i am a newbie to all of this.i have read deans book and i dont know where to start.i have bad credit no money and i really want to do this! does anyone have any suggestions for me???thanks
wholesale. you don't need money to find houses that people want to buy. find the buyers, know what houses they want, find the houses, negotiate a great deal on them, get them under contract, present them to your buyers. too easy right.
I'm in the same boat as this person who has no money nad/or experience in this realm. How do you find people to "bird dog" for? Run an add in the paper? Please help! I'm completely new to this. It's my first night.
This is my first day and the aprehension is PARALYZING!! Can anyone offer any good advice?
Where do I begin finding people to "bird dog" for...the local paper??
I am in a very bad situation. I live in the heart of Murrieta, ca. I spent every ounce of money on this academy which i just joined because their is no work here and properties depreciated. I'm not too knowledgable nor do i know any people. Its pretty pitiful, having problems concentrating on top of it. I will be living with my parents in 2 weeks and they are in Oxnard, Ca. Today, I got the nerve to talk with a realtor (I need to brush up on my communication skills)after feeling like a fool because i didn't know how or why etc..she told me birddogging is referring a buyer setting up a contract and they (agents) would give you like $30-50 bucks. I almost had a heart attack. I know that is wrong..I have had nothing but bad luck here. Now that my credit is extended from me buying this..no job..I have to make it work like within 2 weeks. I am so screwed. You guys don't live in this area. It's the worst. Please please give me some guidance. I know I'm asking alot, any suggestion would be nice.
hey lisa i have had the same problems in my life what i would do lease opt. or in your sit. sandwitch lease all that means is buy it on contract and sale it on contract if you do it right you don,t need any money and you the same results as wholesaling you make money upfront ,while your holing it and then when you sale it , it great you get paid 3 ways and the best part is if you do it right it is risk free you cannot beat that
First of all, let me tell you that getting on this site was the best "First step" you could've taken!! I haven't done a single deal yet, but I used to be in the very spot you're in now!!!
First things first: YOU GOT TO GET YOUR MIND GOING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION! You won't be able to do nothing with all this vast wealth of information if you already believe you're doomed! You're mind is the key to changing your whole situation around! First, you've got to THINK that you have now joined the ranks of being a REAL ESTATE INVESTOR!!!! You have a business now and you've got to work it as such! You attract whatever it is that you need to be successful by just pondering on what you desire!!! PLEASE go to the website: www.thesecret.tv and buy a "single viewing" of the documentary called "The Secret" (it's $4.95)...then soak as much of it as you can in! Because your life is simply what you attract to it and believe me when I tell you....YOU'RE OWN MINDSET CAN KEEP YOU FROM DOING SOME PRETTY AMAZING THINGS!
Second: Call the coaches at the academy! When you read the book and the reports of people who were in your situation or worse and have prospered, it gives you a sense of hope and encouragement. You can do it! Give yourself a chance!!!
I live in Irvine area where the properties are very high. I know what you are saying. But there are deals out there. You just need to look hard. What I am doing is selling foreclosures in 25 states in which I don't live in. My partner I am working with buys bulk in 25 states. And I help sell them. These have 40%-70% equity in them. You will learn that many seasoned investors don't care where the properties are. You show them they can make money and they will buy. Email me directly at bluesummerventures@**** and I can give you more details. We can even meet if you are willing to drive to the Irvine area. We are all here to help you.
Okay I have read alot of information on this forum about bird-dogging and I am currently reading BARM, I am just so confused b/c I just don't understand where to start. You mentioned interviewing investors to start bird-dogging for...How do you go about doing that. I also read about posting an ad on CL to gain investors to add to your investor's list....I guess I am just not getting it. I need to get started like yesterday......I just don't know what to do first. I have no money and I really need to earn money to clean up my credit and just to live. Please give me some guidance.
Thank you Lisa, I really appreciate your response. I know I am paralized with fear and once I make the first step it will all fall in to place. Everything that I have read over the years while pop inside of me. I am so grateful for the entire site it is so full of people willing to share their knowledge. I will keep you posted.
Do you have a journal on the site, I will love to keep up with your flow.
