a good day

Today I spent time sending emails to my real estate agent, got some of my bird dogs fired up, and watched some of the edge 2013.Seems like if I just spread the word, the business just spreads man this is becoming easy. But I'm finding out there is a lot to learn and education is the key.

education.... and action

Valuni's picture

you are right; education is key, and there is so much of it available through any of DG's sites, books, trainings, etc. but we also need to take action; otherwise, we keep the knowledge to ourselves, and don't let the seed grow into a tree.

wishing you success,

new business cards

well, I was listening to Joe the other day. As I was listening I realized that I needed new business cards. I have previously bought some before they had my name, my email address and my phone number. As I listen to Joe, he said that it's much easier to keep track of things if you can separate them and suggested that you should have a separate phone number and email address for your business. He said that email addresses were free and suggested Google voice, which is also free for a phone number. I will try that however, I have to reprint my business cards and my signs that I spent like $100 on. I've already handed out like 30 business cards of the last 2 weeks, which isn't a lot. I don't like to waste the hundred dollars I spent. But I figure it will be easier and I would rather corrected now before I've handed out any more business cards. Better to lose 100 than thousands or hundreds of thousands.