Starting out in real estate investing

Everyone doubts their self to some degree. When starting a venture like real estate it is no diffrent! My name is Matthew Schneider I am starting this blog to track my progress that in hopes, I may look back on and feel good about what I have accomplished as a person, and for my family. I started a little over a year ago and I am just now taking action! Due to some degree of lazyness on my part and a lack of education. I have currently found a partner to start taking action with. Suprisingly I grew up with this person and sence then has become like a brother to me. We started out brain storming on the phone. Because we live 2 hours apart ( untill I took action and got serious) it was hard to put something together. Today aug 25 2012 was our first task finding a realtor. My partner drove 2 hours for us to meet with a REA. The lady we met with was discourging to say the least. But we got a call from someone that was refered to us by my partners friend ( a REA broker that he had a good repore with, that worked an hour either way from where we were investing!) That was in his area. The REA was right on track from what we have been taught. All tho we have just talked to her one the phone once, she called us well after business hours ( right when I started to doubt the whole thing) she was positive and willing to help us make money. witch will make her money. We will see how it goes but it is no doubt that with out my partner, and me taking action on my part this tiny step would have never been possibale. Ps happy bday WFJ


kareng's picture

I am glad that you have decided to get serious.

You are so very right when you say that everyone doubts themselves! No matter how much they try to act all cool, we all have doubts. The important thing is "Do you let those doubts control you, or do you control the doubts?" Good question, hunh?

Having a friend in this endeavor is extremely important! When you are down, he will encourage you and you must do the same for him. Make lists of what each of you will do each week. It will force you to do it because you don't want to be the one to let your friend down or he, you.

It will not be easy. Know that ahead of time. But if you make the decision that you WILL DO IT no matter how tough it gets because you are tougher, it will happen.

It took me a year and a half to get my first deal but now it is getting easier and easier. The only way that I didn't quit is because of the friendships I developed here and because I had no choice but to make it happen. I refused to quit!!! Yeah, I got frustrated and overwhelmed. VERY! But I would take a couple of days to let my brain clear and was back.

I am so glad I did! On your bio, you said your wife and baby are your reason. Always keep that in your mind. For them, you can be Superman!

I believe in you!



Madmatt's picture

Thank you so much for your kind words of insperation. We will make a list of things to do. Great idea! I just emailed the REA the 25:1, when she emails us the listings we will begin making offers, and are too motivated to make money. FOR ALL THE PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY CAN'T.... my partner and I do everythink together ( you maybe asking yourself how because we live so far away) we 3way on the on things like talking and interviewing REAs. Anything is possiable if you just put your mind to it! I believe that there are 2 kinds of dreamers. 1 the dreamer who dreams of all the welth and happiness they can have by doing something like this. But are too afraid or un motivated enough to take action. And 2 the kind of dreamer who dreams of the welth and happiness and have to at all costs get their dream. I am number 2 now and I hope other people see their dream and want it so bad that they can't stop going after it! Hope prosperity and happiness to all