Well Lisa you are so right. Today is day one I am continuing my reading in BARM and studying on the forum. I am also going to collect numbers from the "We Buy Houses" signs and other bandit signs I see posted on the streets. I am a home health nurse so I am all over the city and see plenty of signs along with FSBO and Owner Fiance signs.
I will start calling to develope my Assign list. Now is this list going to be the same as my Wholesale list?
I am not afraid to get the property under contract or nego the best deal. I believe that is on the job training to promote me into REI.
Thank you for your encouraging words. You are truly awesome.
Yes you answered my questions clearly. Thank you for your input and support. I am extremly overwhelmed and starting seems to get harder and harder but I am working on following up on the local bandit signs that I have seen in my area.
Thanks Lisa..I have been all over this place and no signs what so ever..I'll start looking in newspaper ads.
I don't know where your from, but looks like a different ball game over here.
I'll go furhter out.
Again, thankyou
Hi Lisa, I am new to Real estate investing and just ordered Dean's books a couple days ago. I don't have money or credit to work with but after reading your posts I think I would like to try wholesaling. From what I understood its practically the same amount of work as bird dogging but potential for greater profit. Am I correct? if not please get me on track. I am really nervous about getting started since I'm kinda young and taking this on alone but VERY motivated to make profit and be a success story. I lost my job in a metal shop so now Ill have a lot of time to put toward my goals although there is no money coming in currently. Is wholesaling something I would be able to do as brand new to this? Let me know my best options and if you need to know more information. I was just looking at these posts and like the idea.
I'm new and in the same situtation with no credit and no money. I found a good realtor but the problem is that she specializes in foreclosures for her firm and they all require proof of funds. Her attitude is that of putting in a low ball bid so that part is ok but not the rest. Thanks for the suggestions on getting started. I found business cards at Visual Business cards I think the program was $19.95 and it has worked good for me.
This place is GREAT PLACE , further motivation to add to our own.. 2 part question, didn't want to take up to much space.
1st. Just getting started, but having a hard time finding buyers and Realtor to work with us. We are both unemployed so money FAST is very crucial as we have 2 toddler kids, and obviously bills.
2nd. Good idea or no to work with people listing house swaps on Craigs List? I had what I thought to be a killer idea, but 'unsure' of which form to use. At this point just want to take one house, and SELL to another person. Don't want to hold on to anything just yet, but soon hopefully..
Appreciate everyone's time - haven't had any luck with responses on forum yet
I am reading the books for the second time to grasp all I can. So far I am very happy with all I have read. I am so excited to get started I have been driving around and found several propertys. A few houses and a few apartment buildings.I have been going thru a lot of the groups and reading a bunch of the questions and comments trying to learn as much info as I can. I have a few questions that I hope you guys can help with.
1) I am intrested in apartment buildngs. When I find one what is the best way to tell how much it is worth? I know I need to get it appraised for the loan but at first glance who to know if I am getting a good deal.
2) Does the assessed value from the tax office have anything to do with the value?
3) When it is a bank owned building should I get a realtor to help me with the purchase?
Thanks so much these groups have helped alot. I look forward to any help.
Also I live in New Hampshire if there is anyone who wants to talk or work together and help each other out that would be great.
So you have no job, you have nothing for income, and you are going to loose the place you live in now. Here is my idea, find a freind you can live with for a shor amount of time. Spend all that free time at the courthouse looking for properties that would be a quick sale. Whether you bird dog them or find investors willing to pay 10,20, or 30% above the price you find them for doesn't matter. Spend your time wisely and stop worring about what may happen if you don't do anything. MOVE MAN MOVE!! You are not different than anyone else. All you have to do is convince yourself that you are not. Don't wait for something to happen for you, make it happen for you. All these people can say to you is no, then just move onto the next person and see what he/she says. DO NOT STEP ON ANYONE!!! Just keep on trying and make yourself a life that you are looking for. Good luck my freind, and may all your deals be good ones!!!!!!!!
Hi Lisa... First of all your posts are awesome! I appreciate your wisdom so much.
I am new to the DG family and to real estate investing.
My question has to do with foreclosures that are already listed with an agent. I found a long list of foreclosures in my area by looking online and in the newspaper... but it occurred to me that my potential buyers are probably looking in those same places. So what will make my deals stand out to them?
Can the listed foreclosures be profitable, even as a wholesaler?
