in 2008 I was truly motivated to change my life after reading Dean Graziosi's book " Be A Real Estate Millionaire". I had never done anything in real estate when I started so I dove into this totally inexperienced and unfamiliar with real estate investing. At that time in my life I was losing everything due to financial instability. Something needed to change and it needed to change FAST!
Thanks to Dean and his support and training I am currently wholesaling real estate around the Country. My life has finally become " MY LIFE" and I am no longer in bondage to my financial situation.
I do all of my real estate wholesaling right from home and never have to sacrifice being a mother of 7 and a wife. I am currently financially free and enjoying life!
My mission is to help others do the same
Your story
Thank you for sharing your story in your profile of starting on a new path after being inspired by reading one of Dean's books and how you went on to achieve your goal of financial freedom. I am very happy for you and your family that you are now enjoying life and being there for your kids. I applaud you and take inspiration from you.
I am a grandmother who finds herself in a similar situation to when you took up the DG path to success (I have financial challenges and am also very new to real estate, as you were in the beginning of your investment career). I feel hope for my own success in reading what you have done.
I wish you continued success! Let me know if you're now a buyer yourself. I'm building my buyers list.