Ever Heard of the Buddy System?
You might remember the buddy system from when you were a kid. It was often used when teaching children to swim in large groups. Basically, two people, the buddies, operate together and look out for each other. It's a way for a swimming instructor to get an instant head count. In adventurous or dangerous activities, the main benefit is safety. Helping prevent one another from becoming a casualty, or to rescue the other in a crisis. Well, you can have a crisis in your quest for success too! So this week, Dean puts a new spin on an old concept, and gives you a little assignment, to make a very intentional choice and use your own version of the buddy system. Watch it now for a tip to make sure you stay on track and TRULY reach your real estate dreams!
Thanks Dean!
Great tip!
good question
If your in debt and have financial problems can you still purchase real estate
You personally, as a buyer
are unlikely to qualify to get approved to purchase real estate for yourself. But like eveyone here will tell you there are a lot of ways to get yourself in the position to eventually get out of debt and prosper in investing in real estate. There are other ways to acquire property than to have to try and get approved on a loan yourself. Go through this website there are VALUABLE information everywhere. Go to the Home Page and to the upper left "Start Here - FAQs" Hope this helps.
Dean's blog about finding a
Dean's blog about finding a buddy got me thinking about who in my life I naturally go visit with, about new ideas and endeavors and who I naturally avoid. I have one person that I feel free "to be me" with and talk to, about new ideas and concerns. He always is positive but also will give me his .02 worth too. I respect his opinion and enjoy conversing with him on different ideas. I would like to have more people like that in my life so, Dean I am greatful for the challenge you put out in your blog!
Looking for Success Buddy
The buddy system sounds great. I am in the Columbia, South Carolina area and would like to know if there are any other Columbia area Successful people willing to be my Buddy in the Dean Graziosi community. Maybe we could even get a deal or two set up for a win-win outcome.
Success Buddy - a formula for success
The buddy system is another great idea. It is so refreshing to be able to share ideas with others that are excited by your success. Also, it is nice to know that others are there to help and provide support during the not so easy times. Believe and Achieve!
Success Buddy...
Hi Dean,
It's the law of nature. Positivety attracts positivety. Who and what you surround yourself with is so important! It's takes great strength to pull away from the negative forces. aimpowering yourself with knowledge is a great help. Constant self assurance.
I always enjoying hearing a weekly video blog and I enjoy hearing them more than once for each tidbit of information. With all the video blogs that you have done, we should have a vote on the Top 10 or a special DVD of all the video blogs that we can pop into our dvd players and watch for information and inspiration.
Thanks again for sharing this video blog with all of us. The buddy system is a great system and can help motivate people to new heights. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Great Idea!
Such good advice. Dean does get the creative juices flowing. We all want the same thing here and it is to succeed. So being on this site and talking to so many people that have the same goals as I do is just what I need to stay focused.
Thank you Dean for being such an influence in our lives and keeping the desire to achieve our goals.
I like that, the buddy system, bring backs some very fond memories and it will work in the present day.
Let's go buy a house.
Happy Investing!
Thanks Dean
I like what Indiana Joe said on 5/13/10. Dean you need to put out a DVD on the best of your blogs.
I lost a few deals and it set me back. I have been out of trying to buy new invsetments for a few months now and you need a buddy to help you along. I have missed this sight. Now I am back in the game ready to move on.
Thanks Dean
Thank you Dean
you are so right on about the power of intention. I read Wayne Dyers book and would recommend it to all. We all get what we focus on with intention, so let's all challenge ourselves to focus on where we want to be in 1 year from now. I suggest visualization boards. As Dean has said, success starts in our heads first, so pay attention to all of the thoughts that we have during the day and work on getting rid of our limiting beliefs when they raise their ugly heads. I don't remember who said it but we all know it's true, "If you keep doing the same thing, you will keep getting the same results". Thanks again Dean for the positive ideas. You may not even be able to imagine how much they impact people's lives, but the universe is sure going to reward you with all your generosity and kindness. M-E
Thanks for reposting another great video blog. I am fortunate to have a great buddy, a best friend who is also a terrific partner and husband. The right buddy can make all the difference in the world. Carpe Diem! :0) - Stacey
Thanks again Dean!
There are lots of buddies on here! But I think I need to find one locally, maybe at my local REI club.
The video isn't coming up~
For some reason this video doesn't load any longer.
Repeat Blog
I enjoyed this blog more than ever. It is great at time to reflect and see "what could have or what should have been done." Having a success buddy could be difficult especially when both minds are not thinking alike. Looking for a success buddy, means taking the business to another level. The trust factor is also extremely important. I have been burned on so many levels, that it is very difficult for me to regain that trust I had for others. I now have to always wonder what will happen next. For now, I feel comfortable doing what I have to do for myself. I do not know if things will change, we'll see.
Buddy +
Excellent advice, it's always helpful to pair up with likeminded people that share/understand what you're trying to do when 90% of others dont or try to put you down.
Often over looked however a buddy system is just the thing to get motivated starters off the ground.
Great Idea
I think this meassage is perfect for any of us looking to get going in this. Find a mentor, an accountability partner who will help you stay on track and also a downright excited big thinker that can help make you dream bigger. A lot of people out there do not dream big enough. I say go for it, play full out and get your dreams, don't accept anything else. Dont be like a dog and settle for the bones that get put in front of you, go out and get that nice juicy steak that you deserve.
I will find a buddy......
But until I do I'm just gonna network with other investors that are doing the same thing I am doing and trade ideas on what is happening.
I have a few buddys. Since I started to find more your right they are popping up every where.
Thanks Dean for everything.
The Buddy System..Thanks Dean
Great idea...Yes it does bring back childhood memories,There you go Dean you've done it again.. you are such a great influence to the WHOLE DG FAMILY and it's YOU that's taking us to the next level... with all your support and the awesome Blog,s you share every month.Thankyou Dean
thank you for bring ing this to my attention !!
thanks dean i think it is awesome when u bring up old blogs because some of us NEED this repetition of valuable information and sucess secrets brought back to life!! you inspire me with EVERY piece on information that u bring .
i know that is your passion and we r the lucky ones!! not only is it great to find a buddy that is successful to learn from and surround yourself with but think about how great it will feel to be that successful buddy to someone someday !!!!! cant wait !!
Valuable info!
Hey i'm in the New haven county, CT area looking for a buddy any one out here?
Buddy system
Great message of accountability and the buddy system. I need a buddy here in California.