what is to come and just wanted to share this experience as motivation for others.

To quote a well-known movie, "Never give up, never surrender!"


Real Estate One
Grand Rapids, MI


That's great! Do you mind sharing how you found your cash investors?



Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.

You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer

It is what it is 'til you change it.

thats awsome Matt

Great job Matt! that story was very motivational. Thats one thing that scared me, what if the cash buyers dont want to deal with new investor? but like you said some of them started that way.

I am currently working on my buyers list as well. hope to meet some of them in person soon. THanks again.



yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."

"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"

Thanks Mat

Hi Matt

Hearing your story is very motivating for me. Congratulations and thank you for sharing it.You have given me the courage to ask for help, so here it goes.....

I did a suggestion Dean offered and put a ghost ad on one of the classified ad sites to build my buyers' List.. Now I an getting offers. The thing is , its an actual house. A HUD house in fact. So now I am investigating it more. Get comps, talk to the Realtor, etc. I have the property report. It not in my area (about 6 hours away).

Since I am a newbie, I am not sure what to do. The first response I got, I replied with "the property is no longer available, but if you tell em the specific of what you are looking for, I can contact you when I come up with it.

Should I steer the course and continue using this as a tool to build up my list or should I try to sell the property?


I found the investors just

I found the investors just by posting a craigslist ad. I renewed it several times, but after a week or two I got a call from one of them asking for information about what I do. That was it!

As for ghost ads, I had one of those up as well. I got a call on it from the same investor and I just told her it was under contract already. Never include an actual address on ghost ads. Make it vague, something like "$36,000 3BR/1BA Vine Neighborhood". That way you are not claiming to be selling something that is not actually yours.


Real Estate One
Grand Rapids, MI



Thannk you for sharing that



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