12/08/11 update

So far got one buyer out of the 41 letters I sent out. They are looking for SFHs & duplexes for $40k or less, cash on hand. It's a couple and each one has their own business and don't have time to look for deals themselves. Sounds quite promising.

Sent a letter to my former landlord as he has his own construction company that he uses to rehab old Victorian style houses and sell for a profit.

Video conferenced with another dg member last night for about 2 1/2 hrs. Lots of info exchanged, was very productive. Breathed some new life into my re pursuits.

Can't do any calls today as they're working on the roof and it reverbs throughout the whole apt.

Doing some more internet research, implementing some ideas from that call last night.

That's it for now.

Hi Mark

AndyS's picture

Just remember to keep yourself moving forward. The pace isn't as important and the direction.

I was surprised myself when I saw we were talking for over 2 1/2 hours. I think we got a lot accomplished. Smiling

Just remember, I'm here for support if you need it Laughing out loud

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS