Just Signed Another Contract & Will Close On Friday !

Just Signed Another Contract & Will Close On Friday !

Jill & I have just signed another contract today & are closing on Friday. That is one of the nice things about Florida, cash deals close super quick!.
This property was listed on MLS originally for 54,900; it's owned by a landlord tired of tenants, we offered 25K; they then dropped to 49,900; then to 44,900; then to 38,900 ... we still rejected, so they came back with 32K & said it was their final counter. We went back at 27,500 & settled at 28,500. The Power of Negotiating!
Best of all, you can move a tenant right in with no work.
And to think I was going to Tampa tomorrow to check out buying a tanning salon.


What to do?

Here's an idea.

Maybe you could flip it to another DGer here who wants to do a Lease Option or rent it. Any takers?

Thanks for sharing this story with us. Awesome negotiating job.



"Do something you LOVE and you will never work another day in your life."
"Nothing can ever stop you without your permission."
"So long as you haven't quit, then you haven't lost."

Gary & Jill Great job just

Gary & Jill Great job just goes to show if you want the best deals you have to stick to your guns and not give in.


Open to all DGer offers ... Thanks James !


GOOD JOB that's wht i like to see 6 or 7 rounds but u got wht u wanted and u didnt back down and everyone's happy.i take my hat off to both of u.its was said that u can start with always start at a low offer and go up but, u cann't start up and go down that why it's good to do research on it before u go n .


keep on truck!!!!keep reading!!!!keep finding!!!!keep sharing!!!keep responding!!!keep help keep-up the good work!!! but,don't keep it to yourself!!!

Closing went off ...

...without a hitch, in & out in 5 minutes. Now just have to clean it up & decide what to do with it. The REA told us another REA wanted to make an offer 6.5K higher than what we paid; might just have to give him a call!

Congrats on the Closing!!

Congrats on the Closing!! Contacting the other REA sounds like a great idea.


DC Terry,Sr.

Thanks DC Terry, Sr.

I think I'll have to do that.

I'm building a name that

I'm building a name that way. They'll all start to pass your name as a cash buyer to each other.


DC Terry,Sr.

Already got 2 Offers ...

within 24 hrs. of the closing we received two offers. It's probably because it's such as nice neighborhood. We'll see what happens ...

Wow! That's fast!! I've

Wow! That's fast!! Smiling I've just seen your profile. Man, you guys are doing it!!


DC Terry,Sr.


Sometimes we wish we could partner up with people in other areas where the market is not only good but finding tenants that can pay higher market rents
would be great.

It appears that a lot of

It appears that a lot of individuals on here are doing or trying to do just that.


DC Terry,Sr.

We're amazed ...

that we have two more interested people in just 2 days. All we have done was clean up the "beds" & put down new mulch. Changed the bathroom sink/faucet
because the sink was rusted out & leaking. Might have to do the same to the kitchen sink. The only advertising so far is a sign in the front yard.

That's what I have in the

That's what I have in the yard of one that I just purchased. I actually just have a regular fsbo sign. I've been thinking on the yard. I believe I'll pay one of my guys to blow the yard and add some mulch to see what happens. I've been getting calls, but I believe that alone will boost the calls greatly.


DC Terry,Sr.


Quick 6k or so with out putting much money into it. Sell it.


did you use a real estate

did you use a real estate agent to submit your offers, or can you do that on your own?


Marcus La Salle


Great Negotiation, I can't wait to get at the experience level that you are now...

Much success.



Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and Today is a gift...

Ethel Griffin

...So don't throw away a gift, do it today as tomorrow is not promised.


That property was listed on the MLS so the offers were through a REA.

Un-Real !!!

Just signed a contract to sell this house ... closed 5 days ago; paid 28,500; buyer lives 2 houses down the street & wants it for his son. Offered Full Price of 36,500! Now here's the best part; we spent $ 110 for mulch, bathroom sink & faucet. $ 8000 Profit in 5 Days !!!


Congrats Gary and Jill I like your style.



"With God All Things Are Possible Matt. 19:26"

"Give a Man a Dollar he's Rich For The Day, Teach a Man To Make a Dollar
He's Rich For Life" - T. Grant


How did that happen? Smiling I call that luck.


gceriani wrote:
Just signed a contract to sell this house ... closed 5 days ago; paid 28,500; buyer lives 2 houses down the street & wants it for his son. Offered Full Price of 36,500! Now here's the best part; we spent $ 110 for mulch, bathroom sink & faucet. $ 8000 Profit in 5 Days !!!

Great you guys are rokin

Thanks Guys

We have to find another one quick because I have other interested buyers !


It happens because he is a real estate investor doing what he knows how to do;research, buy, fix, sell. And there is no luck to it when you have the right product at the right time for the right buyer. Gary and Jill didn't just fall off the turnip truck.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

WOW Gary & Jill!! Congrats!!

You Guys Are The Real Deal!! Smiling


DC Terry,Sr.

Gary and Jill

Good job on this last deal 8k in 5 days. That is some good income.


Good stuff

Good stuff guys!! You really are doing what you love!! Congrats! I cant wait to be there!!


You can never eliminate fear, but you can use your fear and turn it into your strength!!!!

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
-Dr. Martin Luther King

Well Done

How is that for never giving up. Congrats, you deserve all success.

God Bless


"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Thanks for all the support ...

Jill has staged the house & we are still going to have an Open House because it's advertised in the newspaper. Maybe we can find some additional buyers for either back up offers or other properties.

That's a great idea!

That's a great idea!


DC Terry,Sr.