I have found a real estate agent/investor who is willing to work with me. The problem with it is that he told me that some laws have changed I think in 2008, that state that it is illegal to assign contracts. Is this true? And if so, what in the world do we do now. I dont want to go to jail for trying to make money!
cira 1986...I found a wooded, recreational type property(w/ legal & e-z access)for sale for 12K, it was 80 acres, lucky for me I had some cash so I bought it, I fully intended to use it to camp/fish/hunt from a base camp on my vacations. I was from "The Big City" & had always wanted a piece of land within a days driving distance to camp-out on, ya-know, out in the woods. Well when I got back home & showed the video tape I had made while there, to some friends, to my amazement they almost demanded to know where they could get some awesome land to camp-out on too. When they heard I could have bought it on a land contract with the owner for $200 a month(+ interest of course)they were all over it. I ended up giving $1,500 to the county to cut that property in 2 parcel's....then & traded 40 acres to 1 friend who had bought a show truck around 5 yrs. or so after someone spent 50K to build it...he was "Tired of it" he said. The other 40 acre's was sold to a buddy who wouldn't stop bugging me about it for 6 months, for a nice profit of $20,000 more!!! I sold it to him on a simple land contract from me to him @ $350.00 a month w/ a nice down payment to boot. I know it might sound crazy but it's what happened....do you think I will use this tecnique again, well I haven't tried it again(""YET!"")but I sure hope it inspires someone else that it's ok.....in fact almost to ez to think outside the box if you let go of your fears, don't let anything be impossable to your thought process as you try to cook up new deals!!! I realize this was most likley just a fluke the way it turned out, but the feeling I got from knowing I could probally put together another deal w/those elements in it to make money, maybe even aquire a 20 acre piece of prop. ....off a larger 1 I had sold to someone else was amazing to me....it's almost like free land for putting together a deal for other folk's! Make sure "Everyone wins" is the key .
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Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
bad credit, no money, no problem
wholesale. you don't need money to find houses that people want to buy. find the buyers, know what houses they want, find the houses, negotiate a great deal on them, get them under contract, present them to your buyers. too easy right.
I'm in the same boat as this person who has no money nad/or experience in this realm. How do you find people to "bird dog" for? Run an add in the paper? Please help! I'm completely new to this. It's my first night.
HELP! I'm Completely New.
This is my first day and the aprehension is PARALYZING!! Can anyone offer any good advice?
Where do I begin finding people to "bird dog" for...the local paper??
I am in a very bad situation. I live in the heart of Murrieta, ca. I spent every ounce of money on this academy which i just joined because their is no work here and properties depreciated. I'm not too knowledgable nor do i know any people. Its pretty pitiful, having problems concentrating on top of it. I will be living with my parents in 2 weeks and they are in Oxnard, Ca. Today, I got the nerve to talk with a realtor (I need to brush up on my communication skills)after feeling like a fool because i didn't know how or why etc..she told me birddogging is referring a buyer setting up a contract and they (agents) would give you like $30-50 bucks. I almost had a heart attack. I know that is wrong..I have had nothing but bad luck here. Now that my credit is extended from me buying this..no job..I have to make it work like within 2 weeks. I am so screwed. You guys don't live in this area. It's the worst. Please please give me some guidance. I know I'm asking alot, any suggestion would be nice.
no money or credit
hey lisa i have had the same problems in my life what i would do lease opt. or in your sit. sandwitch lease all that means is buy it on contract and sale it on contract if you do it right you don,t need any money and you the same results as wholesaling you make money upfront ,while your holing it and then when you sale it , it great you get paid 3 ways and the best part is if you do it right it is risk free you cannot beat that
Hi Sandra;
First of all, let me tell you that getting on this site was the best "First step" you could've taken!! I haven't done a single deal yet, but I used to be in the very spot you're in now!!!
First things first: YOU GOT TO GET YOUR MIND GOING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION! You won't be able to do nothing with all this vast wealth of information if you already believe you're doomed! You're mind is the key to changing your whole situation around! First, you've got to THINK that you have now joined the ranks of being a REAL ESTATE INVESTOR!!!! You have a business now and you've got to work it as such! You attract whatever it is that you need to be successful by just pondering on what you desire!!! PLEASE go to the website: www.thesecret.tv and buy a "single viewing" of the documentary called "The Secret" (it's $4.95)...then soak as much of it as you can in! Because your life is simply what you attract to it and believe me when I tell you....YOU'RE OWN MINDSET CAN KEEP YOU FROM DOING SOME PRETTY AMAZING THINGS!
