In this week's blog Dean takes some time to clarify the Weekly Wisdom from last week, as well as share some important details about having a success mindset. But most importantly, EDGE 2013 is this weekend, and for all those who can't make it but want to participate we will be streaming a live broadcast online. You only have until Thursday night to reserve your spot if you haven't already, so don't wait until it is too late to get you setup.
Click To Watch EDGE 2013 Live From Home
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I'm always here front and center every Sunday afternoon to see the Weekly Wisdom.
I will be successful in this endeavor. I just will be no ifs and or buts about it.
EDGE 2013
Hi Dean,
Sounds like a lot of great things happening this week....
I hope to attend next years Edge Event 2014....Enjoy the party, and all the events.....
Thank you Dean!
You are my recipe book to rei success!!! I still have the image in my head of the Weekly where you cooked the spaghetti dish using your grandma's recipe; I'm using your recipe to buy and hold! and it works!!!
It was so energizing to see the clips from last year's Edge!!! Can't wait to be there this coming weekend for my second time! As Julie says, I wouldn't miss it, ever! For me, attending the Edge is like re-fueling my rei tank of knowledge and motivation!!!
See everyone there soon!!!
Can't Wait
Excited about the Edge coming up this week. I won't be there, but I'll be watching online. The education and speakers are amazing. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve Dean.
EDGE 2013
Even dough I won't be able to make it to Phoenix,
I want to say to all of the DG Family and d IE members to have a great time at the IE Party and the 2013 Edge, hopefully next year I will have the great honor to meet you all, the same to Dean, Matt and everybody else, but I will be watching the event online.
Have a great time and enjoy it...
Gain the EDGE 2013
Thank you Dean for taking the time to put together this Annual Mastermind event. I know each year, thousands of lives are positively effected by the life changing information and inspiration from the Gain the EDGE Events. There is so much excitement, energy and synergy with these events, it is almost too hard to put into words.
Wow, it is almost here, the Gain the EDGE 2013. We look forward to seeing many of our DG friends, as well as making new friends at this year's EDGE event. It is such an awesome time for networking, education, inspiration, sharing tips, techniques and strategies. I am looking forward to the great weather and great times. I know good times will be had by all and many lasting memories will be created! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
"No man is a failure who has friends."
- Clarence Odbody AS2, from the Christmas Classic It's a Wonderful Life
The excitement is building!
It's that time again and you are so awesome Dean. I know that 2013 is my year and the mantra playing in my head is "failure is not an option". It is make it happen or live to regret it. I will make plenty of mistakes and get many a no but I will be persistant. Great weekly wisdom. Thanks!
Let's get ready to Edge it upppppppp
Ok we are four days away (coming in on thursday) to meet with some people. I can't wait to see people that i have talked to here all year long about real estate. I will have to bring a bottle of rip fuel just to stay up for two days. Wow are we that close now...time for the fun to begin boys and girls..t minus four days...NOW GO GET SOME
Getting Excited & Ready To Go Faster!! Thank You Dean :)
Thank You Dean For doing what you Do for Us All Here. This will be my First Edge Event And I am ready To soak up all of The Awesome Knowledge that Will be shared there, By Everybody:) I am wholesaling out here in Central Calif ( 1 Nice Deal Under my belt Now ) and Ready for more,Ready to start doing some Buy and Holds as Well!! I am So Ready To Go Faster And Make this Year 2013 The Best YET !!

Looking forward to Making New Friends And New Partners As Well
Looking So Forward To Meeting Everybody,
Edge 2013
Looking forward to my first Edge event. It will be great to be with so many like minded people.
the EDGE
Thank you Dean,I am very exited about the up-coming event,I will be listening on my comp.
Dear Dean, unfortunately, we will miss the event. We will be to the next one and that is a
promise. Being able to see it is very exciting.
I again agree with all you say regarding education and it's importance-you do well making
the point.
