Brand spanking new to all of this

Brand spanking new to all of this

I bought the latest book and read it.
I am impressed.
I am on a fixed income,so I don't have any money to spend yet.
I think this is something my wife and I can if I can get her interested.
She is very skeptical and probably thinks I will screw up some how or she thinks Dean is a crook.
Any Ideas as to an approach to get her involved or should I try to do it alone?



Hi Walt!
My suggestion to you is to start another thread (topic) stating that your better/other half is not on board. (Not another "I am new" title, there are so many of those and so frequently that few people read them)
Start one that says pretty much what you wrote above and you will find that most people here are relying on the other members of this site for support and encouragement more so than their friends and family members because the people who are nearest and dearest to them are not supportive / skeptical / afraid, or they just do not even have a better half and are doing this alone. This is truly a family community and your wife will come on board easily when she sees you succeeding.
New things are scary for most of us.
You just take a big old leap of faith and she will be right there with you before you know it. Smiling


Def listen to Angela...She is very good, and makes lots of helpful suggestions...Angela is right as far as get lots of "I am new" posts...If you start a new one and change it to the actual topic you were talking about, more people are going to be more likely to jump in and help ya...


***Something to Believe In***
"If you want something, GO GET IT...PERIOD" Will Smith
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" Henry Ford
~"Success doesn't come to you...You go to it" Marva Collins~

61 young

Walt keep getting the info on REI just like you have started.Number one think of the positive things not the negative ones that can keep us down, I only say that because i sense in you...Maybe looking for a way out of chasing your dreams. Walt go get that deal done and i promise...She will believe! This is the first day of the rest of your life.


Walt's Better Half


Congratulations on buying Dean's book. You already are a step in the right direction because this book is packed with information about making money in real estate without using your money. I would recommend trying to do the first deal by yourself. Once you complete the first successful deal, which is usually the most difficult, your better half will probably come around and should become interested with more deals. Do not let anyone steal your dream! Good luck with getting those deals. They are out there, you just need to keep looking for them. Believe and Achieve! Smiling


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

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Joe Jurek CPA

confused but commited

This is my 1st day so I don't know how to do this business but I do know that I want to succeed at it. I also know that I will study it and ask enough people how they did it that I will learn how to do it. See you at the top. Lyle

Hi Walt

It sounds like you are getting all the support you need from the sitemembers. I also think your wife will come around even before your success, by seeing the way the members here help out eachother.The support here is second to none, and maybe brousing through some past posts and success stories will let her see that Dean is for real,and that the beauty of this platform that he has created is a credit to his true intentions.Welcome to the community from one newbie to another,and dont let anyone sway your focus. Clovis M. ps.It sounds like wholesaling or subject to's may be right up your alley.

I'm in a similar boat; the

I'm in a similar boat; the people around me are a bit skeptical but I think once I do my first deal they will want to jump on board. already, one friend wants to "partner" with me and I haven't even finished the book but I did mention the potential it had and that it can be done with persistence and patience. He even said he has a real estate agent that would be interested in jumping on as well so we'll see...but getting back to you; jump in, and let her know the water is fine. Once she sees the smile on your face, i'm sure she'll be looking for her bathing suit. Eye-wink


Needs some serious motivation...Should i contact agents with short sales or the sellers themselves, Have the address but only agent's number.

What is fastest or best way to get a buyer in So. Calif.

I have no money to start, so I will want to do some assignments to get started.
I have read alot so far, but need to get my first deal done soon.
I would like to try preclosers aswell, but I am worried about getting stuck owing money.
Thank You for all the responses to my first post.


This is a great place to start: