
All About Carol Stinson

Carol Stinson's picture
Carol Stinson
New Jersey
About Me: 

in 2008 I was truly motivated to change my life after reading Dean Graziosi's book " Be A Real Estate Millionaire". I had never done anything in real estate when I started so I dove into this totally inexperienced and unfamiliar with real estate investing. At that time in my life I was losing everything due to financial instability. Something needed to change and it needed to change FAST!

Thanks to Dean and his support and training I am currently wholesaling real estate around the Country. My life has finally become " MY LIFE" and I am no longer in bondage to my financial situation.

I do all of my real estate wholesaling right from home and never have to sacrifice being a mother of 7 and a wife. I am currently financially free and enjoying life!

My mission is to help others do the same Smiling

My Interests are family first and of course Real Estate.

Topics I've Participated In

#2 You NEED to do reinvestor42637 years 4 weeks ago
How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4098 years 2 weeks ago
Creating Additional Income From Real Estate Anitarny368 years 2 weeks ago
Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 26 weeks ago
CONTRACTS - Editable Anitarny738 years 28 weeks ago

Basic Info

Full time Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit


Just wanted to introduce myself

Carol Stinson's picture

I have just come on board and am eager to get involved. I just wanted to introduce myself to the community.

Hi Carol!

Rina's picture

It's great to have you join us!!
You'll find this an awesome place to find knowledge and support. Congratulations on taking that first step to your financial freedom!! You won't be disappointed.


Use an Existing LLC

cactusbob's picture

You got a "Yes" answer to the basic question, but things sort of got off the track after that. I just wanted to add that the usual purpose of forming an LLC (or L.P. or Corp.) is to separate the assets of the LLC from your personal assets (called "asset preservation").

This shields your other assets from a law suit that might be filed against the LLC, or shields the assets of the LLC from a law suit filed against you personally.

If you would put your property in the name of your husband's LLC, it could put his contracting assets in jeopardy if a law suit is filed against his LLC because a rental tenant sued the property owner (the LLC). It would be more desirable to form a separate LLC for owning property.

You also need to be aware that many title insurance policies may be deemed to be terminated if the title is transferred to another "person" or entity (even if involving the same people). Check with your title company on this to make sure.

In Real Estate, there could be pitfalls if anything out of the ordinary is done, so make no assumptions, check with a reliable source. Laws differ by state to further confuse the issue. Good luck
in your pursuits.


LLC info.

Carol Stinson's picture

Thank you for your answers to my question. I want to learn the foundation before I build my empire. (lol)

You are helping many people here and I am thankful to be one of them.

Hi Carol

Just wanted to wish you a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Glad to see you have the deal maker badge. That's what it is all about on this site. I haven't got there yet, but I am making progress. In a way I am working towards what I expected to be a big deal in the coming weeks. Please pray for me on this first deal. Thanks. Pas. Greg

I need your guidance

ekn2god's picture

Carol, I am writing this is a very high emotional state, I am 3 months behind on my house payments and I just heard from CountryWide that at this time there is nothing the can help me with but I am safe until 2/6/09. I have got to save my house for my girls. This situation is causing a rif in my marriage and I can not take it anymore.

I am so hunger to get moving with my REI but I don't know where to start. My credit score is sinking fast and I feel like I am in a fog. I recently ordered DG book and I would really love to enroll in his school but that will have to be later.

Just tell me what you did first, building a buyers list, working property....please give me some steps. I have to do it...I have not choice.


hey. i saw one of your comments on the forum. first of all i dig your picture, name and bottom line verse quote. keep running strong brother! let me know if you have any sucsess with your assigns... im starting up, and taking the same route you are.

