LATE start, or What ?

About 2yrs ago, I "channel surfed" onto one of Dean's
shows,got ramped up,ordered "Profit...NOW!", read a few
pages, put it away. A few months later, more "red eye"
TV, Dean AGAIN, a NEW book, COOL! I'll take it. Read a bit of it, then put it SAFELY away with the first one. Well, now I have "30DAYS to..CASH" and I am resolved to TAKE ACTION !! My 1st action is THIS BLOG and a commitment to post frequently during the next 30 days
as I work through the book and complete my first deal. I know that the DG family will encourage me and help "keep my feet to the fire" as I make this commitment. HOOYA!! Thanks to all.


kareng's picture

You know the saying, "Better late than never!"

The time has to be right for YOU! And evidently that time is NOW! Just make up your mind that you will do it and do not stop no matter how long it takes or how frustrating it may get!''

One step at a time.


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