A Seller Countered My Offer

Finally, I'm getting some feed back, A seller countered my offer and I'm still am working on how all of this plays out. I spoke with my coaches and got some valuable advice.

I got my agent to get me the FMV, I subtracted the repairs, all other costs, not to mention my profit and I am coming up with my MOA. Of course, leaving some skin on the bone.

I am confident that something will prevail here soon. Today I've put out five to eight offers out in different areas where my cash buyers are investing in, hoping to hear from my agent later today if there's been any accepted.

Signing out,


kareng's picture

How exciting for you! It is always fun when the seller at least acknowledges your offer! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Good girl on working your numbers! Very smart to remember to leave "some meat on the bone"! Eye-wink


GEE! Thanks

Kareng, Did I say "leaving skin on the bone?" lol..) I meant leaving "some meat on the bone" LOL..) again. I'm trying, I'm making offers daily, working my Bandit Signs, utilizing my Ghosts Ads, Word of Mouth, Business Cards, not to mention going to my MNREIA networking with other investors, and keeping the Faith. Sooner or later something will prevail. Again, Thanks Kareng.

Signing Out,


kareng's picture

I am finding my very best deals driving the neighborhoods. I know we have all heard it over and over, but it is TRUE! (Why do we women have such hard heads some times?)

So many investors are sitting behind their computers and moaning but I have been finding props in distressed neighborhoods that are boarded up, owned free and clear but the owners don't have money to fix them up.

I was one of the true believers that it couldn't be done here in CA, but it can! I am finding them now. And when you find one, it is such a HIGH!!!

Just don't quit, no matter what! It took me 18 months to get my first deal but then something happens and it starts working!


I Want That Same HIGH! Feeling

I have come across a few properties driving around, however, I was riding with other naysayers. Me, myself, am not mobile at this time. To make a long story short. Identy theft is keeping me from obtaining my DL's. I'm working on obtaining my Drivers License though.

I've never had a DL in my life as of yet. I'm working on them. I have to clear my name first. A family member stole my wallet,and used my name. you gotta love em...)huh? I found an Estate riding around. That story is in my blog. You gotta read it!!!

It's been four months now and no deal yet. I regain my momentum with those Monday Weekly Wisdom's that Dean produces. Oh! but when I do EVERYONE will, See, Feel, Taste, and Smell my HIGH just like yours Kareng...) lol. keep on keepin on...)

Signing Out,