Second: Call the coaches at the academy! When you read the book and the reports of people who were in your situation or worse and have prospered, it gives you a sense of hope and encouragement. You can do it! Give yourself a chance!!!
Deals don't have to be where you live
I live in Irvine area where the properties are very high. I know what you are saying. But there are deals out there. You just need to look hard. What I am doing is selling foreclosures in 25 states in which I don't live in. My partner I am working with buys bulk in 25 states. And I help sell them. These have 40%-70% equity in them. You will learn that many seasoned investors don't care where the properties are. You show them they can make money and they will buy. Email me directly at bluesummerventures@**** and I can give you more details. We can even meet if you are willing to drive to the Irvine area. We are all here to help you.
Hey Lisa questions regarding bird dogging
Okay I have read alot of information on this forum about bird-dogging and I am currently reading BARM, I am just so confused b/c I just don't understand where to start. You mentioned interviewing investors to start bird-dogging for...How do you go about doing that. I also read about posting an ad on CL to gain investors to add to your investor's list....I guess I am just not getting it. I need to get started like yesterday......I just don't know what to do first. I have no money and I really need to earn money to clean up my credit and just to live. Please give me some guidance.
Starting by Lisa
Thank you Lisa, I really appreciate your response. I know I am paralized with fear and once I make the first step it will all fall in to place. Everything that I have read over the years while pop inside of me. I am so grateful for the entire site it is so full of people willing to share their knowledge. I will keep you posted.
Do you have a journal on the site, I will love to keep up with your flow.
Fear vs Common Sense
Well Lisa you are so right. Today is day one I am continuing my reading in BARM and studying on the forum. I am also going to collect numbers from the "We Buy Houses" signs and other bandit signs I see posted on the streets. I am a home health nurse so I am all over the city and see plenty of signs along with FSBO and Owner Fiance signs.
I will start calling to develope my Assign list. Now is this list going to be the same as my Wholesale list?
I am not afraid to get the property under contract or nego the best deal. I believe that is on the job training to promote me into REI.
Thank you for your encouraging words. You are truly awesome.
List questions clear
Yes you answered my questions clearly. Thank you for your input and support. I am extremly overwhelmed and starting seems to get harder and harder but I am working on following up on the local bandit signs that I have seen in my area.
Once again thanks.
Thanks Lisa..I have been all over this place and no signs what so ever..I'll start looking in newspaper ads.
I don't know where your from, but looks like a different ball game over here.
I'll go furhter out.
Again, thankyou
Proof of Funds letter
How do I go about getting a proof of funds letter for an REO deal?
Hi Lisa, I am new to Real estate investing and just ordered Dean's books a couple days ago. I don't have money or credit to work with but after reading your posts I think I would like to try wholesaling. From what I understood its practically the same amount of work as bird dogging but potential for greater profit. Am I correct? if not please get me on track. I am really nervous about getting started since I'm kinda young and taking this on alone but VERY motivated to make profit and be a success story. I lost my job in a metal shop so now Ill have a lot of time to put toward my goals although there is no money coming in currently. Is wholesaling something I would be able to do as brand new to this? Let me know my best options and if you need to know more information. I was just looking at these posts and like the idea.
Thank you!!!
New Also
I'm new and in the same situtation with no credit and no money. I found a good realtor but the problem is that she specializes in foreclosures for her firm and they all require proof of funds. Her attitude is that of putting in a low ball bid so that part is ok but not the rest. Thanks for the suggestions on getting started. I found business cards at Visual Business cards I think the program was $19.95 and it has worked good for me.
Hey All,
This place is GREAT PLACE
, further motivation to add to our own.. 2 part question, didn't want to take up to much space.
1st. Just getting started, but having a hard time finding buyers and Realtor to work with us. We are both unemployed so money FAST is very crucial as we have 2 toddler kids, and obviously bills.