Edge 2013
Looking forward to watching the Edge this year and attending next year. I'm sure we'll all find a lot of tidbits that helps us in our next step to excel to the next level.
Thanks for all you do.
Keith Yedinak
Wow The Edge 2013!!
Hey Dean. Thank you for setting up such a great event! I can't wait to get to my first edge event this year! Looking forward to meeting so many great like-minded people!! See you all soon!
Absolutily cannot wait for
Absolutily cannot wait for the EDGE event. We are looking to to make our recipe better, faster, streamline, hands free!!!
Dean thank you and thank your team for putting this all together.
I am so looking forward to seeing my DG family......On to the next level everyone!!!
Dan and I will be there Thursday!
Weekly Wisdom on Successful People/Habits
You're absolutely right, we can not act & think as everyone else does in order to be successful. Successful People are not better, but different. Successful People are Bucket Fillers. Bucket Fillers are people who inspire, encourage, overcome opposition while Bucket Dippers take, discourage and want us to fail. I only want to be around Bucket Fillers and remove myself from the Bucket Dippers. I hope and pray to only be a Bucket Filler to family, friends and everyone else around me.
Thank you! Best wishes to
Thank you! Best wishes to you and EDGE 2013!
Everyone needs Help
We all need it. We just have to have the courage to ask for it. I Know with all the help I can get with the IE family I will be successful!!!
Here is to a very Bright Future!!
Thanks for everything that you do!!!
thanks Dean
Another weekly wisdom that is great. Thank You and I wish I could pay the money to watch this weekend I know it is going to be great. It's just to much for me right now.
No Giving Up
Thanks Dean for keeping it real! I got my first two offers excepted, but my buyers wouldn't buy. Thank goodness I had my exit statagy in place so I could walk away without taking a loss. I'm trying to figure out, if everyone starts working together then how is everyone making profits? Regardless, I'm not giving up! This will work! Thanks Dean for never giving up on us!
Leaving tomorrow for the Edge & IE Event
I am so excited, leaving tomorrow to stay we a dear friend in Scottsdale for a few days before the Events start, and can't wait to meet everyone. I intend to make this a wonderful networking time, hook up with dg members to partner with all over the country and make new friends. Ready to ramp it up and soak in the energy! Looking forward to being around so many like minded people! See you all on Friday! Can't wait to meet you all! Thanks Dean and all your staff for putting this together for us and keeping us moving forward!
Phoenix Event
Thank you, Dean. Looking forward to Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Kathy Wensel
it has been a week since a been a student for your success academy. I feel that my life is changing. My Mentor is great! You guys know so many techniques! In one week I was able to do what I haven't done in 60 days... Regards to every one! Roman
another great blog
Thanks Dean: Another blog,lots of education,Carol in Texas
It's that time again
I leave unwilling every year. the differents this year is to go and jump. the last four or five years I left on a high and built millon dollar projects for the company that employs me.this year is me and the familys turn.will be good to see lots of returnees Enjoy & Until
AMAZING days lie directly ahead!
The EDGE has changed my life every year. I cannot wait! And this year I am honored to be presenting. How wildly cool is that!? Get ready to be pushed over the cliff of success DGFam. It's a great ride.
Watching the edge
Planning on watching the edge online I'm sure it will be full of great knowledge.
First Edge event for me!!
Really looking forward to the Edge 2013....
We all have that one thing needed to click that will make us take action....I believe the Edge 2013 will be that trigger for me.
This year I'll be watching on the Computer from home because funds are low, but next year I hope to be there...Can't wait!!
Thanks DG
Road Trip
I've been in a funk lately and look forward to traveling from MD to AZ starting Wednesday.
Plan on seeing America on the return trip and applying what I learn.
Look forward to meeting members of my new immediate family. I know some of you and then I don't really you know as I should.
See you soon.
Well, I amhere in Phoenix and forgot my itinerary on what time it starts this evening. Can any one help me? I believe it was at the same place as last year... But not sure what time.
Thank you,, Deb and Rob
Same place