Your Bro in Christ,
Devin Green
[email protected]


Ms Carol
l bought deans book 5/29/09 being reading them since and getting excited l was only interrupted since 6/19 due to a pre-planned vacation with my family. l decide not to read then so as not to cheat my family of my full attention during vacation. lm back listened to Deans blog of 6/18 and he said the first thing to do is get BUYERS, BUILD YOUR BUYERS LIST. So l looked at Craiglist last night it was very confusing, l dont know what to do, l prayed as always and asked God if this is your wish please show me the way. This morning l woke went to Deans site looked at questions/answers on how to get investors/buyers. l saw your posting of 10/8/08 it answered all my questions and when l saw the bible passage underneath it l then knew it was the Lord. So l scrolled down readind all your postings l had to get a note to write then down from how you simplify things with 4% charges/not wanting to be greedy etc and even the free indeed you wrote is very inspiring. So lm writing to thank you, plead to use you as a mentor etc. No deals yet just lots of debt a family of 6 but beliving the LORD.

Samuel Oduok

Hi Carol

John A's picture

Want to stop by & say hello since your a bro from NJ also. Feel free to message me if you like, much success!

John A

Hi everybody im joshua and

changeingmylife's picture

Hi everybody im joshua and this is also my first time.I recently just recieved Deans book in the mail and im have way through but i still dont know where to start.If anyone wants to tutor me im not ashame and willing to learn.

Hi Carol!

rpaulolivares07's picture

A couple of days ago I send you a message under (Write to author) and I don't know if you had a chance to read it. I like to get your feedback, please let me know and any information or advise that you can give will really help.

Wish you a lot of success and many blessing.


Hi Carol

rachelconan's picture

Hi I just wanted to tell you I have learned allot reading all your answer's and idea's!! Me and my husband just started Dean's courses. I posted ads on Craig's list like you suggested on how to get investors even if you don't have property. I 've gotten allot of response but now I'm still trying to get a Buyers list & I don't want to leave the people that are interested hanging any suggestions? I've reached out to people in foreclosure's but still no response. Thanks


Carol-Im in new/remodeling also and made most of our money with buying and selling realestate.Looking for clubs to get this moving forward or mentors
bobnorway@****(liked your user name)

Glad to meet you

Carol Stinson's picture

Thank you for contacting me. What state do you live in?
Who have you contacted for help with your foreclosure?
If you are only 3 months behind you have plenty of time to try to save your house. Months actually... so relax!
Foreclosures are now taking at least 2 years to complete with so many on the market.

Also check out my blog There is allot of good info on there that will help you get started.

In my Prayers,
Carol Stinson

Can you help

Congrats on your finally did it post . I am scared to death to take the plunge do you have any guidance or suggestions I just was laid off from a 32yrs position and am so frustrated I want to start a new career and this seems like a viable choice . I need a HUGE nudge Thanks Don


cougrrr1's picture

I just read your post RE: FINALLY DID IT!!! That is really AWESOME! Smiling
The one sentence that inspired me the most was:
Sometimes we just have to do it AFRAID!
I am praying for AND WITH you in your family's investing and business future. I know that you will help many people along the way as I'm sure you probably already have.
Thank you for sharing your inspiration and news of your success!
P.S. Could you please share with us how you began doing assignments? What was your most successful strategy for building your buyers list? Did you advertise? REI clubs? Contacts from your home remodeling biz? Other sources? Any positive feedback would be GREATLY APPRECIATED by all of us. Thanx again and God bless. (which...we already KNOW He does Laughing out loud Smiling)

Advice Please..

Hi Carol. Hope life is treating you well. I see that you are doing Assignment deals. I live in New Jersey and have finally gotten all my ducks in a row... Lawyer, REA, Buyers, Sellers. etc... I am ready to make offers. My lawyer has informed me that since this is kind of a new stragegy-that some of my sellers lawyers will possibly boo hoo the idea of this kind of sale and even possibly try to kill the deal! Have you run into this problem and if so how did you get around it...

Newbie to the R.E.I. GAME

VICKIE's picture

Hi,I just want to say thank you for that information you posted.I live in N.Y.C. it's hard to find FMV property to start with ,so i'am thinking of going elsewhere to find FMV property and try to do subject to or bdogg. what i'am trying to do is build a buyers list to start off for now. thank you again.