2nd. Good idea or no to work with people listing house swaps on Craigs List? I had what I thought to be a killer idea, but 'unsure' of which form to use. At this point just want to take one house, and SELL to another person. Don't want to hold on to anything just yet, but soon hopefully..
Appreciate everyone's time - haven't had any luck with responses on forum yet
New to GD
I am reading the books for the second time to grasp all I can. So far I am very happy with all I have read. I am so excited to get started I have been driving around and found several propertys. A few houses and a few apartment buildings.I have been going thru a lot of the groups and reading a bunch of the questions and comments trying to learn as much info as I can. I have a few questions that I hope you guys can help with.
1) I am intrested in apartment buildngs. When I find one what is the best way to tell how much it is worth? I know I need to get it appraised for the loan but at first glance who to know if I am getting a good deal.
2) Does the assessed value from the tax office have anything to do with the value?
3) When it is a bank owned building should I get a realtor to help me with the purchase?
Thanks so much these groups have helped alot. I look forward to any help.
Also I live in New Hampshire if there is anyone who wants to talk or work together and help each other out that would be great.
Really making money!!
So you have no job, you have nothing for income, and you are going to loose the place you live in now. Here is my idea, find a freind you can live with for a shor amount of time. Spend all that free time at the courthouse looking for properties that would be a quick sale. Whether you bird dog them or find investors willing to pay 10,20, or 30% above the price you find them for doesn't matter. Spend your time wisely and stop worring about what may happen if you don't do anything. MOVE MAN MOVE!! You are not different than anyone else. All you have to do is convince yourself that you are not. Don't wait for something to happen for you, make it happen for you. All these people can say to you is no, then just move onto the next person and see what he/she says. DO NOT STEP ON ANYONE!!! Just keep on trying and make yourself a life that you are looking for. Good luck my freind, and may all your deals be good ones!!!!!!!!
Foreclosures already listed
Hi Lisa... First of all your posts are awesome! I appreciate your wisdom so much.
I am new to the DG family and to real estate investing.
My question has to do with foreclosures that are already listed with an agent. I found a long list of foreclosures in my area by looking online and in the newspaper... but it occurred to me that my potential buyers are probably looking in those same places. So what will make my deals stand out to them?
Can the listed foreclosures be profitable, even as a wholesaler?
I have found a real estate agent/investor who is willing to work with me. The problem with it is that he told me that some laws have changed I think in 2008, that state that it is illegal to assign contracts. Is this true? And if so, what in the world do we do now. I dont want to go to jail for trying to make money!
maybe you can do a deal like this 1
cira 1986...I found a wooded, recreational type property(w/ legal & e-z access)for sale for 12K, it was 80 acres, lucky for me I had some cash so I bought it, I fully intended to use it to camp/fish/hunt from a base camp on my vacations. I was from "The Big City" & had always wanted a piece of land within a days driving distance to camp-out on, ya-know, out in the woods. Well when I got back home & showed the video tape I had made while there, to some friends, to my amazement they almost demanded to know where they could get some awesome land to camp-out on too. When they heard I could have bought it on a land contract with the owner for $200 a month(+ interest of course)they were all over it. I ended up giving $1,500 to the county to cut that property in 2 parcel's....then & traded 40 acres to 1 friend who had bought a show truck around 5 yrs. or so after someone spent 50K to build it...he was "Tired of it" he said. The other 40 acre's was sold to a buddy who wouldn't stop bugging me about it for 6 months, for a nice profit of $20,000 more!!! I sold it to him on a simple land contract from me to him @ $350.00 a month w/ a nice down payment to boot. I know it might sound crazy but it's what happened....do you think I will use this tecnique again, well I haven't tried it again(""YET!"")but I sure hope it inspires someone else that it's ok.....in fact almost to ez to think outside the box if you let go of your fears, don't let anything be impossable to your thought process as you try to cook up new deals!!! I realize this was most likley just a fluke the way it turned out, but the feeling I got from knowing I could probally put together another deal w/those elements in it to make money, maybe even aquire a 20 acre piece of prop. ....off a larger 1 I had sold to someone else was amazing to me....it's almost like free land for putting together a deal for other folk's! Make sure "Everyone wins" is the key .
try **** , its free and should help you find/network with re buyers good luck