I am 19 years old, motivated to start a real estate investing career to give myself and future family the life I was not able to live. My family life has never been much to talk about, I have pretty much raised myself and grew up with very little so although I am really nervous about taking on such a huge endeavor alone I know I can do it. I recently had to drop out of college for awhile because I could not afford it after losing my job at the metal shop where I worked 60-70 hours a week! just to pay my own way through school. I guess that is good because I can devote all my time toward making my dream happen but also the downside is not having any money right now and no credit at all yet. Many of the people I know, including some good friends are very negative toward the dreams I have in Real estate investing and tell me I'm crazy or just down right stupid for thinking this way so I'm basically on my own here trying to stay focused. I live outside Cincinnati Ohio currently and just ordered Dean's books. I will appreciate all the advice I get from anyone here, It won't go unnoticed! Thank you all for the support. I sure could use all the help I can get! haha. I hope I to can be one of Dean's success stories and become "job optional" in my sometime in my 20's following the path of Dean and Mr. Matt Larson, as well as the rest of my idols I look up to on this site :)I learn a lot just by reading each and every one of your posts.
Hi Kyle!
Wow. Sounds like you've already accomplished a lot in your life! You keep up that determination and don't let anyone steal your dream! You can be the next Matt Larson and have your froends asking you in just a few short years "HOW DID YOU DO THAT????"
Stick around the DG site, learn all you can, and then put it to work for you. You deserve it!!
God bless,