2010 is going to be amazing....!

The people I have met so far on the DG website are amazing people -- very helpful and friendly and willing to share. And everyone benefits from this. I have learned so much in the past 11 weeks (I joined in October)and while it's taken some time to feel somewhat confident and competent, it IS finally happening and I'm excited about what 2010 will bring. The key word is "ACTION", I hear it over and over, and with support like this, from all kinds of talented helpful people, it takes away a lot of the apprehension one might feel... Like Carol, I am commited to my financial success and freedom, and I look forward to the day when I can turn around and share some amazing tools I learned as I closed another deal....(visualization is important, too, right?). Thanks very much everyone for sharing your good thoughts and ideas. It is changing my world....

Best regards to all,


subject to:

alaskansuccessinc's picture

i liked your blog on subject to. is where I am at right now. i am multi-tasking(which is alot of work if you are doing REO"S Short sales, and now subject to's.
I own an(S) corp. doing this all alone and hope to start hiring staff Very soon. for the above mentioned.

thanks once again for the posting......
nice to see full content on this site....
like to see more..
Owner /President of
Alaskan Success,Inc


that is great stuff, it is very inspiring to read about your success. I would love to find out more about how you got started, would you be interested in sharing more? I am moving back to Arizona this week and want to start doing assignments there since I also have no money and bad credit, so it seems like it would be my only option to get back on track.
Thank you and I look forward to talk to you more about this process if you are willing to.
Thank you and have a great day.

your ad on craigslist

COhomeguy's picture

You mentioned how you built your "buyers list" overnight and I was wondering what did you place that got the attention of a lot of people? I thought the head line was great and was interested in doing the same thing out here in Colorado. Thank you!

Eric Landis

Chat about assignments

Hi Carol I'm Fred Dzikus from Pa just over the Comm. Barry. I was laidoff from a job of 26yrs, I have a duplex and I'm in the process of trying to purchase an additional property. I read both of Deans books in addition to other research as well. Can I reach you at an email address?


AMEN. I'm so proud of you, yet I really need your help. I live in north NJ, wholesaling is my focus and I need help with finding the right contract; as you know the contract can't have the word "assignment" in it but it must have a clause that provides for collecting a fee. Please provide me with a copy of your contract or perhaps your attorney contact info. I've been studing for some time, have started a buyers list, and have properties in persective. Your help will propell me to the completion. Thank you so dearly in advance. May the Lord continue to bless your home and your life! Give thanks and praises, NOW, this is a prosperous year for everyone!

Congratulations on winning the contest

westerwayne's picture

I am writing to congratulate you on winning the Send Me Away Dean contest. Your story touched my heart and I'm so glad you won and will get a much deserved vacation plus the opportunity to work with Dean and not have to worry about funding. God bless you and your family and good luck in 2010! (I would have written sooner but I've been having a LOT of trouble with my e-mail. My wishes for you are no less sincere and I hope all your dreams come true in 2010.)

A couple ?s for a busy lady im sure!

I see u posts on here all the time and u seem like u got this in the bag. My first ? is when looking for a Real Estate Agent what commision should i consider fair? 2nd is what way was more successful in building ur buyers list? I hope to hear from u soon cant wait to get started!

Hi Carol I'm from NJ too

Hi Carol,

I loved reading your blog on how you got started. I'm in Howell, NJ, severely in debt and have read the books several times. I've found a great RE agent but am having trouble finding some really good deals in NJ. If you have any info on how to get started I would appreciate it. I got five buyers from posting craigs ads but I need to get more. I read your blog on that and will try that ad next. I guess my question is how far below can you bid on RE properties. I bid on 4 with my reatlor and was outbid. They sold for asking price! Anyhow I hope you won't mind if I email you once in while for some help. Thanks! Carol Renda

Hi! Carol

I have a question for you.I've made one offer and it got denied. I'm new and still learning. My question is when you make an offer do you make offer over the phone or on paper? do you meet with the seller? will you please comment. Thanks Maria


