Last week Dean posted an info-packed video excerpt from our new Empowering Conversations featuring top "Success Academy" Instructor Jeff Jensen.
Well, the response from everyone was so enthusiastic, Dean's decided to post another DOSE of this Killer interview.
Take five minutes and let Dean and Jeff help you determine where you want to go, and show you why RIGHT NOW is time to believe that you... (yes YOU)...can really do this too!
You'll also have an exclusive 2nd chance to get this ENTIRE interview on DVD and more!
Watch the video then click below to get your no-risk subscription to the interview series...
Get EC Now:
Blog 55
Another great blog and message. Merry Christmas to Dean and everyone in the DG family.
Great Blog Dean and Jeff
Having met you in person I could tell by the tone in your voice that your message was from the heart and truly sincere. Those of us that never had anything have come to really appreciate what we have now. Jeff's message as most of his posts are was very informative and helpful. Keep those tidbits of information coming. Looking forward to viewing more....Jan
Thanks for another weekly video blog. The Empowering Conversations videos are a "wealth of information" and I can't wait to get the next month's DVD's. It sounds like Jeff has even more awesome tips and information to share with us. I always think if you get at least one good idea it was worth it, but I already have several ideas just from the video clip. Good luck and continued sucess in all your do! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
P.S. When is the Gain the EDGE 2010 event going to be held? (The DG Members are eagerly awaiting all the juicy details!)
I feel lost.
I feel lost because I have been involved since September of this year with Dean's great Real Estate opportunity and have done nothing with it. I don't have the funds to get involved in the Success Academy although Maria has been trying to help me get into the Academy but, I've failed there because each time I thought I would have the money to put in to just start me off, I have to use it for my family or a family member in need. And to now find out that because of my not having time to check my emails all November practically, I missed out on this GREAT!!! new idea of the " Students Pay It Forward Fund Scholarship" program. I am so happy for the winner and the runner ups. Truly I am. As a man of God I am always happy to see Him bless someone through the vessels He chooses to use. But I now sit here not knowing how I can get into the Academy seeing that I have no funds to do so. Can anyone tell me how I can perhaps start a deal or maybe even how to start something to maybe even get a finders fee, so I can take what I make to put a down payment on my tuition? I really want to do this and am willing to commit the time needed to be successful so I can help others as God has called me to do. I am doing it with the little I make but, it leaves me with nothing at the end. But thank God I know He has a blessing waiting for me. If any one has any ideas please let me know.
As Always...
As always Thank you Dean for another great blog. I have watched every single one on this site and if there is ANY question you have been a great teacher of this wonderful world of REI. Please don't think I have excluded the "students" that have also become the teacher. This whole DG family rocks. The information is priceless and same with the support. On a side bar thank you for not driving LOL while doing the blog. I hope the Graziosi family (proper) and the DG web family have a safe a joyest holiday season. Let 2010 be a rockin great year for all present and the soon to join!!
Earl in MI
This was really inspiring
This was really inspiring for me to get up and make my buyer's list even better. I want to assign at least 10 properties in the next year! Your information will make it possible!
currently over-whelmed
I watch all the weekly blog's and foolow-ups. I've read all of Dean's books/literature and in the process of doing the ITS training and workbooks. My feeling is that if one prepares themselves by getting this information ahead of action there is less chance of making mistakes. Then there is the matter of Buyer/Sellers lists,power team, plan, and so much more. There is a great deal of preparation that must take place before jumping into the fire. Taking advantage of all the great information and materials offered by the Dean Graziosi program is my number one plan. Even though I would love to act now, I believe that everything will fall into place soon. As always Dean, thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Great Information
Thank you for doing the blog with Jeff. Last friday I attended an auction, a very nice 2 BR, brick home, in a very nice neighborhood. The house went for the low end of the comps in the area. Never the less a good buy for the winner of the bid. I did exactly what Jeff said and went up to some of the investors, after the auction, and was able to add them to my buyers list. The only problem I had was several of them got away before I could get their information. my fault I should have started earlier. Thats all right I will get it at the next auction. Please keep adding more of this information that we can use to build up our arsenal of knowledge. That way we all can be successful in 2010. Thak you again ----Kolby
Happy Holidays to All.
