Wheh....finally did my 7 Levels Deep exercise. Took me 4 weeks to do a 10 minute exercise. Glad I did it so I know I did and what my whys are.
Also did my bio today and next is doing my buyers script.
Already have my 250 free biz cards from vistaprints.com, my 50 bandit signs and magnum markers, DBA--doing business as. Named it after nephew that committed suicide. Part of my why is making sure his daughter is taken care of..
Nice to meet everyone, Louis
Tasks completed....wheh!
September 25th, 2012 | posted by Louis3733
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Sweet....more scripts done
Just finished typing my buyers and sellers scripts. Wheh. Next is my REO banked owned script from Joe Jurek.
Day 1 "30 Days to Real Esate Cash"
Well here I am. Looked up Real Esate Investor Groups in my area and within an hours drive. Going to one Wednesday and Thursday and am starting my book. It's time to quit planning and thinking about it. Here we go..minimum 2 hours.
Way to go!
Enjoy your meetings!
Thanks karen, I really appreciate it. The Thursday meeting was tough to go to because I went on a night I go to AA and my sponsor gave me some guff. But I felt it had to be done and needed to pay my dues. Anyways, we brought back to life a group that had dwindled to no meetings. Was so woth it. Great group! My new homies;-)
My first Real Estate Investors mtgs
I saw Dean's infomercial in my area about 6 months ago in late March of 2012 over and over again and chose his free a day seminar over another competitor because Dean's been teaching longer by decades. Anyway's at the seminar as soon as they said I could do this without my own money and no credit and would even provide 100% funding an sensible deals, I left my seat, drove an hour away and pulled out $2k for their 3 day training that was in the next state and immediately signed up. I committed to going through all the material and finally did so about 3 weeks ago and got my 250 free biz cards at vistaprints.com, my 50 bandit signs, 2 car sign magnets, and a dba.
Well, I printed out all the Real Esate Investor clubs within a hour or 100 mile radius, verified who existed still and who didn't and after all my scripts were done, I finally went to one Wednesday. I was so scared and was uncomfortable and felt talked down to, but I did get the groups leaders number and another one who participated much so there's my first 2 buyer. Didn't like ot to much but I didn't do what I was taught to do which was ask everyone I could. So the next night, there was a different group that had died down to nil, but there were nine people there and before I went, I pracriced my script and ended up with at least 5 other buyers and still have to fllow up and did a bird dog between a agent and buyer that hopefully will go through for a property of 60 units for 1.4 mil that was worth 4.4 at one time. Anywho, at the 2nd real estate club meeting sitting next to me was a guy that was personally trained by Matt Lawson, my hero! How awesome is that. This is only one technique and only 2 meetings.....there are more. I've already talked with Matt's former student and we are meeting next week to talk about partnering up. I'm currently working on buyers, buyers, buyers and will be planting 25 bandit signs tonight-Friday night specifically tailored to buyers as instructed per Jen and Dean on the live cast. Still have to listen to the 2nd half of it. Am moving, working out, car needs this and that, new pad needs this and that, but as my friend of DG and the DG Study Group say, life happens. Stick to the basics. Buyers buyers sellers sellers the rst fixes itself, I'll by that. Just wanted to share some new feelings I didn't have before I did what I was scared to death of doing. GOOD STUFF, Louis