Carol: First, kudos to you for winning the DG contest. I am going to specialize in doing assignments as they represent quick,fast cash for paying off bills etc. That's how you caught my attention as you said that you did and liked assignments. Quick questions: Do you use a cell phone or do you have separate business/home and fax lines to run your business? Do you have a 24/7 Coa or similar message set up or not? Do you use a real estate agent/broker or use to look up listings? Also, do you know if you can do assignments with REO properties or does the broker and/or bank say "no way" we don't do that? Thanks. I hope I get your answer on the DG site. Ritt

basic mechanics of your at home business

Carol: First, Congrats on winning the DG contest. You mentioned about your first deal calling up owners of rental homes to see if they want to sell. Do you only call on "houses for rent" or do you also call all the "apartment for rent" ads which typically is a much larger group? Do you use an answering system with 24/7 message like the COA system DG uses or have you not progressed to that point yetdue to the cost? Do you use a separate business phone # and fax line at your house and just an answering machine? Do use a realtor to find and present deals or do you find your own deals from ads in the paper and Craigslist? I'm doing assignments also due to needing quick cash and quick in and out aspect of the deal with no credit,cash or banks. Thanks


Hi Carol:

I have been reading Dean's books and have been afraid to take that first step. After reading your site and looking at your website I went up on line and contacted a couple investors that I had contact with from an ad I placed a while back to see if they are still interested.

also contacted a person who is looking to get into a place.

Just wondering if you have thought of helping some of newbies get going. I know you said you have done assignments and that is where I would like to start. I have a husband who really doesn't think this can happen and I know in my heart it can.

Thanks for listening and any help would be greatly appreciated.


My daughter & I are trying to get started in our real estate investing and are very interested in assignments as we are in very bad financial shape and have basically hit rock bottom. Your story was fascinating regarding your ability to do your deals online. Exactly how do you do it that way without looking at the properties in person? How have you built your buyers and sellers lists? Any information you could provide would be extremely helpful and greatly appreciated. We really need to make this happen and happen quickly. Thank you so much for your time.

Hey Carol

I hope you are busy doing deals and making money .

Is that offer you made about letting us use your buyers still available ??

If so , shoot me a private message.

Thank You ,

Randy S.
Elkton, MD


randy428's picture

Just stop in to say HI cog on your 50 k, Hope to talk to you soon. Have a great Easter weekend.



icybluedream's picture

Hi, I got Dean's books last year and joined his class this year, I have yet to get started on things...I would love to finally get this real estate career rolling and saw that you have been doing great with this...especially at finding buyers. If you don't mind would you share with me how you find all the buyers? Also, I'm looking to go to some real estate investment clubs in Oregon, how do I find some good ones to join? Your help/guide is very much appreciated!

Start Up Money

mgntexas's picture

Carol, I'm new DG family. I started on this advanture back in January of this year. I've seen your video and very impressed with it.
But I have a question. I've been stoned walled by the Banks, Title Co. Attorneys, and so on. There are hidden fees every where.
How do you do this with out amy money?



mgntexas's picture

Carol, do I need an Attorney to fill out the contract that DG has on his website. I down loaded them to use.

How do you do it ???


Newbe and fighting thru the fear....

HI,im john i posted the other day and to day i dont feel so alone out here. i go to Deans site all the time,out of frustration.I made that leap of faith,and post a message in hopes of some people in the DG famly,and looked today and there you were.i dont feel so interested in that group thing when that gets out there,im going to a REI meeting here in glouster co. to get a better feeling,net working thing. enough of your time.thanks angin. just fighting thru the fear.john

Hi Carol!

cbrindamour's picture

It was great meeting you at the EDGE. You story was inspiring! There is TONS of great information on your website! Thanks for everything. That video is GREAT!

Wolesaler/ Investor in South Florida

Hi my name is Greg Sands and I live in South Florida and I am realtor for a wholesale real estate investment firm where we get at least 20-25 new wholesale properties every month. I thought that it might be a good idea to let some of the other users know about it since most people have a hard time finding the deals. I also would like to network with other wholesalers or people down here in my area. I would like more info on what you do and what you are trying to do as well.