Happy holidays to all the DG family. I have had the DG Books since Feb. of this year. Still have not done my first deal. At times I get a little discourage, but I have not given up and WILL not give up. Every time I come on the site, there is an encouraged word on the blogs, or some one has posted some thing that let me know that it can be done inspite of all the nay sayers that I have around me. Thank you all for your words of encouragement, and I know that 2010 will be a better year for me.
Thank you for another great blog!
Dean, thank you for another great blog. As always, my favorite part was hearing how you remember to be thankful and about your "why" (family). You being real is what keeps ME motivated. All the techniques you have learned and pass on to us, and great help from great coaches like Jeff, are all we need to make our REI a success! Thank you! And the real motivation of family and a better life is priceless! (cause we all can relate to that!
And I am looking forward to some amazing success stories to be shared by your students in the following months! Thanks again! You are THE Best!!
God bless you Dean during this holiday season. Hope you are able to relax and enjoy as much as you wish to.
I Needed That....
Thanks Dean for a great blog. I truly needed that insert from Jeff.I joined the Success academy little over a month now... But Im not a out going person and I dont know anyone in the real estate department.I felt so out of place. but thanks to this blog, I feel much better.
I Needed That....
Thanks Dean for a great blog. I truly needed that insert from Jeff.I joined the Success academy little over a month now... But Im not a out going person and I dont know anyone in the real estate department.I felt so out of place. but thanks to this blog, I feel much better.
I Needed That....
Thanks Dean for a great blog. I truly needed that insert from Jeff.I joined the Success academy little over a month now... But Im not a out going person and I dont know anyone in the real estate department.I felt so out of place. but thanks to this blog, I feel much better.
Thanks Dean
I am one of those who hasn't done my forst deal yet but this blog is getting me started.
Hey Dean your wisdom is very appreciated
Well thanks again you guys for constant motivation i know i will get the money to get in the success academy soon and be a part of great success and team of rei you guys are the best.
P.S. No sruggle no progress
Get it Done!
Since I know Dean as a personal friend, the sincerity of his message means even more to me. He really does want everyone to succeed. I really appreciate these kind of blogs and the true meaning behind them.
My question is this:
What else do you need? What more do want? I mean COMMON! We want you to win!!!
Get it done!!!
Happy Holiday All
Thank for your blog I look forward to hear what you and the family have for all of us to learn from. Oh and yes I found some investor club that was some great information Thank Dean and Jeff.
Thank you for another great weekly blog!!!
Dean & Jeff,

Thank you so much for proving us another great weekly blog
My progress is very slow, but I am getting closer to my goal little by little everyday!!!
I am looking forward to share my success story with everybody on this site!
Happy Holidays to all the DG family
Hello Godsman Here is some info for you.
I too have not done anything with this program yet, but I saw a way to get started on aol recently, you can go to your local Tax Office, they have properties that people own, and they have not paid their taxes on the properties for whatever reasons. You can get homes for as little as $100 and a lien is then put into place on that home. If the owners cannot pay the tax, then the property becomes yours for only $100. I understand about not having any money to get started. However if you can come up with at least $100, you could get started on your first step, by looking into starting this way, then go from there. I do hope this helps. I have not given up, only learning right now as much as I can, and when the time is right I am going to start. I like this way, because you can get some real good deals I imagine. There were some houses in several states the other day on aol. They were going for just $1 thats all you had to pay, and then you were required to move them from the property that they sat on. Some gave you $10,000 to help you get them moved to where you wanted them to go to help you on the expense of moving them. One you bought for a $1 with the agreement to just fix it up and bring it back to its original state. It didn't have to be moved. And it only cost $1 for it. Some of these houses were in Virginia, Illinois but I am not able to handle houses away from me like that. And it takes alot of money to move or restore one. If I lived there I could do that, restore one, but I would have to do it myself. And I probably would wind up living in it myself. I do hope this helps you, once you get a lien on a property and they don't pay the taxes, it is yours. Then you can sell it, or rent it out, or lease these homes. Who knows there might even be a duplex or apartment complex that failed to pay the taxes, and you may be able to grab it for nearly nothing. Any how I hope this helps. Ginny7 Have a Merry Christmas!
