Go ahead treat yourself! In this video, Gena offers up a creative analogy of how an experience she had with a perfume purchase has taught her something about enjoying all successes. Make sure to enjoy both big and small achievements, you'll feel more fulfilled and even more encouraged to hit your next success.
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Thank you Gina
Thank you Gina,
That was funny and yes I understand what your saying.
You are very up lifting for this site. Thank you!
I love the smell of success!
what a great reminder to reward ourselves when we get a deal! always something to look forward to!
Gina--You deserve it!
Yeah, I think I'd do the same if I made that big of a profit...success...ain't it sweeeeeeet!!
just love it Gena!! You
just love it Gena!! You inspire me and many others... So awesome
Cool Gina...As Dean has said look also back at how far you have come... Not just the road ahead. Great deal on the flip. How sweet it is..
How Sweet It Is
I can smell the Success
Love ya lady!
THANKS for the video Gina. We sold a lot today, cleared over $26k, my oldest asked if we are going out for a nice dinner, I guess he believes we should all be rewarded to! We did reward ourselves with buying Dean and Matt's new programs on Wed also and plan on using some of this money for a part time assistant to take care of a lot of stuff we don't get to that need to be done everyday, like letters, craigslist ads, calling for rents, for sale by owners, etc....
Great video
LOL! Loved the idea that you are reminded of your success everytime you see that bottle or smell it's perfume!
Gena that is so funny
I know what you mean, like I just went for a walk & bought myself a dinner out like $14.00 a nice meditterranian dinner, moderate but for me an expense & went for a nice walk around downtown & it felt awesome after accomplishing a lot in a day.
Gena, you are an inspiration...
Gena, you are an amazing woman.Thank you for being an inspiration to women like myself, that we too can do it!!! You have such a simple way of teaching, of inspiring and motivating. Thank you for being such an asset to help us learn and do this business
GENA I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are just a ball of fire. your so fun and motivating, always smiling and laughing it's so inspiring & encouaging....... love the analogy. my smell of success will smell like the leather of a new cadillac xts platinum when i get it in the future.... awesome thanks gena
I love this video! Thank you Gena!
Celebrate our success and more will follow!
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