RE: Flipping Nationally

PowerBuyer's picture

Hi Carol,

Though I don't have any contacts in the GA area, I wanted to recommend a web-based software to track and organize your leads and bird dogs. It's only $10 (then a small monthly fee that can be waived) and gives you instant access to over 10,000 investors across the can actually see instantly if they have a property that matches your search criteria or a buyer that may be interested. It's really a great tool.
If you're interested, just send me your email and I'll forward the details.

I would also like to invite you to join my buyers list...

Happy Wholesaling,


hecjr82's picture

hi I live in vineland nj and I'm new, have a relestate agent as a friend (new) and looking to get started biddogging etc, you familiar with the area? ^.^

May You have Great Success

JJD's picture

May You have Great Success on your Journey!

Thank You for All that You Share.



2Travel2's picture

I just wanted to ask you a question about your teamwork program. How long does it take approximately to hear something about the properties I send in. I sent over a dozen in in June and I haven't seen anything back yet. I would love to send more in but I wasn't sure if maybe your not doing any properties in my area.

Proud of You

darylmau's picture

I've just recently watched your video blog and felt compelled to express to you how proud I am of you and your achievements. Like you I have a disabled Daughter ( Aracnoidal Cyst in the brain ) and am sometimes overwhelmed with everything. Would really appreciate if You would allow me to communicate with you on a more personal level either through PM or email. Also, I use Skype. Don't wish to intrude so I'll leave it up to you to let me know if this is possible. I realize that you are quite busy and would be grateful for any time that you may allow me.

Warmest Regards to You and Yours.


Daryl Mau

For Every Adversity There is a Seed to an Equal or Greater Benefit.
W. Clement Stone\islandaffiliate

Sorry, I must have punched post button twice by accident couldn't find a way to delete it.

Proud of You

darylmau's picture

I've just recently watched your video blog and felt compelled to express to you how proud I am of you and your achievements. Like you I have a disabled Daughter ( Aracnoidal Cyst in the brain ) and am sometimes overwhelmed with everything. Would really appreciate if You would allow me to communicate with you on a more personal level either through PM or email. Also, use Skype. Don't wish to intrude so I'll leave it up to you to let me know if this is possible. I realize that you are quite busy and would be grateful for any time that you may allow me.

Warmest Regards to You and Yours.


Daryl Mau

For Every Adversity There is a Seed to an Equal or Greater Benefit.
W. Clement Stone\islandaffiliate

Carol....... Great presentation on Edge 2010

danielpowersuccessriches's picture

Hi Carol,

i just got through watching your presentation with Dean and your partner Lou. i too am interested in Virtual Wholesaling. You did a great job at presenting everything and I just wanted to say that you are quite an inspiration. Thanks and keep rockin! Daniel Roswell NM

P.S. Hey BTW did you purchase SFL??

"Empty pockets never held ANYONE back. ONLY empty heads and empty hearts." - Vincent Norman Peale

Great inspiration


My wife and I just watched the edge 2010 video recently. Your emotional personna is most inspirational and motivational. This labor day weekend I "personnally" would normally be in the mountains hunting/camping with my buds. However, due partially to "YOUR" inspirational influence we have decided to drive 2 hours from where we live to meet with a realtor whom by the way has cancelled her day with her family camping to show us several SFR's We are going there to create our first deal after being a member of the DG family. Like your start, we don't have much for credit, cash, and the cupboards are dwindling. Although like you we have DESIRE. I don't know how yet that we are going to do a deal, I just know we are!
Thank You and
God Bless You and Your Family



I hope you continue to accrue much success in all of your endeavors.
Keep inspiring!

Hi Carol

SuperBee's picture

Just wanted to stop by and sign your guestbook.

Thanks for all that you do. Your emails, videos, articles and posts inform and motivate me. Glad to be signed up on your team.

Laughing out loud