We've had a couple busy weeks so Dean has a few things he needed to recap. He also wanted to remind our members not to become complacent with the way the thing are right, particularly the economy. That is a recipe for disaster! Lastly, he has a very important update regarding the Live Event.
Watch and see for yourself!
Thank you for doing another video blog for us this week. I can't wait to get your new book "Your Town" I am sure it is packed with even more tips, techniques and strategies to succeed in today's real estate market.
We can't wait for Gain the Edge Event 2010! I am sure this event will be bigger and better then last year which was so life changing for so many people. I want to RSVP ASAP for the Gain the Edge Event. Looking forward to hearing all the details. Continued Success in all you do. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Good morning Dean!
You are always on the move!! Thank you!!
Sheesh, I feel like you are our own personal REI fitness trainer. We all have the potential; SOOO glad you motivate and bring it out of us! Sometimes I get tired just WATCHING you, but immediately I think "Darn it! if he's putting in that much effort, then so should I!!"
REALLY excited to hear about the EDGE event being announced soon! So looking forward to what I know you guys are planning as even bigger and better than last year! And to the DG Family, gathering in a HUGE way. Knowledge is power, and there is strength in numbers (especially with people who have the heart of DGers!). This will affect communities across the country when we return home.
The new book is GREAT! I know there are a lot of people that will be watching for the UPS truck this week!
God bless you, and I wish you a most wonderful week.
THank You!
Your Blogs always pump me up.
The Edge Event.
I am looking forward to the Edge event. Wanted to clarify, didn't those of us who bought the empowering conversations DVD's earn ourselves a reserved spot to the Edge? I know not everyone is going to exercise their option but, we do have our reserved spot right?
Thanks dean
I'm so glad that im part of the dg family.I order the audio of the book your town.I'm really enjoying all the info of this book and 2010 is the year im going to make big things done no time to loose.As always thanks a million times dean for all the things that your doing for all.I'm hunting for the Big money!!!!!!!
The book the event - success
Thanks Dean for your never ending supply of encouragement, knowledge and tools. You put in our hands what we need to succeed. I am looking forward to gobbling up the new book and really hoping to come the The Edge! It would be a thrill to meet you, your staff AND fellow members of the DG Family. Gosh, I feel like you all are my friends!
Can't wait to get the new
Can't wait to get the new book! Thank you!
Thanks Dean!
Although I wasn't able to attend the EDGE event, I did get the EDGE kit and loved every minute of it! If I could go this year I certainly would but it looks like it might have to be next year that I can attend.
Anybody that can go - GO!! You won't regret it!
Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC
Always There!
Dean - you are always here for us - and that means so much, and it speaks volumes about the great heart you have and how much you care about all your students! I hope you know how much each blog means, and how motivated it keeps me - and I'm sure everyone else. Thanks from the bottom of my heart! Heres to a kick a$$ 2010!!!!
Your generiosity is overwelming
As always, I am at the edge of my seat waiting for the blog every week. What was special about this one was the new book and the upcoming EDGE conference. Can't wait to have that new book in my hand. I am like a kid in a candy store; anxious. Thanks Dean for always giving of yourself. May God continue to shower you with His blessings.