Sorry, but our Slack Friday sale is officially over. Thank you to all who participated and got in on the deals! As always, we will keep everyone on our email list informed of any special promotions in the future.
Yahoo! It's Slack Friday!
In this special video, Dean announces our solution to the Black Friday and Cyber Monday craziness of a week or so ago.
Watch and see what we are doing for you now and through most of this weekend.
The discounted prices will be applied during checkout when you enter the code above! Until you enter the code you will see regular pricing, so be sure to go to checkout to see your discount!
I think it is wonderful, as usual, that you are listening to your students, your staff, and providing opportunities that everyone can take advantage of! I appreciate all you do, as do 99.9% of the wonderful people on this site.
Thank you so much for being there for us. I sure hope that I can be there for you someday too. I may as well say it now; I hope you and your family have a fantastic holiday season!
Kevin A Goldman
Foreclosure Alert
Is the 40% off just for 1 month of the subscription?
Coy Sturdivant
Slack Friday
Thank you ! Just wish I could have got Empowering Conversations and the EDGE 2010 . Hope ya'all have a Merry Christmas .
Thanks for the 48 hrs.
Really want more updated info Dean. Having similar
adversities as Carol Stinson, I'm strapped and Dad's in a 24 hr facility. Co pay is approx. 3 thou a month. I'd like to find something to work with near his home to work on to flip or lease option. And work around the Islands first before making the move to the Mainland. Hoping Dad will stabilize soon. Have to get a real job outside of my disability rating. But gotta do what I gotta do. Thank you Dean for all the resources, encouragement, and inspiration. There is no giving up here. Just set backs. I'd have to be six feet under before that happens. Thanks to Carol as well for all the great free info on twitter and facebook. Love your pages.
Keep the Faith Fellow DGers,
For every adversity, there is a seed to an equal or greater benefit. I believe that came from W Clement Stone. Combined Insurance Co. Author The Power Of OPM
to thanks for 48 hrs.
I have two children diagnosed with cancer, my marble company was robbed insurance money not enough to continue.I went through a mental deprecion mainly over the kids. and now money is so tight that i have to do adeal in the next 2months or i may be the one foreclosed I have decided to take massive amounts of action cause I can do all things through him who empowers me . and I had some very strengthening situation that opend my eyes and my heart that what do Ihave to fear but fear itself. (fear)false evidence appearing real.
Slack Friday
Thanks Dean, this was a great opportunity to expand our information library. You and your staff truly are an insperation to all of us. I look forward to doing my first assignment in the next couple of months thanks to your courses. I also look forward to going back to the real estate advanced training to rocket our new career. Thanks again for all your help
It's 40% off not 40% of the price.
thanks deano
well i just took advantage of your slack friday discounts with your empowering conversations dvds and cant wait. thanks dean, and my hope is that you always keep your motivation and drive for helping others, because even if i don't make a dime in realestate i have already became a better person through you and your blogs.keep up the good work.
Thanks Dean
If any students do not have the Edge 2010 DVDs get them now. Everything that Dean offers us is good but, I can tell you right now that the Edge DVDs for us was the best investment. You will understand how the top students make thier deals work. You will be glad you bought the Edge DVDs.
Dean has not paid me to say this I just know it works. If you will use the advise from the DVDs you will be successful.
Thanks Dean for Slack Friday. I was able to buy your book Totally Fulfilled today. Now we have all 4 of your books.
Steve and Veronica.
Thanks for always helping your students. These are awesome educational products at a great price that can help put investors on the fast track. I believe these products change lives and are the best gift that someone can get for the holidays. What better way to start out the new year. Thank you and we wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
slack firday
i look for your blog early firday morning but i did not see it i wont to let you know that i wont the discount what 40% to 60%? yes i con handle that in instolement if that ok. did you say yes? good let me know wen i start making pay ment.thank dean. an have a good day
Slacker friday SALE !
Dean and Staff, what a neat way to say you care
about your student customers....for without the
customer "Your Out of Business" I was able to
get a cool stocking stuffer....or maybe not...
anyway I thank you Dean and want to say; Have
a great Christmas and an even Brighter New Year.
One of your students, Phil L.
and I missed it
was wanting to order something as well and due to my busy work schedule I was kept away from the pc. Then I get the msg that it has ended and was still hoping I would have time til today to get things ordered before I go to work on night shift as Sundays in the only time I usually have time for much of anything before my weekend on tuesday and wednsday.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year Dean and family and all the DG family!!!
Thanks Dean
Thank you very much dean for the extension. I was very surprised when I logged in this evening before having to go to work to find out that the sale was extended and got right to ordering something that I wanted to order that was recommended from some one here on the site so once again Thanks a mill.
Slack Friday
Thank you . Just didn't have the money for more . Couldn't have gotten what I did without this . Not that it matters on my part do to funds but , lol , the academy wasn't offered . Everything to be available ? Humm . Maybe I missed the exceptions in the videos .