The EC Offer is Limited!!!
Hey all,
If you haven't already, be sure to take advantage of the limited offer to get the Empowering Conversation subscription. All these tips and how-to's are just the tip of the iceberg of what is on these. There are 2 rock solid DVDs produced every month and I still learn a lot from these - so they are a must have from the novice to the expert.
It's just $25 a DVD and the information priceless.
Get it here:
Getting motivated
Thank you once again Dean for your continued efforts in supporting us to take action. I have signed up for the CTREIA meeting and am going to network to obtain names of buyers. If any one out there is from Ct., the assoc. has a website that will promote properties for sale.
I also wanted to share something that has helped me to continue to grow and eliminate fear. I was revisiting some Wayne Dyer tapes and reminded myself what I already knew but had forgotten to continually implement in my daily life, and that is to not direct my thoughts on what I can not do, or what I do not want. It will only bring more of that into my life. What we must all ask ourselves is what do we want and only allow our mind to see where we are going. We get what we think about whether we want it or not, so why don't all of us think forward to the new year, acknowledge all that we are grateful for, daily, and keep our thoughts focused on feeling good and asking for what we want. Look forward to sharing my progress with this new awareness and wish you all a safe happy healthy holiday season and new year. Mary-Ellen
The Blog
Thank Dean for the Blog and for keeping me motivatived I need it Thank you
Another Great Blog
Dean - these blogs mean more to all of us than I think you even realize. Seeing you and Jeff talking and sharing inspiration and incredible knowledge started my week off with a boost of new found energy! Hope your holidays are relaxed and blessed with much love and time with your family and everyone you love in your life!
Blog Applause YeHaw!!
A wonderful piece full of more info and a reminder during this time, as we close out one year, to welcome another that we humbly give thanks. To our family (DG Too), our friends, and those members of the Armed Forces who are overseas and can't be home for Christmas. Our hearts and prayers to those we miss and for those who are going through difficult times....
"God bless us, every one!" said Tiny Tim, the last of all"
Can someone direct me to the marketing section
Where Jeff mentioned with his interview with Dean, the 85 ways to find buyers list. I'm not finding it. Need a step by step showing please.
Great interview with Jeff and Dean.
Great Video
Dean and Jeff,
Thanks for the great introduction to this instructional video. Dean, you are right; Daughters are everything a Father could want. Looking in their eyes makes you want to be a better man.
Great points and motivational instruction on finding buyers. Appreciate all the great wealth of informaiton you provide.
Great Video!
Great video Dean & Jeff!
And yes, kids are special!
Keep it coming!
No one is happier than I am to see your blog this week from a 'STATIONARY' car!
This link is to Jeff's post about finding buyers that he refers to in this week's blog:
I think this will be helpful to everyone!
the blog
Dean and Jeff,
thanks for the blog info. still trying to build a list. As ive posted before its not easy here in NJ. I managed to find one REI club out of the 15 from list you provided. Not great odds but it will have to do. I will attend this Wed and let you know how it went. I also have been going to the forclosure auctions and made out with 2 possible buyers, but I still have nothing to sell. I dont get it. both people did tell me that they have so many lookers already, but gave me their info and quickly dismissed me. Any Input on this would be nice. I dont expect it but would be nice to see a responce. [email protected]
Dean's weekly blog
Thanks for the great information!(as usual)I am an academy member since August and the information from your coaches and the educational material is tops, it is the best out there. So thanks again for all you do.